My Energy Returned But My Body is Stolen

Rat bites, hurt. A lot. If Arlo could have chosen a way to die it would have been something less painful. He crumpled to the ground. Its over he thought. Just then the door banged open and a figure silhouetted by the light emerged.

A large ray of light encompassed the entire room and all the rats fell down dead. At this point Arlo was lying in a pool of his own blood. He turned sideways looking up. Sho was looking down at him. His earlier trace of amusement was gone. Instead he just looked concerned.

[HP 10/200] [Energy 2/5]

Energy what? Were those like extra lives?

"You really do like to test how close to death you can come don't you." Sho growled. Arlo shivered slightly detecting a trace of anger.

Sho picked him up and carried him back through several winding hallways. This time though he took him into a different room from the previous. It was slightly lighter in color and still way bigger than necessary. It had an adjoining bath which Sho took him in.

Sho set Arlo in the tub and removed his clothes which were already in torn up ruins. He quivered sitting their naked with the demon.

Sho turned the water on and grabbed some liquid, possibly soap, or maybe a shampoo? Then he started washing all of the cuts Arlo had with it. To Arlo's amazement they started healing up. The liquid must have had some sort of medical properties to it.

The bites were all over his body and Sho moved from one to the next. He washed each clean then applied the liquid. Arlo flinched involuntarily when he did his lower section. Sho smirked slightly at that.

"You know this is where the third type of claim is done, but don't worry I wouldn't do that to you." Sho said. Arlo wasn't sure if he should be glad the demon's more merry attitude was back, or just terrified.

Sho continued "although humans consider this part of the body sacred, demons see it as a place to claim friends. It has no order effect but it keeps other demons from claiming them."

When Sho had finished he gently dried Arlo off and then he carried Arlo over to the bed. Arlo glanced at his stats.

[HP 200/200] [Energy 2/5] did he have to just wait for energy to recover then? Or worse what if they didn't recover and that was all he got.

Sho set him on the bed and surprisingly asked exactly what Arlo wanted to know, "Do you know about how energy works?"

"Not well" Arlo replied. Sho had a slightly evil grin spread across his face. Arlo froze, what was he up to now? He did not trust this demon when he had that look.

Sho pressed him down on his back on the bed and leaned closer until his eyes were right next to Arlo. "Energy recovers the same way claiming works, and no other ways. So you better be more careful in the future if you don't want me to have to claim you every night."

With that he leaned down and started licking Arlo all over. Arlo let out a gasp and tried to push him off.

"Stop I'll just leave it as is for now and…."

"And what? Die next time? I have way too much money invested in you for that." Sho paused momentarily to give that response. Another evil grin spread on his face as he added "You know claiming in that special area recovers energy much faster."

"Absolutely not!" yelled Arlo struggling against his grip.

"Okay then hold still and stop fighting me currently or I might change my mind."

Arlo froze licking his chest, back, neck, arms, legs, he could handle. He was not going to let this demon have any more though. He clamped his eyes shut and let the rest of his body relax.

"Much better." Replied Sho as he began to once again start licking him from top to bottom.

The next notification almost made Arlo hate it.

[Energy 3/5]

The evil demon was right about that if nothing else. This demon was also the first who remotely seemed to respect his boundaries, if you could even call it that. Arlo hated himself for actually starting to relax for real. The smooth gentle tongue felt quite good against his skin. His heart rate picked up and he started to quiver more.

[Energy 4/5]

At one point Sho flipped him over and covered his back as well. Arlo closed his eyes again feeling the gentle long strokes of Sho's tongue.

[Energy 5/5]

Sho moved away. Arlo almost felt disappointed, not that he would ever come close to admitting it.

"That wasn't so bad now was it?" Sho asked. Arlo just shot him a glare.

"I'm going back to my room" he growled getting to his feet and almost falling. Sho of course had to be the one to catch him.

"Do you even remember where it is though?" asked the Demon. Arlo opened his mouth to make a snarky comment, but he didn't know where it was. Heck he didn't even know where he was at the moment. Then he froze.

The obviously lived in room. Way too big, full of things. This was probably Sho's room. He was in the demon's bedroom.

"I'll take that as a no." said Sho. He pushed Arlo back onto the bed and added "In that case I'm going to keep you here for the night."

"Not happening I'll walk all night till I find my room instead." Arlo replied. He was having trouble standing he wasn't sure he'd make it far walking. But he should be able to find a couch. The place was full of them.

Sho reached up and dragged him back onto the bed again. "No way you will catch a cold like that you silly boy." Then he kissed the top of Arlo's head. "Stay here or next time I claim you I'll use the third one."

Arlo froze. "Okay you win" he growled and moved to the far side of the bed sticking all the pillows between him and Sho. Sho sniggered peeked at him over the rim of the pillows.

"Do you mind I'm trying to sleep" growled Arlo.

"Oh I'm not doing anything" Sho replied.

Arlo closed his eyes and a few minutes later he felt Sho embrace him in a hug.

"Mmmm, much better" said Sho "You make a great pillow."

Arlo let out a sigh, "Whatever just go to bed." He growled. He wouldn't admit that his warmth felt nice. Nope not going to happen.

Arlo awoke without even remembering he fell asleep. Sho was still sleeping with one arm draped across Arlo. Arlo quietly untangled himself and used the bathroom. His skin portrayed several markers from last night's licking fest.

Clothing, he really needed some clothing. He raided Sho's drawers until he found something that would fit him. The demon needed to buy him some of his own clothing or lend him his cause he was not walking around without them.

"Good morning beautiful." Sho's voice said and Arlo jumped. "Aww you are cute when you flinch." He added.

"I need clothes" Arlo muttered deciding not to humor the demon. Sho rose up and wrapped him in a hug.

"Why? I think you are beautiful just the way you are." He said nibbling his ear while he spoke. Arlo shoved him away.

Maybe reverse logic would work a bit. "I'd feed myself to the rats before walking around naked for eternity." He growled.

Sho held up his hand in was it defeat? "You win" he replied, "I was honestly already planning to go shopping today anyway. What kind of clothes do you like? Or no better yet you're coming too; I dread to think what kind of chaos I'd return to if I left you here alone. You'd probably accidentally feed the griffin or lose the giant tarantula."

"Giant tarantula?" Asked Arlo freezing. He hated spider, they were terrifying. He slowly turned to look at Sho "Don't tell me you have a giant tarantula in here with us…." His voice trailed off as he started looking around in fear.

Sho smirked "Oh don't worry about Kirby, you'd have a hard time finding him anyway. Come on let's get some steeds, our shopping experience awaits."

Arlo couldn't help looking around constantly for the spider. Shopping sounded laughable. Why the heck would you keep a giant spider as a pet! He poked his head cautiously around every bend. If a pile of rats had almost killed him he didn't want to even consider a spider.

Sho led out two of his demon steeds with wings and helped Arlo mount one. Then for good measure he strapped Arlo to the saddle.

"Off we go buttercup!" he said happily.

"Its named buttercup?" asked Arlo. It didn't sound like a demon steed name.

"No these guys are Raven and Tyrant. You are buttercup." Sho didn't wait for a response as he took off with Tyrant. Arlo yelped as Raven ran after them and took to the sky. Even flying demon horses were terrifying.