I’ve Stolen a Camelto

The system was ticked at Arlo and Arlo had no idea why. He tried asking it at one point, even tried calling it by its ridiculously long name. Well whatever Arlo would just have to ignore it for now. Its attitude didn't seem to affect anything but rewards. His exp and skill levels continued to grow.

For two days the system continued its temper tantrum, then it seemed to recover. When he hit level 31 another message even appeared.

[Level up]

[Claim level 31 rewards? Y/N]

[You have gained the skill Demon Claim][current claim capacity 0/5]

Oh I can claim others now? Interesting. But interesting was all it was, Arlo had little interest in turning other demons into his slaves.

Hey system what kind of restrictions are there on claiming? Arlo asked his head.

[Answer; you may claim up to five demons level dependent.]

Any other info?

[Cannot compute]

Whatever I'll chalk all your inconsistencies up to being a human system on a demon.

"Were almost there, did you want me in a certain size?" Blacky's voice caught Arlo's attention.

"Sure, let's see it's a slayer town so maybe just normal wolf size. Companions should be normal here right?"

"In theory yes."

Arlo took out his bow and slung it over his shoulder while also adjusting a black cape and hood over his face.

"I look like a ranger now right?"

"Uh sure?"

"What you mean by that?"

"Rangers can look like anyone?"


Arlo walked up to the gate of the town and past a guard. The town was much livelier than Jakala.

"Is there a festival?" Arlo muttered more to himself but the guard answered.

"Why yes good demon sir. This week is the annual raid party extravaganza!"

The what? Thought Arlo "Uh what exactly is that? Apologies I'm new in town."

The guard was way to chipper "It's the annual time when monster waves from the monster lands raid the walls. As you know Raysha borders the west and south districts but a little further south is part of the monster lands. The Camelto lord always likes to send his best warriors to attack the wall this time of year, so slayers all around come here for it."

The guard's eyes glowed why on earth was he so happy about that? Arlo couldn't figure him out.

"Oh and we offer a free western district pass to the top ten participants. They are usually 800."

"Well I was headed to the west anyway, do you know of anyone looking for form parties?"

"Afraid not, you will need to 800 Yee at the next gate over when you are ready to proceed though."

Arlo nodded politely and left. Shoot 800 silver! Highway robbery. What made the west district so special?

Arlo suddenly had an idea that reminded him of an old book he had once read. He glanced around the town and guard house guards were level 30's and the standard citizen was 15. A rather wicked grin formed on his face.

"Hey Blacky, what's the best way to trap a Camelto? Or better yet, ten Cameltos?"

Blacky tilted his head at him "Why do you want to trap them?"

"Oh you know just a little bit of getting out of paying 800 silver Yee."

Arlo headed for an Inn, he had mostly been camping so the trip would remain free, but today he needed some diversions or rather an alibi, or maybe it would be better to simply call them witnesses.

He pulled open the large wooden door and entered. Several groups of potential raiders were around. He calmly walked up to a few and chatted.

"Hey by any chance are you headed to the western district after the Camelto raid?"

"We are." A small demon looked at him, "I assume you are looking for a group, sadly ours is full. The group on the far end it recruiting though." He nodded toward a group of three in the back. Arlo nodded his head in thanks and headed toward them.

A rouge, an assassin, and a mage, probably. Their weapons fit the standards anyway.

"Greetings, I heard your team might have some opening? I am a ranger headed to the western district."

The mage glanced him over "We do need a ranger, what is your skill set?"

"The standard hit the target with an arrow." Arlo replied. The mage gave him a funny look.

"Show me." He lead Arlo outside to a small target on a hay bale. "Hit it."

Arlo's arrow hit it practically as soon as he finished speaking. True to his old human nickname, eagle shot, it hit dead center.

The assassin whistled, "You didn't even activate a skill to hit it. Sweet! I'm Gayla by the way."

"Hill" replied Arlo.

"Welcome to the raid team Hill, I'm Toryo" stated the mage.

"Greetings are over rated" stated the rogue.

"Ignore him, he basically never shares his personal information." Said Gayla.

"Camelto raid is tomorrow, we leave the next day at 7 am." Said Toryo, "If you're late we'll just leave you at the gate."

With that the group went their separate ways for the night. Toryo said something about trying to recruit a warrior and Gayla was dragging the rogue off for something.

Arlo mostly ignored them. He wasn't planning to hang around them to horribly long. They were just part of his entry pass after all.

Late that night he snuck out of the inn and headed to the border lands. It was quite impressive how close the town was to the border. In the distance he saw the lights of the monsters roaming. Did they really just line up and wait for the demons to prepare? Very illogical on their part, but it made Arlo's job easier so he wouldn't complain.

He pulled out a shovel. "Okay Blacky, let's see how fast you can dig some holes."

The wolf grew giant and started destroying the ground into massive holes. When Blacky finished one and headed to the next Arlo arranged the top into a nice slim layer. The perfect pitfall traps if he did say so himself.

Ten in total. Arlo surveyed the surroundings to make sure the holes would only catch the stragglers and not interfere with the main group.

After confirming them Arlo smiled with satisfaction. 800 silver here I come. He slunk back into town with Blacky. Time to catch a few zzzzzz's before the morning.


Morning came too soon. Arlo opened a groggy eye. Couldn't the Camelto's just wait a few hours before they started their raid tradition?

Blacky licked his face. He was a nice practical alarm clock, Arlo groaned as Blacky stole his sheets.

"Okay, Okay chill I am up."

He headed downstairs and found his raid team in the same back corner.

"Good morning Hill!"

"Morning. You're quite chipper in the mornings."

The assassin arrived last looking even more tired than Arlo. "orning" she mumbled as the rogue passed her a drink and a bagel.

A few seconds later "UooooRaaaa" type noises broke out all over.

"Looks like its begun!" said Gayla.

All over the town slayers were headed toward the noise. Arlo followed his curiosity taking over. On the other side of the wall countless … camel like creatures were going bonkers.

Arlo wasn't sure he'd even called it a raid, they just ran around like they had lost all sense of direction and coordination.

"What the heck!" he muttered. Pure chaos was the only way to describe it. Or maybe one sided massacre would have been better. Weren't these supposed to be some sort of camel fighters not random animals?

There were hundreds of them and only about 90 slayers. Yet the battle was so one sided Arlo considered fighting on the side of the Cameltos. The battle didn't even last until noon. Arlo twitched his lower lip, hopefully this didn't mess up his plan.

He used his stealth to get away from the group and went over to the dip in the ground where he had laid his traps. He sighed in relief, seven of the traps had a camel in them.

"Okay Blacky time to play pin the camel down."



The wolf pinned them with ease. These really were some of the worst fighters he had ever seen. Judging by the crazy fight fest they apparently still had good exp to them.

Arlo held out his jade bead against its neck "Store." He stated and the Camelto disappeared from sight.

"I'm so glad this OP version of the storage bead can store living things." Arlo muttered. He proceeded to trap the remaining 6 Cameltos in the bead.

Step 1: find a raid team, check

Step 2: distraction, check

Step 3: manage to not screw it up, unknown

Arlo smiled. At least with how popular the exp was on these guys they would still make a distraction, even if they were pathetic excuses for monsters.