We Steal A Hot Pond

It took a total of one minute for Arlo's rear to be sore, even though riding Blacy was like riding a very furry couch. At this size the wolfs fur was two feet in length.

Arlo stretched out so it was more like he was lying down on the moving couch. At least staying on him was easy. As long as you grabbed enough fur and didn't pull any one strand out the wolf was happy.

After about 10 minutes of running, Blacky slowed to a walk. Losing their pursuers at this point was easy, the forest was thick and Blacky's fur blended into the shadows. The wolf had gained the ability to match his emotions to the color he wanted his fur patches to be, it was currently a very dark purple.

Arlo breathed out happily, slow wolf speed was definitely better for now.

Sho reached over and wiped a pain tear from his eye and Arlo half buried his head in the wolf's fur... stupid eyes.

"Are you okay?" Sho asked?

"Yep, just got a piece of dirt under a contact." Arlo replied, his slightly high pitched voice a giveaway. Luckily Sho didn't push it further and instead wrapped Arlo in his arms.

The moving wolf below felt like a massage chair in an odd sort of fashion. Kai being a bit of a dare devil was sitting on the wolf's enormous head. Kai turned to look at them.

"Aww are the two love birds enjoying their pre-marriage honeymoon?" Kai asked.

"Shut up Kai!" both Arlo and Sho yelled at him. He snickered and turned back toward the front.

"Where we headed now anyway?" Kai asked.

No one responded.

"North" wolfed Blacky.

"Uh why?" asked Arlo.

"Why not?" said Kai.

"Because it smells nice." Replied Blacky.

"Smells nice? Should we be concerned? Don't wolves and canines like the smell of poo?" Kai asked.

Blacky let out a huff, "Please do not compare me to the standard flea bag." He replied irritated. He shook his head a bit with a laughing woof as Kai almost fell off. "Also don't criticize your transport."

Kai muttered something under his breath that Arlo didn't catch but Blacky clearly did. He held his head straight up in the air until Kai fell off and onto his back. "Mock me again and your walking." The wolf growled.

"So touchy for a pile of fur." Kai replied. Blacky's tail whipped around and brushed him off his back.

"Okay, Okay! I'm sorry!" pleaded Kai hanging onto the tail.

Blacky started wagging his tail causing Kai to yelp a few times before dropping the demon back onto his back.

The wolf muttered something about wolf abuse and turned his head back to look where he was walking.

Arlo started to smell… rotten eggs? Oh dear gods what had this wolf found that smelled nice? He was tempted to tell the wolf to leave it and go another direction but held back since the wolf rarely asked for things. The smell grew worse icky, thought Arlo. He opened his mouth thinking of changing his mind when the wolf spoke instead.

"We're here!" the wolf laid down and shrank back to just a large normal wolf. Arlo looked around the forest had turned into a little clearing with several small ponds.

"It's a hot pond!" yelled Kai, "Oooh fun! Good nose Blacky."

"Hot pond?" muttered Arlo now eyeing the pond suspiciously.

"Oh right what the human word for it?" Kai looked at Sho.

"Hot springs." Sho replied and Arlo's ears immediately perked up. "This is a famous part of the west district but people rarely come here alone because of the monsters. It has healing effects so lots come to collect from it."

"Wait shouldn't we get far away from it then?" asked Arlo.

Sho shook his head, "we are at the southern corner of it, the tourist inns are in the north part. In fact assuming someone isn't an idiot we can hang out for a bit there." He glared at Kai during the second part of his sentence.

"Wait part? It's just a large pool though?" Arlo said trying to see the inn.

Sho smirked, "Hey Blacky go a little further up the hill."

The wolf walked to a small hill that had been blocking the area on top Arlo gasped. The large pond he'd been looking at was just the drainage overflow for a large collection of ponds as far as his eyes could see. Several small waterfalls trailed from one pool to the next as they traveled up the sides of a rocky area.

"It's huge!" Gasped Arlo looking through the thinning area of trees. In a few ponds further up an occasional large rat or other monster was bathing.

Blacky walked past the pools heading further north. The smaller monsters ignored or ran from the towering wolf.

Arlo couldn't stop looking around in amazement. The clear pools were lined with colorful rock formations. If it had of been in his old world it probably would have been the 8th wonder of the world. Not to mention whoever owned it would have been a billionaire.

"Just how big is this place!" Arlo asked when they were still traveling through some of the most beautiful scenery. It reminded him of something a video game programmer would use for a water fairy village.

Sho smirked "It's only about 10 square miles."

"Miles!" Arlo's mouth fell open and stayed that way for a bit.

A few minutes later Sho spoke again, "Here we go demon territory."

Arlo had just managed to shut his mouth about the size when it instantly fell open again. Now it really did look straight from a video game. Little inns and shops interwove around the ponds forming a town. As if that wasn't enough a few of the ponds had been turned into fountains and water sculptures lined the area.

"Welcome to Wayzal" said Sho grinning at the look on Arlo's face. "Let's go find a place to spend the night shall we?"

Arlo didn't say anything for a solid 10 minutes. He had no way to properly describe the amazing sights, but he looked around constantly. Blacky had gone small and was riding in his hoddie again. Ouch walking still hurt a bit.

They entered a small brown logged inn with a black roof and a sign saying 'Rya Inn.' Arlo was immediately reminded of all the Japanese hot springs anime he had ever watched. Even they would be jealous of this place.

The room they got opened to a pool in the back and they also bought some pill that modified their sense of smell for a day. Without the smell Arlo just stared at the beautiful pond.

"Well we going in or what?" Smirked Sho coming up behind him, he wrapped one arm around Arlo and led him over.

"Oooh me too!" yelled Kai.

"You can have it next" replied Sho.

"Not happening!" growled his brother pulling off his clothes and leaping in.

Arlo looked away, why did demons have such little sense of clothing and body space. Sho smirked as his reading his mind and licked his cheek.

"We can't let him have all the fun now can we?" He whispered in Arlo's ear before chewing on the edge of it. Arlo stiffened as Sho chuckled and started pulling off his shirt.

Arlo slid into the water and immediately felt the healing effects Sho had mentioned.

"Is this helping your energy problem?" Arlo asked Sho as the larger demon slid into the water next to him.

"A bit" he replied, but given his tone Arlo felt like it wasn't much. Arlo leaned over and licked Sho's shoulder.

"Huh this water tastes better than I thought!" Arlo muttered in shock. In his brief pause Sho turned and started licking him.

"This should be good for the both of us then." Sho smirked a glint showing in his eyes, "Let's make sure we both get it all over ourselves." With that he reached down and started touching and licking Arlo all over.

Arlo moaned weakly at his touch and fell into the water. He felt Sho's strong arm pull him back out with a laugh.

"Hey let me have a turn with you for once!" muttered Arlo.

"Don't worry I won't let you drown," said Sho supporting his back. "Besides you are still injured it's my job to make sure you're 100% before I let you worry about me." He smirked and moved the two of them to a shallow part of the pool. "I'd be lying if I said this shallow area wasn't made for claiming." Sho smirked as he pinned Arlo lightly against the rock and started on him.