I Don’t Steal Anything, Instead We Go Shopping!

Real demon cities were ….. well... they honestly were very similar to human cities, but clearly way more evil. The fact that Arlo managed to not fall off the demon steed was a feat in its own right. He totally needed a title or badge from the system that said something like ruler of the steeds, and most importantly that badge needed a bonus of taming steeds.

The steed Raven was less than thrilled with Arlo's presence. It tolerated him on his back but when Sho turned away he or maybe it was a she? Would nip at Arlo. Stupid horse. Seemed like even here animals weren't his friends. He kind of wanted the first steed he rode back. It had just ignored him, which was great by his standards.

Was this even the same city as before? Either it looked way different in daylight, or it was a new city. The demon world constantly had a dark hue to it with a smoke like atmosphere so daylight still wasn't all that bright.

"What's this city called?" Arlo asked.

"Yamon, we are in the north district now." Sho replied window shopping.

Arlo made a face behind his back. North district sounded farther away from the human border. Which also meant more problems.

"Keep your head down until we finish with the first shop." Sho growled shoving Arlo's face toward the ground. Arlo let out a hiss but didn't respond. This demon was so pushy. He dragged Arlo through a few alleys and then into a small shop with a broken window.

Arlo decided to look at the ground instead of the demon running the shop. What was Sho even buying? If he had to constantly look at the floor because of his eyes…. He should have just stayed at the castle and tried to fight some more pillows.

"What color would you like?" asked the shop keeper to Sho. Sho paused glancing at Arlo, "Purple." He replied.

He made the transaction then grabbed something and dragged Arlo back outside.

"Look at me." Sho muttered.

"Why?" Arlo growled back.

Sho sighed "Just do it and stop being such a pain all the time."

Arlo raised his head and shot him a glare. Sho cupped his hand under Arlo's chin holding his face and leaned toward him a bit.

"Oye knock it off! I'm not going to kiss you or anything weird in public!" Arlo spat.

Sho smirked and shoved something into his eye. He did it so fast Arlo didn't even manage to blink. Sho did it again with his other eye. It didn't hurt but it annoyed Arlo.

"Bug off, and don't go touching my eyes. They are MINE!" Arlo swatted his hand away.

Sho grinned and held up a mirror. Arlo glanced at it and froze, his face stared back at him, but his eyes were now purple. He reached up feeling one of his eyes. It had a thin layer on it, a contact? Arlo looked back at the shop a sign above said Calvin's Contact Cupboard.

"Do me a favor and don't lose these, they are rather expensive." Sho handed Arlo 5 boxes. "They are all purple because I think purple looks nice on you."

"Uh thanks." Said Arlo. He was actually super grateful for these, and he hated being thankful to a demon. Although thought Arlo, is he really like all other demons, he seemed almost human.

"Let's go Arlo." Said Sho heading along the street.

Arlo stiffened he hadn't told Sho his name. Granted Sho hadn't said his either. It seemed this system program wasn't just his alone. Wait was this how Sho knew about his energy levels before? If that was the case, how did he read another demon's stats?

Arlo hurried after him, the streets were getting more packed with demons and he did not feel like being alone. Being with Sho beat being alone. He was a great source of information, nothing more.

Sho gathered things from a few places then stopped at a clothing store. YESSSSSS thought Arlo. He hoped demons at least had a slight fashion sense. Sho's clothing was mostly like some mix of a business suit and some kind of clothing you'd probably find in a video game.

The store had some simple t-shit and pant types near the front. The back was lined with all different kinds of outfits that definitely belonged to a video game style.

Arlo paused glancing at himself in the mirror. His new purple eyes really complemented his face nicely. Now if he could find something simple that also had, maybe a purple and black color scheme? His hair was black so that might make him into a cool looking character. Not that style was top of his to do list or anything.

The outfits Arlo saw Sho looking at were terrible. "Those would look horrid on you." He said bluntly.

"Oh, I was planning to stick you in them though." Said Sho.

"I will modify towels into clothing before I wear any of those." Arlo shot back.

Sho snorted, "Okay then, I'll judge what you pick then."

After what felt like a zillion potential clothing arrangements he finally found something Sho approved of, although grudgingly, that also didn't look like a crazy artist created it.

Black pants with a black shirt and a black cape like cloak with purple lining. When in doubt go with black since it goes with anything. Arlo remembered the old saying from his homeland. The cape was all Sho he refused anything not fancy so Arlo finally added something he could easily remove.

"One more stop then we will head back." Said Sho as Arlo scampered after him. They stopped outside a white building with a red roof. Very uncommon by demon standards.

"A….. pet store?" asked Arlo confused. Did Sho decide he needed another demon steed or something?

"Yes" replied Sho, "I have decided you are way to danger prone thus I shall get you a babysitter."

Arlo stared at him, he was getting a babysitter! And that babysitter was going to be a what?

"No way a pet is going to be my babysitter." He glared at Sho.

"Call it a pet, protector, monster shooer. Whatever floats your boat." Sho replied. Sho examined several creatures in the store. Arlo paused by a reddish crocodile that snapped at him and he jumped back. Did he really need to have a protector? He'd probably need protection from his new protector. This really didn't seem like a good idea. He hurried to catch up to Sho again. Man this guy could walk fast.

Sho stopped at a place near the back. "Perfect, I always did have a soft spot for wolves."

Arlo stared at the large terrifying creatures. They were wolves, but also weren't. a large black and red one turned its red eyes to look at Arlo and he shrank back. Nope I don't think I will be able to sleep with one of these around. The levels flashed up on his eyes and he nearly choked.

[Level 34] [Level 23] [Level 28]

Nope, nope, nope! Not happening. He looked toward Sho again. Did he really have to have a wolf? Maybe they had a nice tiny caterpillar or heck he'd take a wolf if it was the size of an ant….. his world ant.

"You have anything insanely weak?" Sho asked an employee after seeing Arlo's face. Arlo would have been mad at the indirect insult except insanely weak sounded insanely great.

"You want weaker?" said the employee looking confused, "Not stronger? Batter companions need strength."

"This one... is a special case." Said Sho, "It's a companion for a very weak person. I can't have a strong animal not listening to this very weak person."

Again an insult that I am ignoring thought Arlo.

"We might still have a very weak runt of the litter that was going to be used as bait for a crocodile. I can see if it's still alive." Said the employee.

Sho gave a nod and she walked off. Runts sounded tiny, tiny was good. Arlo held his breath. Please let it be a nice tiny wolf that isn't scary or deadly. Preferably alive since Sho will buy a very scary wolf if it isn't.

The employee returned a minute later, "Is this what you are looking for?" she asked. Arlo could of cried in her arms, about half the size of a house cat, was a small black wolf, and it had fur patches on its paws and chest that were changing colors.

"It's an Onyx Wolf so its fur that isn't black changes colors with its mood. They aren't usually combat types until they get older."

"It will do, will 500 Yee work?" asked Sho. The employee nodded.

At the same time Arlo whispered "It's perfect!" although knowing his luck it would grow into a terrifying beast who would eventually eat him. Who knows maybe he could change his luck here, Sho seemed to be proof of that. Until he changes his mind and eat me that is thought Arlo. He still had his goal of getting to the human realm, but maybe staying with Sho for a bit wouldn't be all bad?