Heaven Is Stolen, But That’s Totally Okay

Arlo groaned slightly opening one eye and light flooded into it. His whole body hurt. He tried to slightly move his head then stopped instantly regretting it. He opened his eye again, where was he now? Didn't he go to sleep in a barred cage? He felt around himself slightly a bed, wait a room at an inn?

He stiffened slightly feeling a tongue along the back of his neck.

"Good morning beautiful" said a voice.

"Sho." Arlo whispered hoarsely. He felt his whole body instantly relax. Sho was here, was this a dream? Maybe this was heaven? He was okay with that.

He felt a hand wrap gently around his body and he closed his eyes again enjoying the warm feeling of the person next to him. Hmm he should have told Sho how he felt before he died. Wait if Sho was in heaven as well had he also died?

Oh no poor Sho, Arlo should have been the only one who died. After all last thing he remembered was being kicked around on the floor. No way he didn't die from that much force. Or maybe this Sho was an illusion? Did heaven do illusions? Hmm if so he was going to enjoy illusion Sho to the max, but also that was sad he'd never be able to tell actual Sho how he felt.

Wait if it was heaven why did everything still hurt. Liars I thought after death was supposed to be painless. Seems everyone was actually wrong on that point. Wait if that was the case could someone die again in heaven? Would that lead to the popular reincarnation theory? Maybe he should have paid more attention to religion classes.

Well if I'm here now, I might as well make the best of it, thought Arlo. Still sad though, he wanted to hug actual Sho. Maybe illusion Sho would merge with actual Sho when Sho did die?

With quite a bit of effort he rolled over so he was facing Sho's illusion. Well might as well try to convey his feelings for if they ever did merge.

"Thank you for everything, even here you're heavenly in so many ways. I love you." He leaned forward and kissed him.

"You think I'm heavenly" Sho looked shocked. "Um Kai are we sure those drugs didn't start to affect his brain? He's acting kind of funny."

Kai poked his head around the bathroom door. "Um not sure, Alyo didn't mention possible side effects."

Hmm Kai is also an illusion, odd he's kind of annoying I'm surprised he's in my heaven. Maybe he's the part that makes me pay for what I did wrong in life? Oh well I can just ignore him. Arlo stared at Sho's silvery eyes.

"You're eyes look like a shiny moon" he said. Smirking slightly at the phrase he would have never actually said when he was alive. Being dead had some perks right? Something along the lines of doing things you normally would never do. What else had he always wanted to say to Sho…. Hmm…. Well he should have plenty of time right?

Wait did Heaven have a time limit? If so maybe that was connected to reincarnation. Ooh did he get to chose at all about his reincarnation? Maybe he could be with Sho again even as a pet he'd take it.

"I could be Sho's Blacky!" Arlo mumbled excitedly. Oops did he say that out loud? Oh well they were just illusions after all.

Sho was giving him a very funny look but that was okay the illusions should auto set to ignore most random things right? What if they didn't did he have to make some logic off of it…..

"Fluffy…. No wait…. Um….. Furry?" Arlo mumbled unsure of himself.

"Okay beautiful, you definitely need some more sleep." Said Sho clearly still looking worried.

Sleep, wait was the the trigger to leave, no he couldn't sleep yet, he still had tons of emotions he wanted to leave for real Sho.

"No" he mumbled firmly and in the background Kai snickered.

Sho had a very strange expression that Arlo couldn't even completely distinguish. Something between worry, amusement, and maybe….. what?

"Fine but lay down for a bit at least." Sho said. He grabbed two containers of something. Arlo's head was spinning so he did lay back down.

He abruptly flinched at the feeling of something cold touching him.

"Relax, it's just a healing cream" said Sho.

Oooh so heaven did have divine healing things, of course it wouldn't let someone be in pain. Surprising that someone could be in pain after dying though.

Arlo relaxed enjoying the gentle massage of the cream, the moment it touched his skin the pain started to fade. Sho covered him in it, starting on his chest all the way down to his toes. He gently rubbed a bit on patches of his face as well.

Kai's illusion chose that moment to come over and drop some eye drops in his eyes.

Arlo grumbled shoving him away, "annoying illusion" he muttered. He could hear Sho snickering behind him.

"Apparently you've been upgraded to an annoying illusion" Sho couldn't stop his amusement.

"Well at least I'm not fluffy." Replied Kai.

"No he was referring to himself as fluffy, I am shiny moon." Sho continued with his amused tone.

"Maybe we should just knock him out for a bit? Do we have sleeping pills?" Kai asked.

"No sleep" grumbled Arlo glaring at him. "I'm spending time with Sho right now, so shoo."

Behind him Sho burst out laughing. "Nope no sleeping, I'm enjoying this way too much."

Arlo turned slightly to see Sho grinning. He snuggled up against his chest feeling very secure. Warm, everything at the moment felt so warm. Arlo would have been happy if it never ended. Although he still wanted to see the real Sho again.

He glanced up at illusion Sho, he was squeezing some cream out of a different smaller tube. Hmm was he going to get another full body massage?

He flinched feeling it on his rear as Sho gently rubbed it all over. Then he winced as he felt his finger penetrate him. A wave of pain washed over him and he whimpered pathetically caught off guard by it. Sho's face immediately looked concerned again as he gently ran his other hand through Arlo's hair.

"Just try to relax" he said quietly.

Ah curse the afterlife thought Arlo, stop making it painful and just hurry up and heal. Or what if healing was the trigger for leaving... bring on the pain he could totally handle it.

He tried to do as Sho had suggested and tried to relax his body while laying on his side. Sho's finger moved around inside of him gently. Huh it felt kind of good through all the painful parts. Sho continued gently moving his finger in and out of him with more cream each time.

For some random reason Arlo started giggling like a little girl. Sho paused for a few seconds before continuing. Across the room Kai had started laughing.

"Oh man, these side effects are hilarious. Tell Alyo we want more of whatever she gave him." Kai laughed.

"Shut up you big caterpillar." Muttered Arlo unable to think of a better insult at the moment. Kai just laughed more.

"Shoo Kai" said Sho, "I'm enjoying my Arlo time."

"Fine, fine, but let's see just how much he remembers when he wakes up again." Kai left the room.

"Goody, Mr. caterpillar grew wings and left. Now I get Sho all to myself." Arlo reached over and hugged Sho.

He felt Sho gently embrace him back and just held him tightly. Now that his cream treatment seemed to be over he planned to enjoy every moment of this.

"I love you" Arlo said.

Sho smiled, "I love you too."

Arlo yawned and then grimaced, he didn't want to sleep yet, but he could also barely hold his eyes open.... No... he didn't want to leave Sho yet...

He felt Sho's warm embrace and couldn't help it as his eyelids fell shut. The last thing he remembered was hearing Sho whisper quietly "get some sleep beautiful."

The next world what would it be like......…

Arlo opened his eyes again to a similar sunlight pattern. His head felt a lot more clear than the day before. Heaven was an interesting place it was..... wait, he recognized the room before him as both the room from yesterday and the room they had rented at the inn, it had the same extremely ugly lizard painting on one wall.

He shifted his weight to the side and looked over at Sho's sleeping face and then watched his eye lids flutter open a few seconds later.

"Good morning beautiful, you feeling any better?" Sho asked?

Arlo felt his face immediately flush red at the thoughts of the other day... shiny moon….. fluffy... caterpillar.... I'm not dead????????

He coughed slightly looking at the floor. "Uh did that all happen?" he practically whispered.

"I love you fluffy" said Sho with a smirk as he wrapped his arms around Arlo and kissed him.