Kai Steals a Hippogryph

"Welcome to Central, sadly I am going to head north still." Said Kai. He had already mentioned not wanting to visit the human lands but the other two were still sad to see him leave.

"You still going back to Yamon then?" asked Sho.

Kai nodded "Don't worry though I'll make sure to write every now and then."

"Don't get yourself caught." Sho looked at him sternly.

"Oh please" he replied changing his necklace to read Ediu Windthorn. "Like they could ever catch me. Unlike you I'm a master of deception." He put in a pair of purple contacts changing his eyes from silver to purple. "Besides I have a job interview in two days."

"World help whoever hires you." Replied Sho.

"Ediu happens to have very high rated skills in gardening and eavesdropping." Kai added.

"Don't add that to your actual interview." Sho hugged his little brother. "And don't make the first thing you steal a demon steed."

"Oh that's not a problem" said Kai smirking. He walked over and opened the stall door near him. "I stole a hippogryph." He added as a tall black eagle horse mixed creature strode out.

"And you say you hate humans yet you stole a human mount." Replied Sho.

"Do not judge the beast by the owner." Grumbled Kai patting its feathery head. "I happen to think you're amazing. Besides who deemed these beauties to be 'human' mounts anyway. Plenty of demons in other demon countries use them, just because ultimate Wakashi Ninelives doesn't like them much doesn't mean they aren't amazing."

"Honestly it's like you seek trouble on a daily basis." Sho muttered.

"I give you permission to yell at me if I ever get caught, until then I am the master of darkness." Kai said. He mounted the hippogryph and took off into the air leaving Arlo and Sho behind.

"Wait" said Arlo suddenly thinking, "demon countries as in more than one?"

Sho looked at him, "Wow you really, really grew up under a rock. We are in the demon country Ninelives. To the east is the human land of Sunray, both are part of the Under continent."

Arlo tried to picture the geography then gave up. Think smaller, too much information would just be confusing. Not like he had to worry about how big this world was anyway.

"Why is this place called Central?" Arlo asked.

"Because it's the center of Ninelives, and Wakashi doesn't have much taste in naming. It's a forest with a few larger cities in it including the capital of Harshio and the trade capital of Tatomi." Sho replied. "We're in Revion the smallest of them."

Smallest! Thought Arlo looking around, this place was as large as Miami Florida!

He quickly followed Sho who headed back into the forest leaving the city behind now that Kai had left.

"Are we going to stop at any of them?" Arlo asked.

"Tatomi for supplies, and I need to take care of some quick business." Sho replied, "Tatomi is famous for following the rules less but getting away with it because of its significance."

Arlo smiled to himself remembering a Japanese city called Tatomi back home. He hoped this world's Tatomi would live up to its name.

"Well can spend the night here." Said Sho picking out a patch of trees and started setting up a rain tarp. Arlo gave him credit for knowing how to camp, the set up was 10 times more luxurious than the things Arlo had called camp before.

Blacky was running around flapping his pathetic excuse for wings.

"What are you doing exactly?" asked Arlo.

"Leveling up," replied Blacky flapping them like crazy. To Arlo's amazement a few seconds later a system message appeared.

[Skill4: Winged wolf 2/5]

Blacky's little wings grew out to become slightly larger. Arlo let out a low whistle. "Impressive" he complemented the pup with a pat to the head. He admitted to feeling slightly jealous of the hippogryph flying earlier, apparently Blacky had as well. It'd be good motivation for the pup to work on his flying more.

Once he could fly, muhahahaha, they would be unstoppable. He smirked as the pup jumped into the air with his wings outstretched and glided a few feet before landing again. It looked a little like walking on the moon. Arlo worked on building a fire and pulled out some marshmallows Sho had found who knows where. He placed them on a stick and started toasting them. Once they were lightly golden he passed one to Sho and Blacky before devouring one himself.

Camping with just Sho and no one else, hmm thoughts went through his head. No stop, I would hate to ruin Blacky's night like a pair of crazy parents who an innocent child walks in on. He had noticed the pup usually left during their previous shenanigans. How could he do something like that to the poor wolf, he'd be lonely if he slept elsewhere.

Instead Arlo settled down using Blacky's tail as a pillow and his body as a heater since he was currently the size of a horse. Sho had put out two sleeping bags for them as well. Arlo pulled one under him for padding and gazed up at what could be seen of the stars.

"It's beautiful tonight" he said quietly noticing Blacky's eyes were closed.

Sho joined him lying on top of the other sleeping bag. "You're beautiful tonight." He replied.

Arlo glanced sideways at him and rolled his eyes slightly earning him a smile from Sho. Even in the growing darkness that smile was awe inspiring. If Arlo had of been a painter he would have done nothing but Sho portraits.

He glanced at Sho again and noticed a gleam in his eyes. A certain gleam that Arlo had come to know really well. Arlo turned away, time for bed, yep. He closed his eyes enjoying the feel of his best friend on one side and his lover on the other. Camping like this, aww it was like they were a little family.

A hand snuck under Arlo's leg and started working its way up his inner thigh. He pinned it and pushed it away whispering quietly, "we need to get some sleep and we shouldn't keep Blacky up all night either. We should be able to reach Tatomi by tomorrow."

The hand retracted slightly as if the leave and Arlo released it. Except it didn't leave instead it went up faster and latched on to a certain thing and began rubbing it.

Arlo sucked in his breath as his little thing got tighter against his pants.

A voice whispered in his ear, "relax if we are quiet, Blacky won't even know it's happening and will sleep just fine. Maybe you should remove your pants a little."

Arlo flipped his head around to glare at the silvery eyes, except even his glare failed him. This demon had managed to win his heart, which was now beating away happily.

"Sho!" he whisper hissed.

"Blacky doesn't mind, now does he?" Sho asked keeping a tight hold on Arlo as his free hand began to remove his pants. Sho smirked as Blacky turned his head the other direction.

"I see nothing, I hear nothing, I am simply a fuzzy futon." Replied the wolf, then he added "Just don't get anything on me, I didn't see a dry cleaner in town."

Arlo wanted to complain about the wolf's attitude but he noticed he had subconsciously helped Sho remove his pants as well. Well ..... if Blacky really didn't mind ..... then ... well ... Arlo turned around again and kissed Sho dragging him into a hug. If the wolf was going to make it that easy Arlo would totally take advantage of the situation.

Road trip with Sho and the pile of fuzz, life really had decided to favor him in this world. Being happy about ending up in the demon realm, this was new. Granted he was still totally going to get Sho back to the human realm and buy a ridiculous amount of Sho merchandise.

He lowered his head among the sleeping bags unzipping the one Sho was one to make it wider, then he licked his lips and applied them onto Sho's lower section moving up and down while using his fingers to explore the rest of him.

Sho suddenly got up for a second then returned with some marshmallows..... oh dear thought Arlo just what are you planning now. The grin on his face said more than enough and Arlo gulped as Sho heated them up, stretched them out and then cooled them a little before returning.

Arlo trembled as Sho spread marshmellow all over him, careful to not burn him in the process and surprisingly clean as long as Arlo didn't move too much.

"Time for dessert" he whispered licking him lips.

"We already had that!" gasped Arlo.

"Second dessert then" Sho's grin widened.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to play with your food?" Arlo asked suddenly unnerved, he didn't even know why.

Sho watched Arlo for a second that same slightly evil grin on his face, "I always play with my food." He stated before once again starting to devour Arlo.