My Stolen Demon Steed is Stolen

Arlo was ticked not because something had gone wrong for him but for the poor demon steed that had been dragged into his mess. He was hoping to find it a great new owner not just some random demon. Didn't auctions have limits to things. He hadn't even been allowed that.

He felt a slight prick on his back and spun around. The person who had grabbed his cart looked at him then looked away. Don't just randomly pinch people he felt like growling.

The announcer was spitting out rules and regulations on how the auction would work. First up in fact would be the demon steed. Guess that made sense, otherwise someone would have to hold it the entire time.

Arlo resigned himself to his fate. It seemed whoever had the weirdest collection hobby would end up with him. Which probably meant the weird dude from earlier would buy him. At least he hoped he would be reincarnated to a better place this time around.

"Going once!"

"Going twice!"

"Sold to the red haired sir!"

Arlo watched as his stolen demon steed was walked off to its new owner. His great escape was now useless as was his escape mode of transport.

Seems demons have little to no property laws except for who is the strongest.

"Next we have a wonderful blade forged for the assassin class!" a small blue blade was rolled out up on a pillow. The bidding commenced.

Assassin class huh thought Arlo with a smile. The equivalent of the ninja class or the thief, he smiled. This could present a nice opportunity. Either way the ability to assassinate other demons for his potential freedom was too good of an opportunity to miss out on.

"System" he practically whispered "Set main class to assassin."

[Main class: Assassin now set cannot be changed without a stone of restarts]

[New skill: Stealth level 1]

[New skill: Dagger level 1]

Arlo smiled as he thought of the small blade in his shadow. This might turn out more useful than he originally thought. Next move kill the creepy collector before he kills me!

Waiting to be bought. Or rather waiting to be sold? Which was Arlo even waiting for, both really, did it even matter? His head felt fuzzy. He watched item after item go. The auction took a short intermission then sold off the youths that it still had. He was a bit surprised he wasn't sold with them.

Wasn't he also supposed to be a servant type or something. Or why bother selling immediately if the keepers wanted to keep the collector here for the entire auction. Arlo was just the bait. The collector demon had already bought 3 other items.

Indeed as the auction started to slow down he still remained with just a few items left. Some sort of golden sword to his right and a dark orb to his left. A few minutes later both of them had also sold.

"Now for our last product." Said the announcer as a short fat demon wheeled Arlo's cage forward.

"A green eyed demon! Feel free to inspect if you chose to buy. A short ten minutes will be allotted for inspections."

People came up and surrounded him. One opened the cage and reached in. Arlo tried to back away but found himself unable to move his body. Oh the prick must have been an immobilization drug. Fantastic, what had he ever done to deserve this!

The hand poked and prodded him all over. Several potential buyers pulled back his eye lids to examine his eyes more closely. He wanted to shove them all away but his body had gone completely numb. One demon started checking out his legs and he wanted nothing more than to kick it in the face.

"Okay folks, please return to your seats now."

The demons all moved away from Arlo who was lying on the ground of the cage unable to even lift his head at this point. No wonder they were demons, the word demon from his home in the past didn't even come close to these creatures. Well he hadn't been eaten…. Yet. He doubted it would take long for one to eat his soul.

The bidding for him started.

"500 Yee"

"800 Yee"

Just what was the conversion of a Yee anyway. The demon steed had gone for 600 Yee. Most of the weapons ranged largely in price, so he couldn't figure anything from them. Then Arlo heard the voice of the collector from earlier.

"2,000 Yee" rang out across the room. Here it comes, thought Arlo my death has arrived.

"3,000 Yee" huh who did that belong to thought Arlo.

"6,000 Yee" Collector

"10,000" random

"14,000" Collector

"20,000" random

"1,000,000" Collector, the air stilled. Arlo would have gulped if he could have moved.

"2,000,000" random

"You brat just let me have him!" Yelled the collector's voice.

"Order in the auction please!" shouted an employee.

"3,000,000" collector

"5,000,000" random. After that a fight seemed to break out in the audience. Arlo couldn't lift his head. Were green eyes really that valuable? Or was everything else just that worthless.

"Sold to the man in white." Came a voice "employees if you could please escort the man in black out as the auction is now over."

A man walked up to the cage Arlo was in and looked down. Arlo vaguely saw the same demon with silvery white hair from earlier. Just great now he was after him too? Arlo just couldn't catch a break!

The auction house emptied out of people quickly. How long until this stupid drug wore off anyway?

"Over here to collect, we have all merchandise in the back room. Once it is paid for you may collect."

Another employee carted Arlo back to the original back room. Slowly a few demons were gathering their belongings. That was when the collector appeared. He collected his other few items and then paused to look at Arlo.

The place was empty once a little demon left with a sword. The silver haired demon hadn't entered yet. The collector glanced around checking to see if they were alone. Then he unclipped the cage and reached in.

Arlo wanted to scream and kick at him but even his vocal cords were numb. The collector pulled him out of the cage and tossed him over one shoulder.

"Demon eat, demon world." The collector said turning to look down at Arlo, "Even if he buys you if I claim you first its my win." He laughed slightly and moved with Arlo to a back area of the auction house. Past the so called claiming room and into a little supply closet. There he set Arlo on the ground and rolled him onto his stomach.

"Don't worry green eyes, you'll love being part of my collection….. and I'll even keep you alive a few weeks before I decided on a permanent place for you."

Arlo's whole body screamed in protest as the collector started slowly licking his back. Where the other Dreg demon had used short little licks the collector used long ones practically from the base of his spine. He seemed to enjoy claiming people.

How long had it been, claims seemed to take 10 minutes but to Arlo it felt like an eternity. The collectors tongue left his back only to start again at the bottom and slowly rise to the base of his neck. Repeated over and over. Arlo's entire body quivered weakly even through the drug's effects.

The door to the closet burst open and someone shoved the collector off of Arlo.

"Oye, you didn't buy him." The voice growled.

"Sir manager!" coughed the collector "Apologies I didn't know you were running this auction house, I will definitely take my leave immediately."

"Hold it." Another voice growled. "Do you really think I would let a decent demon below me just walk away like that. Oh no you're being demoted to servant status for the next year."

The two voices faded away with the collector yelling out. Another pair of hands picked Arlo up. Sure Arlo was small but still lifting him up that easily shouldn't be a thing.

Arlo found himself looking at the man with silver hair and silver eyes. To his surprise these eyes didn't look like they wanted to gobble him up. Instead they looked lightly concerned.

He picked Arlo up and carried him into the original claiming room. In it was a leather bench like bed that he might have found in a doctor's office of his old world. Arlo was already quivering and it didn't stop, not this again! He thought.

The silver demon, as he started referring to him in his head was a lot more gentle than the collector person. He had set Arlo on his back and was looking down at him.

"You appear to be just like me." The silver demon practically whispered. "Try to relax this won't take too long."