I’ve Been Stolen By a Demon Lord

The silver haired demon reached down and pulled both of Arlo's arms up then removed his t-shirt. Arlo cursed his luck and the stupid drug that wasn't allowing him to move. Arlo expected to be rolled over and licked but instead the silver demon chose to lick his chest. It was worse, oh so much worse.

Arlo quivered all over and closed his eyes the one thing he could control. This world was so messed up. What was worse was that it had also started to feel good. I'm a freakin male! He felt like yelling. Too long my shirt! Thought Arlo, he had been raised to never cuss after all, even stuck in a world of demons he refused to fall to that level. Nope he'd totally still just replace them.

He involuntarily let out a small gasp. Huh his mouth had moved, but that wasn't the stupid issue!

The silver demon smiled slightly. "Looks like you're finally starting to enjoy being claimed." He smirked. "In that case I'll let you have a bit more."

Instead of staying licking just the small part of the middle of his chest, the demon's tongue started to move to the left and right areas and focal points of pleasure. It took way too long, but also way too short for the claim marker to appear on his chest.

[You've been claimed by the demon Sho Whitewolf, rank: Decent, status: Subordinate]

This claim marker appeared like a sun symbol instead of his previous black ring. It was the same symbol he had tried to copy with charcoal. He stared at it, what the heck was the difference between them? Wait did it have to do with how a demon licked another? Creepy.

The silver demon looked at him for a solid moment then said, "the drugs probably won't wear off for another day or so. Given you were so scared of claims it appears you either have lived under a rock your whole life, or you are like me and were raised in the human realm."

Well he's close even if not completely right. Thought Arlo.

"I just gave you a subordinate claim that will last 7 days. This also means that for now you belong to me. So please don't bother running off, it would be a pain to track you down. Or I could just let a monster eat you. But if you pay back the five million I spent on you….. we can reach an agreement." He smirked slightly then reached down and picked Arlo up again like he weighed nothing.

"Come now my carriage awaits!" he strolled out of the auction house still carrying Arlo.

It really was a carriage, pulled by 6 demon steeds but when Arlo looked at them they were a much higher version.

[Demon Steed Level 35 HP: 3500/3500 Decent]

Each one also had bat like wings on them. Flying demon horses, seemed reasonable enough for a demon realm. Wait when the heck did he start classifying any of this as reasonable!

Sho....the silver demon now had a name. But if Arlo started calling him Sho he might stop thinking of him as a demon. Maybe he should just refer to him as the Whitewolf demon?

For crying out loud what he called the stupid demon was the least of his worries. He'd only been here a few days and he was already five million in debt, in a currency he didn't understand, and it was all his eyes' fault!

The interior of the carriage was nice. Soft velvety pads and surprisingly spacious. Sho deposited Arlo on one of the seats then sat in the one across from it. The carriage took off, literally like an airplane. They were flying. Arlo felt airsick immediately. For the first time in days he was thankful that he had basically eaten nothing. He didn't want his new demon owner to see him throw up on his first air ride.

Wait why did he care! He should go throw up all over the place and maybe this demon would decide to just leave him his freedom again. If a demon seemed nice it just made them that much more dangerous. He had to get to the human realm as fast as possible!

Just a slight problem he no longer knew which way the human world even was. Even if he got free he might just end up further into demon country. Sho seemed okay….. for now anyway. Maybe this could be a good opportunity to gain more information? Assuming Sho didn't change his mind or resell him. Maybe his whole life would just be constantly being resold over and over.

He would have shivered at the thought but right now all he wanted to do was sleep. Arlo blamed the drug it was definitely its fault for everything.


Arlo woke to the sound of crows? Maybe? He wasn't sure he wanted to know. Crows here were probably 2 story tall fanged nightmares anyway. He still felt groggy but he could move again. That was a plus. He was also lying in a very soft bed. He pushed himself into a sitting position.

It was a large king sized bed that looked like it was some fancy royal family's. The whole room maintained this look. If it didn't scream demon lord's house he might have actually like it. Except for one small detail... it looked like it belonged to a haunted house or horror movie boss.

Arlo slipped off the sheets and stood up. His legs were jelly and he immediately collapsed to the floor.

"Shark fins!" he hissed. The drug was still too much. He couldn't even manage to get back into the bed. He struggled for a few moments then gave up just lying on the floor instead. It was carpeted with a sort of dark purple. It was a bit cold Arlo shivered slightly.

The door creaked open and Sho appeared. He looked down at Arlo with an amused look.

"Aren't you the feisty one." He scooped him up and deposited him back on the bed pulling the covers back over him.

"Don't make me order you to stay." Sho muttered. Arlo glared at him. "Can you talk yet?" Sho asked.

Arlo nodded but didn't say anything which just made Sho's grin widen.

"You know you're a bit cute, if I didn't save you because I felt obligated to pay back the one who saved me….. I might of eaten you." He licked his lips and Arlo felt his blood temperature drop by 5 degrees.

"I promise I don't taste good." Arlo said finally breaking his silence. This got a good laugh from Sho.

"Ah but the smell you give off says otherwise, in fact I think I could easily lick you all day like a delicious ice cream pop." Sho's grin expanded looking a little creepy.

"Why did that one guy call you a demon lord?" asked Arlo hurrying to try to change the subject.

"It's the same rank and decent demon in human. What you didn't know that?" Sho studied Arlo's face.

"Uh I kind of grew up under a rock…." Muttered Arlo.

Sho laughed and grabbed some paper from the chest nearby. Here is the demon ranks compared to the human ones as well as power level system. When he finished he handed the paper to Arlo.

"You should memorize that, after all if you pick a fight with someone of a higher level you will get claimed by them. Granted you are so weak I think even all the weaklings could claim you." He laughed again and started eyeing Arlo like a delicious side dish.

"I'm going to get you some food, I need to fatten you up a bit." Said Sho leaving the room. Arlo let out the breath he hadn't realized he was holding and looked at the paper.


God ----- Ultimate --- Z







Baron----Good------ C

Lord-----Decent -----D



Well it looked enough like a video game. However if it was similar to his old world then as you went up the ranking the number of demons with that ranking should drop significantly. Seriously though why was rank C called good, a good demon was not a thing!

Arlo needed a plan to get to the human realm fast. Preferably before Sho decided to try him out more. Becoming a menu item was not on Arlo's to do list.