Sho Has Stolen My Heart

Arlo buried his head in the pillow. I cannot believe all thing things I said...… but...…. They weren't wrong...… mostly.

Arlo felt Sho's tongue on his back and his whole body relaxed before he even realized he subconsciously had. Curses! This demon world has changed me. He thought grumpily but also happily. Was that even a thing?

He thought briefly of shoving him off but then stopped. Why? When in Rome... do as demons do?????

He was glad he still had his head in a pillow because he was certain he had a very red face. Probably like a red apple or maybe more like a beet. Heck he'd be lucky if it hadn't turned purple from lack of oxygen.

"I love you too" he whispered very quietly. Sho's tongue froze on him a second before continuing. Arlo felt Sho wrap his arms around high a little tighter.

Reality was better than heaven. Who needed the afterlife, this was perfection.

That cream stuff was pretty amazing though, apart from his rear still being quite sore, the bruises on his body had mostly vanished. Sho was totally taking advantage of his entire body now when covering him with his tongue.

Arlo felt himself mumble slightly in enjoyment before realizing that he had. He tensed slightly. Making noise still felt weird. Sho let out an amused chuckle before continuing the long strokes of his tongue.

Kai was gone, thankfully, Arlo didn't want an audience, but he didn't want Sho to stop.

He felt Sho gently roll him onto his back and didn't resist. He looked up into his silvery eyes. Who'd want green eyes? Sho's eyes had already obtained the peak stage of perfection. Silvery white with a few white flecks mixed in. They tended to reflect the light just a little making his eyes sparkle. MmmHmm definitely fairytale eyes worthy of the gold award.

His hair, the same beautiful silvery color, making his whole body sparkle. If he told people he was a god, Arlo would have believed him 100% percent.

Sho kissed him, letting his lips meet Arlo's, then he proceeded to start kissing him all over. The kisses slowly became more than just little kisses and soon Arlo's fading bruises had a new color to them and several more of them.

Arlo whimpered slightly in delight as Sho worked on his chest, which gained him another amusement stifled snort from Sho.

"Your perfect" said Sho as he let his tongue travel over some of Arlo's more sensitive spots making Arlo's whole body tremble. Arlo's breathing sped up, he could feel his little man tensing a bit as well.

Sho paused looking down regretfully, "You're still injured" he said softly.

"I'll be okay." Replied Arlo not wanting him to stop even if it hurt a little.

"I don't want to ever hurt you." Sho whispered a slight pained look in his eyes.

Arlo reached up grabbing Sho's head and pulling him into a kiss. "When I'm with you a little physical pain won't hurt me." He said.

Sho still looked a little unconvinced but sighed and said, "If it starts to hurt you I'm stopping." He reached over grabbing a tube of the cream again. "Might as well do this while we're at it."

To say Arlo was happy, was an understatement. He felt like everything was perfect for the moment. Sho's hands were slow and gentle rubbing up down and in little circles. He penetrated Arlo slowly using that same cool feeling cream, while at the same time gently massaging his other parts.

Arlo mumbled nonsense happily. Hanging out with Sho was really the best. His lower section felt warm with anticipation. Sho seemed amused again as he continued making sure to be extremely careful.

Arlo felt his entire body go tense and then release, but mixed with the pleasure was a jolt of pain. He involuntarily whimpered slightly, shoot.

"Are you okay?" Said Sho immediately looking worried, "I knew it was too soon."

"Nah it was perfect." Replied Arlo kissing Sho again. He definitely wasn't going to mention anything about pain.

Sho looked unconvinced and wrapped his arms around Arlo holding him firmly from behind. Arlo snuggled against him and wrapped his arms around Sho's arms.

"You're perfect" he whispered feeling sleepy again. Sho made a noise that for some reason reminded Arlo of a purring cat and he giggled.

He was never leaving Sho again, that was for sure. In his arms, the demon realm seemed like a piece of cake. He could handle anything as long as he had Sho.

Right before he closed his eyes he was for some reason reminded of his new skill copycat that he hadn't even read the description for….. no that skill was from a rather nasty experience….. no way would he use it. He tossed it from him mind wishing he could toss it all together. Why was his unique skill sooooo...…. Gross. He looked at his duplicate skill from Sho, that one on the other hand was his treasured skill.

He closed his eyes drifting off for a bit. Maybe he and Sho could build a little house, in a little town, in the demon realm and live their till they both had way too much grey hair. He smiled at the thought. Perfect was what you made of it.

The door opening woke Arlo a bit and he looked over to see Kai and Blacky return. Shame he should just get another room even if this inn had two beds. The place should only be big enough for Arlo and Sho and of course Blacky could stay. Maybe he could toss Kai out again and just lock the dead bolt?

"Oh hey your awake again" commented Kai as Arlo felt like glaring at him but maintained a calm innocent face.

"Welcome back" Sho replied lifting his head up from where he was still curled up around Arlo.

Kai looked a little tense, "So Shoy oh brother oh pal."

Sho tensed, "What did you do?"

Kai fidgeted with his shirt collar, "A bar keeper kind of figured out I was a Whitewolf and may or may not have called the city guards. They also may possibly know where we are staying."

Sho glared at him and growled "hurry and pack we'll have to move elsewhere."

Sho then turned to Arlo, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine" said Arlo starting to get up then wincing, "maybe just a little less than fine." He muttered trying to make sure his eyes didn't water at all. Stupid eyes always making water when in pain, it was like a dead giveaway.

Sho stuffed a storage bead he had gotten the other day with the items around the place. Unlike Arlo's jade one, his was made of a blue sapphire stone.

Once he finished packing Sho picked Arlo up like a princess. Arlo didn't bother to complain since he knew he probably couldn't walk quite yet.

He headed toward the door when a knock on it sounded. Sho tensed and instead pulled th deadbolt across.

"Kai" Sho growled, "You were followed."

Kai gave his brother and oops I'm sorry face. While Sho headed for a window at the back. They were on the third floor of the building but the window opened directly onto the roof of the second floor area.

Sho paused and changed his grip on Arlo. Arlo felt a little more embarrassed at this one, how to even describe it? Sure Sho was a lot taller than him but still. Sho had one arm wrapped around Arlo's back and under his knees. He was being carried like an .... Awkward football?

Sho used his other hand to grab the window sill and jump out onto the roof with Kai just behind them. Blacky jogged along beside Kai changing sizes a little to fit the situation as they made their escape across the rooftops.

Arlo heard the door of the inn break down and some voices yelling after them. A demon came to the open window and yelled after them. He tried to climb out after them but seemed less adapt to rooftop shenanigans. A slight crash was heard a second later as he fell into a pile of boxes off the side of the roof.

Sho reached the wall of the town and by getting onto the roof of a 4 story building. Arlo looked at the gap of about 6 feet. It was a long ways down..... Sho didn't hesitate and jumped to the top of the wall making Arlo's heart skip a beat in the process.

He glanced at the other side of the wall which led into the west district. Pines lined the area for a bit before growing into a thick forest. A four story drop….. that might break a bone or two...… not ideal for a getaway.

To Arlo's surprise Blacky woofed "I got this." And literally ran down the side of the wall for two story mark before jumping outward and growing huge. Sho leapt neatly down onto Blacky tail which the wolf had formed into a 3rd to 2nd story slide. Once they all had a firm grasp on the wolf's fur he took off into the tall forest.