I’m Being Stolen…… Again

(Author Note: Fair warning this chapter might be a bit of a trigger for some people. Its a bit more intense than my usual chapters, just a heads up if that might be you, then you might want to skip it. I'll add a brief summary on the next chapter.)

Arlo opened his eyes and only found darkness. Where was he? Last thing he remembered was the stupid demon with an eye collection problem... oh right….. him. Shoot.

He fumbled around in the dark his eyes adjusting to a slight crack of light. Some kind of cell? Or was it just a room. Well if he was locked inside the room was a cell so it's not like it mattered which it actually was. On the bright side he still had his eyes. He reached up touching his face just to be certain. Then relaxed a bit.

After a few seconds he tensed up again, just because he still had his eyes now didn't mean he would next time, what was his name? Whylie was around. He started searching the room carefully in the dark.

Hard stone floors. Ouch running into a….. very short table, must be a coffee table. Ah the door. Wooden, locked of course, figures. Hmm this room is actually quite empty and large.

What is this? He paused feeling a metal bar, no wait several metal bars, weird, next to it was a large crate of something. Arlo followed the rest of the wall but he couldn't find much else. Back at the door.

Okay guess I should also explore the middle of the room. Let's see most optimal way to search without double searching everything in the darkness. He tried to use the slight bit of light as a guiding post.

Floor, more floor, lots of floor. Ouch wall. Arlo turned back toward the little light source and stared back. He was about half way when the door opened and light streamed into the room.

A tall figure was silhouetted in the door frame. Arlo gulped instantly recognizing the shape of the body. Its hand reached over and flicked on the light switch that Arlo had been trying so desperately to find. The whole room flooded with light.

"What do you know, it seems my newest addition has finally woken up." His cold voice sent shivered down Arlo's spine.

Arlo just froze and didn't move as he entered the room.

"This should be fun." He smiled wickedly. "Let's begin shall we?"

He started walking closer to Arlo who started backing up until his back was against the wall.

Darn he still had too much of that drug in his system to properly fight, this was unfair!. The collector put one of his hands against the wall trapping Arlo.

"First let's fix that attitude shall we?" he grabbed Arlo and forced him onto his stomach with his head pressed against the cold stone floor. He began licking his back in the same creepy way as he had before, base of the spine up to his neck.

Arlo flinched weakly trying to push him off.

"Just relax would you," he commented in his ear. "I'm planning to take awhile after all. You taste rather good."

It already felt like forever when the servant crest appeared on Arlo's chest. His smudged excuse for a previous one had been mostly wiped away.

"Good, now we are getting somewhere." Whylie's wicked grin grew even worse. "Let's set some ground rules shall we, first order, hmm no leaving this room. Second no trying to harm me. Feel free to try to resist a bit though, it's more fun when pets do." He started laughing evilly. "Maybe I'll set more as we go."

He looked at Arlo, "Take off your clothes."

Arlo instantly felt that same burning sensation in his chest from his first time in the world. He paused ignoring it until he practically had to kneel on the ground. As soon as he tried to take off his shirt it vanished and he grudgingly started pulling off his clothing.

"Underwear as well."

Arlo glared as he pulled off his last sense of dignity.

"What a good boy you are, maybe I'll give you dinner tonight after all. Now lay down on the bed."

Arlo glanced at the room now covered in light and felt sick to his stomach, prison was a good enough word for it, probably too good for it.

As soon as he hesitated about getting on the bed the burning sensation returned. He got on the bed and curled into a ball.

"Oh come now, we cannot have any of this!" said Whylie. "Hmm, well lets add a rule, no completely resisting me." Then he grabbed Arlo's wrists and held them above his head while with his other hand he forced him to lay on his back. "Like I said before, this will go a lot smoother if you just relax. Hmm maybe I'll just make that the rules, it's a bit of a shame if you constantly make it hard on me. Besides this way you'll just trigger the paralysis effect. Okay so now you must relax and let me have you."

Arlo's eyes started to water at the burning sensation forcing him to relax which was basically impossible.

"Much better, even if not perfect I suppose it will have to do." He leaned down and started licking Arlos chest with long drawn out licks. "I was right, you do taste so much better than a standard demon, so what is it that makes you so different anyway, ay green eyes?"

Arlo's body refused to move it was like someone had drugged him. The burning sensation had gone and left just an inability to move. Paralysis effect huh? The name was fitting enough. He felt one of his legs jerk involuntarily as Whylie moved lower to lick his abdomen.

