Stealing Some Purple Pills

Getting into the southern district was easier than Arlo thought it would be. He had risen to level 25 and reached Jakala. Turns out the level requirement was advisable but not enforced. He smirked as he walked through the east gate into Jakala.

The city was decently big with two gates. One lead to the east district and one into the south. Both gates were 'guarded' but with sleepy guards who it was easy to sneak by. Heck Blacky could have trampled by in his largest form and they probably wouldn't have noticed.

Arlo didn't bother to spend much time there, expect to add a few additions to his map. There were a few possible border towns to enter the west district. Arlo had selected the smallest one which was also closest to where the dark caves were supposed to be.

Raysha, also had the nickname of town of slayers. Apparently all the towns were named after famous demons. Arlo could have rolled his eyes, all their names were a pain to pronounce. He wanted more American and Japanese names. Arlo, James, Emma or maybe some Yuki, Sakura, or Sho, he totally wasn't an anime nerd back on Earth, nope didn't have an obsession with Japanese culture at all.

Satisfied with his updates Arlo pocketed his map again. He glanced over at the shopping area….. nah he had been fine this far, plus he didn't even know what he would need. He already could drink from rivers and eat monster meat, even if it tasted terrible. 100 silver or rather Yee as they seemed to call it. Nope he'd keep saving it for now.

He entered the guardhouse for the gate to the south. Time to get moving again, all he had to do was prove his level and even then he only had to do that if they were awake. He hissed at his bad luck the guard was currently talking with two large demons. Arlo's demon sight activated.

[Rinkio Ashborn 72, Chief]

[Merloko Ashborn 78, Chief]

Nope definitely not demons to mess with. Arlo almost debated activating his stealth and coming back later, but with his luck they could probably see through his low level skill.

"So what brings you gentleman to our border town." The guard asked the two chiefs. Arlo could have snickered, there were lots of words he could use to describe them, gentleman was not one of them though.

"Finished our business elsewhere, must you guards always ask stupid questions. Everyone knows you only ask use higher up and tend to ignore the lower levels, just to make it look like you are doing your jobs."

"Nonsense, if you don't believe me watch us question the young man behind you next." The second guard said. Arlo wanted to slap him, stop making me into a focal point.

Merloko rolled his eyes, "Fine you want all the details here you go; we are the Ashborn twin guards for Wakashi Ninelives ultimate. We have finished our job of escorting the last Whitewolf to his grave and are now returning home. Good enough for you?" he growled glaring at the two guards.

Arlo's blood froze. These were the kind of people after Sho? They were terrifying! And worse they weren't even the top of the food chain.

The guards quickly nodded their heads. Rinkio leaned on the counter as if threatening the guards. No forget the as if, he was definitely threatening.

"If you don't want to also visit the dark caves I suggest you start letting us pass." He hissed. As he leaned over a tiny pill bottle full of purple pills fell to the floor and pills rolled all over.

Rinkio hissed again "Now look what you've made me do. These are extremely expensive pills that can negate the effects of the dark caves black rock. Do you have any idea how many years you'd have to work to pay for these?"

Arlo gulped and leaned down starting to pick up the pills. He turned slightly away pocketing three of them. Then he handed the rest to the very scary demon.

The demon took them without looking at Arlo.

"At least this demon knows his place!" he growled. Arlo was oh so very glad that his anger was not focused on him. The two demons left leaving Arlo with the two guards.

"Whats your name?" asked the guard looking at Arlo.

"Hill Blackwolf" replied Arlo stating the name he had placed in the necklace earlier.

"And your level"


Arlo wanted to roll his eyes since he could easily see this information by looking at him.

"And what is your purpose of travel?"

"My owner is a furniture collector; he requested some fine sun silkworm pillows from the southern district."

"Okay great now shoo, I didn't get enough sleep last night." The guard pulled his hat over his eyes waving toward the door.

Arlo wasn't going to complain he shot out into the southern district. He needed to get away in case those other demons decided to actually count those pills of theirs.

"Hey Blacky, what do you know about these effect negating pills?"

"Sorry never heard of them before."

Arlo hummed slightly examining one of them. He pocketed it again and straddled Blacky who grew into a small elephant and started running. The southern district was part plains like the east and then desert. They came to a river and Arlo paused.

He pulled a few water bottles from his jade bead of storage and filled them all. Each one had a white wolf crest on them. Sho's bottles, it felt like years since he had snatched them from Sho's house. Arlo looked back at the wide expanse of land.

The desert area was small since it went into monster land but he wasn't going to take any chances. It was time to start his next large level up endeavor. Level 30 by the time he got to Raysha. At least the southern district was triangle shaped so he didn't have as far to go. But it was still going to take a few days, days that Sho might not have.

Arlo's fist gripping Blacky's mane had turned a bit white and he breathed out relaxing his grip.

"Blacky remind me again what you know of the west district?"

"Monsters are level 30+ usually not over 45 though. Uh let's see, you have to join a raid party to enter if you're below level 35. It's along the coast with a forest to the north and desert to the south. That about it."

Raid parties, something Arlo knew very little about, and unless he managed to somehow level up much faster he'd have to join one to enter. Pretend to be an archer class then fake my own death? Hmm how much trouble would that cause me later? I can just reset my name to something else.

"Does a raid party get in trouble if someone dies?"

"Uh not really unless they are the ones who killed them. Even then its just a slap on the wrist. Oooh look a herd of Tripola want to kill them?"

"Yeah set your course toward them." Arlo watched the three legged things in the distance. He didn't even have an animal to describe these with. Just ugly, very very ugly.

Arlo pulled out his bow and took aim. As soon as the arrow hit one went down. The rest turned and made a beeline for them. Maybe spider and shrimp? Nah still not an accurate comparison. Arlo gave up trying to put them in terms of some past animal, he'd just call these ones ugly from now on.

Oooh their experience was nice. Razor sharp legs, less nice. Medium speed, decent.

[Level up]

[Level up]

Two hours later level 27.

"Hey Blacky keep your eyes open for more of these uglies, they are an exp pool."

[Level up]

"You know if we reach level 35 we can just skip the raid party hassle right? Lets aim for that."

[Elite Tripola level 49]





[Level up]

[Level up]

[Would you like your level 30 rewards? Y/N]

"Hey Blacky, how are we still alive?"

"Dumb luck, lots and lots of dumb luck."

[You have accepted your rewards, stupid demon, you have gained nothing because I don't like you. However I like your wolf so I'm giving it a skill.]

[Black Opal has gained the skill winged wolf progress 1/5]

Arlo stared at Blacky as tiny little wings popped out of his back. Way too tiny to be used for anything yet but so cute!

One of five huh? Must be a level type skill. What kind of nightmarish creature are you going to be when you can fly my beautiful?