I Steal The Hot Pond From Sho

Arlo watched Sho stiffen and pass out in the hot springs. Revenge is a dish best severed hot apparently.

Arlo smirked carrying the now unconscious Sho from the bath. Payback could be fun. He looked back at the pool feeling a twinge of regret at leaving, it was a very fun pool.....

But Sho's health came first, if there was even a tiniest possibility he'd chase it to the ends of this world. Sho on the other hand probably wouldn't leave such a fine place to torment Arlo in. So best method was to of course knock him out with pleasure.

"Sorry Sho" he muttered to the unconscious demon, "Let's go find your idiot brother."

Kai was in a smaller pool with Blacky... huh wolves were allowed in the pools, wasn't Blacky being roasted alive? Well whatever then.

He told them both what he had overheard and Kai seemed interested. He hadn't specifically shown Arlo, or rather Arlo had 'accidentally' gone through his stuff, but he was keeping tabs on every different possible cure for his brother.

"I'll come to the edge of the demon realm with you, I have no intention of going to that place though. I'll keep looking for cures on this end, send me a raven or a hawk when you managed to succeed or fail." Kai stated.

Kai looked at Sho's unconscious state and smirked, "That was a good idea, he would have never left otherwise."

"Do you think I can handle him now that I'm level 39?" Arlo asked.

Kai laughed, "uh sure, sure. Speaking of which how do you level so fast?"

Arlo blinked was his leveling faster than the others... his wacky system, "Uh not sure sorry." Arlo replied and Kai didn't push for more information.

Kai's eyes gleamed for a second "I also hired someone to temporary claim Sho to see if they could boost his energy since yours is too low." Kai paused seeing Arlo's look, "Don't tell me you forgot that the level is a key factor in it." he muttered.

"No, no of course not." Arlo replied. He may or may not have totally tried to give Sho energy without a claim.

"Anyway they will do the subordinate claim so we can travel for a bit without problems." Kai stated. Arlo felt part of his gut tighten, why did Sho need a claim he didn't want someone else to claim his Sho. Then again a not for hire claim could cause a lot more issues. Arlo quickly pushed his past experience from his mind.

"Okay, let's get to it then." Arlo said trying to keep the irritation from his voice.

When Kai got Sho back from the claimer for hire, his max energy was still the same. Arlo winced a bit subconsciously. He also was proud that he resisted the urge to kill the claimer. What nonsense, he was acting like a demon. But at the same time..... hmm.

By the time Sho woke up they were miles from the hot springs. He sulked for a solid hour before finally accepting that Kai and Arlo weren't turning around.

"How about this" asked Arlo, "When we get you all fixed up we can come back here buy a plot of land and build a house by the springs?"

Kai snickered and Arlo glanced at him, "What?"

Sho answered "Demons don't buy land like humans it's more of who is the strongest. All the inns are under some family branch of a more powerful demon."

Arlo frowned, "Well we'll just have to become stronger then, and take over the demon realm."

"Oh Arlo" said Sho smiling in amusement, "You make it sound like that'd be something easy to do. We'd have better luck finding a demon to exist under."

"Not happening" muttered Arlo. Then quietly in his own head he added 'I cannot let that happen because then someone would always be claiming the both of us.... And I …. I .... I don't want to share.'

He turned his head away and watched the scenery pass.

Sho spoke, "How about we just build a little secret underground cottage in the southern part of the springs where other demons don't go. Then I can enjoy you on a daily basis."

Arlo's body quivered involuntarily at the thought. "Um yeah that." He looked away feeling his face grow a little warm.

"So where are we going?" Sho asked.

"Human realm" said Arlo "Apparently a demon living there has a skill that can cure basically anything."

Sho stiffened. Arlo glanced at him, "What's wrong?"

Kai broke out laughing, "He never told you why he left the human realm did he?"

"Why?" asked Arlo now suspicious.

Sho looked down at Blacky's fur, "They are all nutcases," he said.

Seeing his inefficient answer Kai filled in, "So apparently Sho was so cute as a kid that all the humans fell in love with him. The turned him into a child pop star without his input then…." Kai paused to stifle his laughter, "After Sho left they turned him into a god and several still worship and study the 'Shotian' religion. If he ever goes back he'll be swarmed by fans."

"like I said very dumb humans" Sho stated.

"Wouldn't you look a lot older so they wouldn't recognize you?" Arlo asked.

"Hahah, he looks nearly the same." Said Kai.

"I'm more worried they'll start an Arlotian religion" Sho muttered.

"You worry too much" said Arlo. He didn't mention that now he wanted to go to the human realm even more. Did the Shotian religion accept demons? He would totally love a life size cutout of Sho or a book on how to be a proper Shotian.

He giggled to himself mentally and didn't see the weird look Sho gave him. Oh! Maybe they had pictures of Sho as a baby demon, aww how cute would that be? Arlo simply had to see it all.

"What color contacts did you use back then?" asked Arlo totally not saying he planned to get him the same ones sadly Sho noticed.

"Blue, so if we much go back I'm getting gold ones this time." Sho stated firmly.

"Aww but you'd look so great in blue!" Arlo said.

"I'm sticking blue on you." Sho replied.

"So picky" muttered Arlo. Blue or gold the two main human colors, which would look better with his black hair anyway? Forget him, what would look best on Sho? Arlo simply had to find a way to see him with both colors. Humans also had brown eyes... why didn't he consider them? Hmm with his dark hair his eyes might just blend in, hmm Sho, nah gold or blue would look better.

Wait if red was a higher ranked royal demon color, was brown a royal human color? Nah impossible humans didn't follow the same messed up system as demons.

Before he could think of anymore thoughts he heard Kai's voice. "Welcome to Dawnta, the Blacky express now entering the northern district."

For once they passed through the border town without any problems. The guards just waved them through since the northern district wasn't as 'scary' as the western one. Arlo shuttered to think what the monster plains beyond the demon realm was like. Monsters in the 30-40 range were plenty scary. They made the worm that looked like a tank that he met as a level one look like a caterpillar of his old world.

He thought back to his previous statement, take over the demon realm huh, that would mean leveling up in the monster realms, well unless the human realms had a good place for it. He shook his head, first things first.

Main problem fix Sho,

Problem 2 become way stronger,

Problem 3 take over the demon realm,

Step 4 build a small cottage by the hot springs and live with Sho happily ever after. Rats now he just sounded like a fairy tale book.

Cyan Slipwater, I wonder where you are hiding. At least if you're famous in the human realm it shouldn't be too hard to find you. I wonder what your level is…. Another reason to become stronger, if I want to force him to heal Sho anyway.

A small black dagger appeared in his hand and his bow around his back as they left the town of Dawnta. Time to hunt down some experience points.

"Wait when did you get a bow!" yelped Kai.

Arlo ignored him. He was more surprised Kai hadn't noticed it before when he'd cleaned it. He spotted some kind of monster to their right and took aim. First step hunting some exp, second step hunting a Cyan, third step forcing a Cyan with his overwhelming strength.

An evil grin appeared on Arlo's face, yep he had indeed become a demon.

Only problem now was leveling up in the time he had until the human realm.