Sho’s Stealing This One As Well


A useful guide for once, Sho thought. The last door at the end of the hall. Sho felt a stab of worry, what if Arlo wasn't here? He shook his head slightly, if he wasn't he'd just keep tearing the place apart until he found him. He then slammed open the door and hissed.

Whylie his old hated enemy was lounging on a bed, in a metal crate near it was a naked Arlo. Sho didn't hesitate or give him time to react he leapt forward and sliced off his head with a blade from his coat. He watched as the collector became no more. A look of surprise and hatred filled his dying face.

"This death is too good for you" he hissed. "If I had more patience and time I'd slowly destroy parts of you until you died from the pain of it."

Sho turned back to the crate and opened it pulling out an Arlo who wasn't moving except for a small rise and fall in his chest. He was covered in bruises and several parts of him were bleeding.

Sho's frown grew, he really should have made Whylie suffer a lot more. He pulled Arlo close to him in a hug and gently licked his forehead. Licking the face was a sign of demon affection after all. He then gently examined every part of him. He had been worried about his eyes, he hadn't expected this…..

Grabbing a blanket from the bed he wrapped Arlo up like a burrito and picked him up. The demon he was using as a guide was staring in shock the entire time. Sho waited while the claim mark on Arlo's chest faded away after Whylie's death. Once it was completely gone Sho headed for the door.

"Move" Sho growled and he immediately led the way back to the surface. Sho didn't bother with anything else he just left the mansion and the guards to deal with whatever came next in their lives. The only thing he was interested in was the small demon in his arms and calling up the doctor yet again.

He returned to their current inn residence. Kai was pacing the room and looked up when he entered his face going from worry to excitement to shock.

Sho gently laid Arlo on one of the two beds and unwrapped him from the other blanket which he immediately tossed in the fire. He wanted no remnants of that place.

He looked at Kai "keep an eye on him I'm going to find Alyo Secondfire. Can you clean him up a little?" He stood up tossed Kai a wash cloth then left.

Sho hated that he had to leave Arlo in Kai's care for a few minutes while he went to find their family's doctor friend. He hoped he was still in town. He went to the house he owned in this town and knocked on the door. To his surprise Alyo opened it himself and he had a suitcase.

"Sho" he said in surprise. Seeing his look he added "what happened. I'm headed back to the north today, but I will always make time for you."

For some reason Sho couldn't even form the right words instead all he managed to say was "Please."

That was enough, Alyo immediately replied "Show me."

Sho led him back to the inn and he heard Alyo's breath catch in his throat slightly when he saw Arlo. He pulled out a doctor's bag from on top of his suitcase and rummaged through it for a second pulling out several vials, a thing of pills, eye drops, and a large thing of salve cream.

He passed Sho the salve cream and said, run this on any places he was injured; bruises, or bleeding. Alyo then mixed a few vials of things and poured them down Arlo's throat.

He half muttered to Sho as he worked, "This solution with help with internal damage but it will slow his rate of recovery on external injuries, so apply that cream for five days in the morning and at night. Also he pulled out another smaller thing of cream, use this on his rear's inside same time frame. Eye drops are pretty self explanatory."

Alyo watched with slight satisfaction as Arlo's shallow breathing became a bit deeper and more normal. He gently placed a hand on his chest for a few seconds to check his work. Then he turned to the pills.

Alyo crushed a pill and mixed it with water giving it to Arlo. He added "These are anti-infection type, once a day, you can crush and mix with water until he can swallow better. I'm afraid I do need to get going now, but please do not hesitate to send me a crow if you need anything else. Sadly only time can heal the rest. Also keep me posted on your own condition, I'll still be looking for cures and supplements for it."

With that Alyo left and Sho just stared numbly at Arlo for a few seconds. He ran a hand gently through his hair then pulled back each eye lid to check his eyes. He had glanced briefly at them before but he wanted to make sure they weren't damaged. He picked up the eye drops and as gently as he could put one in each of his slightly red edged eyes.

Then he turned to the cream gently scooping out a small amount and started to rub it on Arlo.

Sho felt himself wince in pain at every single one as if Whylie had hit him. He had known the stupid demon since he was young, He really should of just killed him sooner.

Sho finished covering all the standard bruises then he gently pulled apart Arlo's legs and started rubbing the cream all over down there as well. He should of stabbed Whylie a few times before chopping off his head, or thrown him in a pot of boiling water, or just fed him to a pile of baby dragons...

Sho gently turned Arlo onto his side and examined the back of his rear. A small trail of blood made his gut clench up. Boiling water would have been too nice.

He squeezed out some of the cream from the smaller tube and gently rubbed it on his fingers. Then putting a bit extra on the tips as gently as he could he penetrated Arlo's body.

Even mostly unconscious Arlo flinched weakly making Sho's heart feel like it was breaking into pieces. He gently rubbed the cream on and collected more trying to make sure he got all the way up. Arlo let out a very small whimper and Sho's heart shattered. A small tear ran down the side of his face. Baby dragons were also way too nice....

Sho gently rubbed the edges of Arlo's rear while trying to ignore any little noises Arlo made but also failing miserably. He continued until Arlo loosened up quite a bit. Then he did his best to cover him in the cream. By the time he had finished his face was soaked in salt water.

Very gently he lay down beside Arlo whose body was way too cold to the touch and wrapped and arm gently around him. A small part of his chest didn't have any bruises and he gently started licking him. There was no way he was letting him leave without a claim mark ever again.

The mark slowly appeared, then Sho moved to hold him gently from behind. The back of his neck was one of the few areas without damage. Sho gently licked him a few times enjoying the slight sweetness of his skin. Then Sho held him close hoping to warm him up, even if only a little bit.

He closed his own eyes gently feeling the rise and fall of Arlo's breathing. It was better than before but still uneven. His heart beat at least seemed okay. Hopefully that potion Alyo made would fix everything. He moved his hand gently over his abdomen, how much damage had all these punches done…..

Never ever, ever letting him leave without a claim mark, ever, ever, ever again. He thought to himself. He should have chased after him and forced it if necessary. He hadn't and this was the result. Arlo was just too cute for his own good.

As soon as his eyes were better he was going to stick another pair of contacts in them. He reached up gently looking at one of Arlo's eyes again. They were dry and red on the edges, had he been crying? Sho would not forgive anyone who made him cry.

If it were up to him he'd stick a friendship claim and a forever claim on him and then punch anyone who tried to come close to him. Actually forget the punch, a punch was way too nice, he'd destroy anyone who tried to touch his Arlo.