After a few seconds he moved to his lower section and Arlo hissed as his little man reacted regardless of what he wanted.

"Ah now you're body's getting the hang of it." Whylie laughed again and continued licking. He then closed his mouth around Arlo and stared moving up and down.

Arlo felt tears unrelated to physical pain start streaming down his face. It could have been hours, days even, this was worse than being eaten by a shark.

[Absorb friendship claim: Copycat]

What the heck, shut up system unless you can get me out of here I don't want to hear a word out of you.

Arlo let out an involuntary gasp and his hard little man released and Whylie looked at him with success gleaming in his eyes.

"Now was that really so hard?" Whylie stated. Before Arlo could answer he returned to licking his twins this time. Pausing for a second he added "You know we get to do this daily from now on so you might as well learn to like it." He then put his entire mouth over one and Arlo whimpered hating himself for it.

"Just let your voice go, the place is sound proof."

"Not a chance" Arlo managed to somehow hiss.

Whylie chuckled and said "Okay looks like that will come later then, for now I'll just work on making it so you don't have a choice." He sped up the roughness of his licks and Arlo's whole body quivered more.

Odd he was starting to gain a little movement in his body again. Arlo tried to relax, if he could get some movement he could do something about this.

Whylie moved came face to face with Arlo again and started licking his forehead. Then his cheeks and chin. Arlo couldn't stand it anymore and used what little he had to force his head up and bit down hard on one of Whylie's hands drawing blood.

Immediately pain flared in his chest making him almost black out as it immediately reinstated the paralysis effect.

Whylie backed up holding his hand and cursing. He glared at Arlo "Oh I'll make you regret that one." His voice turned deadly and Arlo shivered.

He punched Arlo in the face and then again in the gut. Evilly he pulled Arlo's hair back dragging him by it a little. Then grinning like a maniac Whylie crushed his fist into his little man making him scream.

He continued using Arlo as a punching bag for a few minutes until he was covered in bruises. When he finally paused Arlo whimpered slightly. It wasn't worth ticking him off. Another sinful smiled crossed Whylie's face.

He grabbed Arlo roughly by his shoulder and dragged him off the bed and over to the little table Arlo had run into in the dark.

He slammed him onto his stomach against it forcing his rear into the air and his head against the stones.

"Remember this any time you feel like breaking a rule again" he hissed.

Arlo gulped as Whylie dropped his pants to the ground. Then he pinned both of Arlo's shoulders and forced himself inside of Arlo.

Arlo screamed as pain flooded through every part of him. And whimpered as he drew himself back out again. Before he could even comprehend what was happening Whylie had stabbed himself back into Arlo again. He continued over and over again. It was like being hit with a hammer on the inside of his body.

[You've been offered a forever claim do you accept? Note: This claim can be canceled at any time.]

Arlo immediately no'ed it as Whylie slammed into him again. Arlo whimpered unable to stay quiet and already out of screams. Eventually his rear end went completely numb.

Finally seeming satisfied Whylie pulled himself out of Arlo and dragged him back to the bed. Arlo didn't even try to fight his this time as he started licking him all over again. He just felt numb, completely numb.

At some point he also ran out of tears, dried tear lines covered his face.

"It didn't have to be this way" stated Whylie, "If you had just been a good little boy none of this would of happened, remember that for next time. I'll see you again after dinner. Do your best not to offend me again."

He grabbed Arlo by the hair and dragged him to the corner of the room where Arlo saw the metal bars from earlier, clearly a cage. Whylie opened the top of it and dropped Arlo in. The he closed and locked it.

Arlo lay limply even if his jade bead had of been around his neck he didn't have the strength or motivation to try to escape. Not to mention that his current claim forbid it. He could hardly even twitch a finger. He glanced down slightly... blood?

Great he was bleeding from somewhere, maybe he could just die of blood loss and save himself the trouble of seeing Whylie again. Everything hurt so much. Some of the numbness had started to fade away.

Pain wrapped itself around his whole body. His chest hurt to breath, his head felt like it was on fire, his lower section.....

Arlo hadn't been moving before and now he .... He.... Couldn't.... ouch... was their such a thing as crying without tears? If so he was definitely doing it. After dinner….. forget that Arlo felt sure he wasn't going to last that long. Darkness closed over his eyes as his whole body shuddered.

I miss Sho he thought weakly picturing his soft silver hair, Arlo let the darkness claim him and low key hoped he wouldn't have to wake up anytime soon or possibly ever.