I’ve Stolen Some Information

The hot springs was hot, Sho was hot, Arlo's body was now hot. He felt Sho's tongue move across the back of his shoulders. Burning, everything was on fire. Arlo could hardly breathe, what was up with this hot spring? It was like it magnified everything by ten. His whole body was shaking and Sho had barely started.

"What….I….Springs….Sho?" Arlo asked trying to say ....EeeeAck why did it feel so good?

"Be quiet beautiful, and just enjoy yourself for the night" Sho whispered lightly in his ear. "But also to answer what I think your questions might have been, this spring can magnify both healing and pleasure, so you could say it's also a romantic attraction for demons."

Arlo noticed weakly that Sho was panting hard even though he also hadn't done anything. Sho smirked down at him and added, "Don't worry if you're that desperate I'll let you have me tomorrow, well if I can hold myself back from you anyway." He grinned and returned to licking Arlo. After five minutes Arlo couldn't move an inch his entire being just wanted more.

When he got tense enough and his body release.... well... words failed to be enough to describe it. Arlo just lay partly in the water gasping like a dying fish while Sho supported him. He briefly noticed that his lower section no longer hurt at all. Then he passed out from pleasure, Arlo would have never imagined that was possible before meeting Sho.


Arlo awoke the next morning still feeling exhausted. Shouldn't that stupid spring restore energy? It felt more like the spring had stolen it. He glanced at his stat.

[Energy 35/35]

Nope it was full. The stupid stat had risen from that! He glanced at Sho who he could feel next to him of the ground bed.

[Energy 52/55]

It still hadn't risen past that, his max had dropped again. Arlo frowned a little and snuggled up closer to his sleeping form. He wrapped one arm over Sho and also ate an energy stabilizer. Then he gently let his tongue travel around on him. Even a half hour later though it stayed the same.

Arlo pulled back slightly trying to think of another way to boost his stat when Sho mumbled "Why you stop?"

"You were awake!" Arlo yelped slightly his face immediately turning red.

Sho chuckled and flipped over so his eyes met Arlo's. "Seems someone is in the mood to have some fun this morning. Only then did Arlo realize they both still had no clothing on from the previous night. He gulped.

"No, no, no we haven't even had breakfast yet!" Arlo yelped as Sho dragged him back into the pool.

Sho's laugh, so soft innocent and happy, while at the same time so much motive behind it. Within moments Arlo felt what little motivation to move that he had, was gone, long gone. Even his trembling body was weak from lack of strength.

A few minutes later, Sho moved over to the side and gently placed Arlo out of the water. He licked his forehead saying "I'm going to grab us some food, wait here for me."

Arlo felt like growling as if I have a choice! Sadly his lack of strength made that impossible at the moment. Would he even be able to chew his food? Ugh Sho should have just waited until after they ate.

Kai and Blacky had left a little earlier when Sho had mentioned playing with Arlo, so the place was quiet for once. Arlo laid against the rocks hearing the sound of his own breathing slowly calm down.

Huh? He could hear voices from beyond the fence into the next room's pool.

"That's why!"

"But you didn't win the raffle."

"I know it's such a pity. You know she can only do it once a year, but man a skill like that!"

"Too bad all he cares about is money."

"I know right! he makes millions off her raffle then only gives his heal to the winner. I spent 100 thousand on that ticket, and I still have my useless arm."

Hmm what's this a heal raffle? Thought Arlo. He tried to remember their voices in case he ran across them and had the chance to ask.

"When is he planning to make a scene of healing the winner this time?"

"I think in a month wasn't that when his heal resets?"

"I hope he chokes and runs across a person he can't heal for a change."

"The skill is legit! What did he call it, oh right 'heal of the year' it can heal anything but can only be used once a year."

Arlo decided to just ask the two demons.

"Excuse me, could you guys tell me more about this healer?" Arlo called out.

"Oh hello neighbor! Sure let's see he's a demon who lives in the human realm and became famous for his skills, but don't get your hopes up he's a jerk."

"Where in the human realm does he live?" Arlo asked.

"Not sure he's a traveler from what I know. If you want to find him all I can tell you is that his name is Cyan Slipwater, he sometimes shortens his human alias to Cyan water."

"Thank you very much for the information!" Arlo replied.

"Not a problem, we're headed off for now, nice talking to you!" the voices left the area again.

Hmm Arlo had no problem with almost killing this Cyan as long as he could potentially heal Sho. Time to find a demon hiding as a human. Ah shoot he still couldn't move. Sho! Why you do this to me! They'd probably end up here a bit longer given Sho's track record. That and Arlo low key still wanted to give him a small piece of payback.

A few minutes later Sho returned with two plates full of breakfast food. Eggs, bacon, ham, sausage, pancakes, toast, fruit of several kinds, and lots of things Arlo couldn't name lined the plates. Sho seeing Arlo still lying on the ground gave an amused chuckle.

"Planning to sleep all day are we?" he asked.

Arlo glared, "Very funny I wonder who's fault this is."

Sho smirked and picked up Arlo setting him in a chair. Arlo was deeply annoyed by the chair he had wanted to be in for the past several minutes.

Sho picked up a bite of food and held it toward Arlo, "Open up beautiful."

Arlo glared at him, but was also too hungry to care. It didn't help that the food looked amazing. Arlo took the bite, yep delicious. He munched it happily with his eyes closed, then he opened them to see Sho watching him still looking amused.

"Oh go eat your food already," he grumbled.

"Ah but I think I'd rather eat you." Sho replied.

Arlo stiffened thinking oh no here we go again. "Let me eat first" he mumbled, then added "You have to eat to, because I'm going to claim you this time."

"Oh really? How? You don't exactly have any strength left." Sho smirked.

"Just eat your food!" Arlo retorted.

Arlo ate extra slowly to give himself more time. He finally gotten to the point of being able to move short distances again. Time for my revenge he thought with an evil smirk adorning his face.

"Just what kind of face is that?" Asked Sho.

"You will see," replied Arlo with a small cackle.

Arlo popped the last piece of an orange and white fruit into his mouth. It kind of tasted like a strawberry and a vanilla something. Then he got up and moved to the shallow area and patted the water next to him. Sho looked amused but interested as he slipped into the water next to him.

"Okay" Sho said I'll let you have 2 minutes before I get to work on you again.

Arlo smirked, he didn't tell Sho that he knew all his weak points already.

"Fine" he replied.

Arlo leaned over and wrapped his mouth around Sho's ear while licking behind it. The larger demon instantly stiffened and Arlo felt him slightly tremble due to the water's effects.

Two minutes would be plenty of time to secure the rest of the time. Arlo's grin widened as he moved his licks onto Sho's chest. He moved across his shoulder blades and down his upper chest.

Sho was now trembling all over and had to lie down in the water, it was only like 3 inches deep here more like a steam bath. Arlo grinned with success this time it was his turn to take Sho.