I’ve Stolen a Demon Steed

Forget carriage travel, demon steed was the best! Arlo held on to its back for dear life as it sped across the land. Lucky for him it followed the road easily because Arlo had absolutely no say in the matter. Forget stopping, not that Arlo cared he would get off when the steed stopped. They should have no chance of catching him now.

The best means of transport was giving Arlo a very sore rear. But hey when in demon country do as demons do. Arlo was free again, and he'd take a sore rear any day.

They passed bridges and out of the forest onto a grassy plain. Normal enough minus the grass being different shades of red. This whole country was mostly red, black, and purple. He had a new goal in his heart, get to the human lands, one there he'd have to do something about his eye colors, what was its blue, something or gold were the human eye colors. Blue sounded nice enough, definitely beat having green and being hunted.

What if they had a DNA test though. His status board clearly stated demon even if Arlo didn't feel like a demon. Once again it came back to needing information. Not to mention he still needed to find a class and level up. Ooh there was an idea, level up enough to avoid all lesser demons, or no wait that might just attract higher ranking demons. Bad idea. Human land, definitely had to be human land.

Arlo was just about to debate jumping down from the demon steed when a city appeared in the distance. It was starting to get dark out, but he couldn't gather information without sources. That and maybe demon horse here would finally stop at the city. He didn't really feel like falling given that it was twice as big as a normal horse.

Well he doubted it could end worse than previously. Although he also mentally slapped himself since every time he thought it couldn't get worse before, it did.

Before he finished thinking it over they arrived at the gate. This steed really was something running at 60 miles per hour maybe even faster, it was hard to tell when you were hanging on for dear life. It was dark enough out that Arlo doubted he'd need the sunglasses until morning.

"State your business." Called a guard by the gate. Shoot! Thought Arlo, he hadn't come up with any type of story.

"I am looking to sell goods." He replied.

"Oh" the guard looked interested, "What are you selling without a cart?"

Arlo had nothing so he decided to sell his only current thing. "This demon horse." He replied. He pulled down the edge of his shirt showing his makeshift crest. "My owner wishes to upgrade." He held his breath hoping that would be good enough.

To his surprise the guard scribbled down on some papers the raised a hand and the gate rose up.

"You may proceed. Alkaya auction house is set to sell tomorrow if you wish to enter it there."

Arlo bowed slightly as he slid off the steed and grabbed its reins leading it forward instead of going on another massive sprint. It was surprisingly well behaved if he knew how to better control it he would have seriously considered keeping it. Even now he was thinking of hiding it in a back alley as an escape plan.

He decided against it though, the city was surrounded by walls and guards. They were bound to stop a full speed runaway on a demon steed.

"Sorry buddy" he patted the steed, "Looks like our paths split here. I really hope your next home is great." He also mentally thought, and that you bring me some capital and an idea of how pricing in this country works.

He couldn't read any of the demon writing but at least he understood the spoken words.

"Pardon me, but might I ask if you know where Alkaya auction house is?" he politely asked a slightly friendlier looking demon. He pointed in the distance and Arlo thanked him. He led the steed that way. As long as he had his makeshift crest everyone seemed to treat him as though he was someone else's servant, which worked out well for him.

The auction house was huge. He entered though the back with the steed to find a staff worker. He winced in pain seeing a few young boys without crests in cages. Demons were totally slave traders. He looked away, he had to make it look like nothing here bothered him. He was simply on an assignment from his owner.

A tall burly demon with actual horns came over. Arlo stood up straighter as his eyes found him.

"Selling the steed?"

"Yes sir."

"Price limit and family?"

"No price limit." Shoot Arlo thought, what the heck does he mean by family. "No family." He replied.

"No family?" asked the man coming over. He gripped Arlo's shirt dragging him forward. He pulled his shirt down, what kind of family crest is this? He growled looking at what Arlo hoped resembled letters or images, or whatever a proper crest should look like.

"It's not even…." His voice trailed off as his fingers smudged the charcoal. "Ohh a freebee!" he shouted looking at Arlo like a piece of meat. He was standing really close to him. "And you've even got some lovely green eyes to go with it."

So much for his freedom. Arlo was crestless still, but now he was in a cage just like the other young lads. His steed was auction material and now, so was he.

Maybe he should have just taken his chances with the forest. A good monster wasn't a great one right?

He leaned back against the bars. One step at a time, maybe if nothing else this auction would grant him a chance to learn more about this country.

He decided to try talking to the lads near him, but the door at the end of the hall burst open and a silver haired man walked in. He paused talking to the auction keeper.

"Tell me good sir, what is a fine decent demon like yourself doing here?" asked the auction keep.

"My manger father asked for a new servant for our cleaning squad." He replied. Arlo froze realizing why he looked familiar. It was the same demon who had decapitated the weird worm.

"Please sir Whitewolf choose me, I am strong!" shouted one of the youths. The man turned inspecting the cage full of kids.

He also eyed Arlo for a second then murmured, "hmm green eyes. You could easily be a waiter or butler for us." Arlo shielded away toward the back of the cage terrified. The silver haired man's eyes perked with interest.

"Apologies but the green eyed one is only for auction, no pre-buy." Stated the brat who stuck Arlo in a cage.

"Hmm I might hang around for a few." He replied he then also pointed at the youth who had shouted about being strong "I'll take him 100Yee"

"Done!" stated the keeper looking happy. He unhooked the gate and pulled out the lad. He passed his hand to the silver haired man. There is a claiming room there if you'd like privacy. He motioned toward a door, and the silver haired man dragged the youth with him.

Interesting seemed like claiming was usually done in private. His first case must have been an outlier. About 10 minutes later the two reappeared. The youth was sporting a crest similar to the one Arlo had tried to draw.

Another man came into the room shouting "I heard you found someone with green eyes, I simply must have him for my collection!"

Collection! Thought Arlo, oh no, not happening, that sounded terrifying. He'd probably stuff him up on a wall or just take his eyes.

"Move human lover." He growled pushing the silver haired man away.

The silver haired man pushed him back "Mind your manner we are both decent demons after all."

The new man scoffed, "Hardly you are a demon lord, I am a decent demon." For some reason he said that phrase like it was scum. Arlo though demon lord sounded cooler than decent demon.

The two demons glared at each other until the keeper of the auction broke them up.

"If you want to green eyes you will have to bid like everyone else." He replied coldly. He led the two demons away and Arlo shivered. Seems green eyes were even more of a curse than he originally thought.

A loud speaker crackled to life in the next area…."Now presenting today's possible items!" it shouted. More demons appeared and started wheeling the cages and cases toward the stage. Arlo watched angrily as one grabbed his cages cart and another grabbed and led the demon steed forward.