Sho Steals Another Chapter

[Brief summary if you skipped last chapter: Arlo is claimed by the collector and used. He ends up gaining the skill Copycat and is currently still trapped at his house.]


Saying Sho was furious, was an understatement. He glared at one of the collectors guards who he had trapped against the wall by his neck.

"I'll ask you only one more time" he growled his voice icy "where did he take the demon you kidnapped?"

"I don't know" the guard sobbed, but Sho felt no pity and tightened his grip. "We were just hired to help because he had that other level 50 with him."

Sho shot a quick glare over at his brother who was slightly cowering in a corner away from his wraith. He had one job and he couldn't even manage to do it.

"It seems you're quite useless, I wonder if your buddy will be the same." Growled Sho. He then jerked his hand sideways breaking the other demon's neck.

He glared unsatisfied at the corpse on the ground. "Get rid of this" he growled to Kai.

Sho turned to the other figure currently tied up in the corner. "Let's see if you can remember anything useful shall we?" The guard trembled as Sho walked over and picked him up by his hair then slammed him into the wall.

"Let's start with the beginning, tell me everything you know about the collector and where he took my friend." Sho's lack of mercy was evident and the guard immediately spilled all the information he knew.

"He had three houses in this area, I can give you their locations, but I don't know which one he would have taken your friend to. Please believe me!"

"Do I look to be in a believing mood" hissed Sho tightening his grip slightly. The second guards face started to turn a bit red and he quickly spat out the locations he knew of.

"That's better" Said Sho, "Why don't you hang around a bit while we test this information."

Kai had returned without the previous guard and Sho shoved something down the second one's throat then tossed him to Kai. "Tie him up well."

"Hey what about my freedo…" the guards voice trailed off as the knock out potion Sho used took effect.

Sho left Kai and headed toward the first address. Conifer street, 553, the building looked a bit like a factory. Sho didn't bother knocking the normal way instead he knocked the door down.

Lower level demons fled away from the rampaging Sho, who proceeded to destroy most of what was in his path. Factory equipment? He was stronger. Something else? Cannon fodder for his anger. A few guards of lower levels than him, piece of cake. He had also bought a level boost potion in case he ended up needing it but since there were three places he wanted to avoid it anytime soon. No one would escape his fury.

After clearing three floors of the building like some kind of video game Sho hissed in anger at not receiving the right drop. He quickly checked for any missed doors or a basement. Finding none he glowered for a few seconds then headed for the door. Time for building number two.

Building number 385 Wayfire drive, seemed promising. It was some kind of abandon apartment complex that demons had given up on. Trying to make demons live that close to each other was a recipe for disaster. However if someone wanted to hide and torment a single soul an empty building would probably be ideal.

Sho started on the first level and destroyed every single door as he went. Good markers for where he had already looked, and it added a slight bit of time to his anger management. Well if you could call it that anyway.

The rooms on the second to last floor were bigger and Sho's eyes narrowed, was Arlo here? He tore all of them to shreds but again failed to find his prize. Up to the last floor, two big rooms, big was an understatement, penthouse was closer.

Sho tore up the entire place looking for any hidden doors, but found nothing. He hissed with dissatisfaction and took a small second to destroy everything of value before leaving.

Last address 666 Demonvilla circle, looked promising. It was a large mansion with plenty of room to hide an Arlo. Sho glared at every inch of it as if it would help. Time for another field trip.

He entered the door by destroying it. Large Oak door +10 seconds of anger management. Several guards came from a few places but they were all in the 30—40 range. Sho proceeded to obliterate them with ease. He paused grabbing the last one by the neck.

"Where is Whylie the collector, and where is his current hostage?"

The guard yelped and spilled the entire layout of the place but didn't know a thing about a hostage. Sho drop kicked him into a wall and he fell to the floor and didn't move. Sho continued to check the place, destroying all the doors in the process of course.

A room full of weird eyeballs. Sho gulped immediately scanning threw them for a specific pair of green ones. Very pale purple, a few human colors, dark silver... no piercingly sharp green ones, Sho made a look of disgust at the room and left to destroy more doors.

He was almost about to write the place off as a loss when a table in a large office caught his eye. Or rather what was on it did.

A small jade bead on a gold necklace. He picked it up and it immediately showed its programmed data.

[Hill Blackwolf level 28, Average (E)]

Arlo's name was Arlo Shdowwolf, but this was clearly proof of his presence. Sho instantly recognized the fake name Arlo had been using.

He tore through the rooms in the place again tearing off pictures and pulling up rugs looking for any kind of place to hide an Arlo. Finding none he returned to the guards he had knocked out.

Finding them all still unconscious he produced a different small vial he originally had in case he needed to wake up the one he knocked out earlier.

He picked the two who looked the most in charge and held it up to their noses.

"Good morning" he hissed and their eyes went wide. "Why don't you tell me everything you know about where the collector might keep a hostage. Better not wait too long, my patience wore out 10 minutes ago."

"He doesn't have any current hostages" squeaked one. And Sho's anger gleamed on his face.

"Wait that." Said the second looking at the necklace in Sho's hand, "Wasn't that on his unconscious friend he brought back yesterday?"

"Friend" hissed Sho with a sarcastic huff, "Spill your info pal."

The demon immediately replied "Sorry I don't know much, but I saw him bring in a small demon with black hair. He said it was a friend who had too much to drink who would be staying with us for a bit, but I haven't seen him since. I figured he had already left."

"Where" Sho growled.

"I don't know I'm sorry I'm new to working here, but Oyuno might know." The demon pointed to another demon laying unconscious on the ground. "He's the head of housework, cleaning, and repairs, if there is a secret room in this place he'd be the only one who would possibly know of it."

Hmm finally a useful demon thought Sho. He held the vial under his nose while drumming his fingers against the wood floor. The demon coughed slightly and opened his eyes.

Sho kneeled menacingly over him. "Tell m everything about hidden layouts in this place."

The terrified demon stuttered "What exactly are you looking for?"

"A hostage, who might have been introduced as a guest."

The repair demon shuttered again "Try the basement rooms, there is a hatch to get to them from the kitchen's dining area."

"Show me" Sho growled forcing the demon to his feet.

The terrified demon had no problems leading him to the kitchen and then to the dining hall. A large table covered most of the room. The demon knelt down and climbed under a large table.

Curious Sho followed being careful to make sure he wasn't ambushed. To his surprise near the center of the table the demon stopped and started feeling around in the long carpet. Then he grabbed a handful of the carpet and pulled upward revealing a trap door that Sho would have never found on his own.

"Good start" Sho said. He grabbed the demon and forced him in before him. They landed in a dark hallway.

Sho began opening each door and looking in. Some looked like prison cells other storage. He felt his impatience growing and continued through each one. The other demon trailed just a hair behind him. Afraid of getting to close but also not trying to run.