We Steal Some Slaves

Tatomi was an interesting town, unlike the other demon towns it look much more human. From the décor to the building structure, colors and human type ascetics were seen.

For a human like demon town the place was still full of activity. Demons ran back and forth manning a wide arrangement of stalls.

"Ah here is what I was looking for" said Sho who was standing in front of a ….. portal? "This town is full of them, all we need to do is find the one that leads to Dalcy."

"Wait portals are a thing! Why didn't you tell me this earlier!" Arlo grumbled thinking of all the ways that could have sped up his previous travels.

"Well only the larger towns have them." Sho replied innocently. "Come on we can drop by a restaurant or some stands on the way." He dragged Arlo off through the crowd.

"Blacky what are you doing?" asked Arlo noticing the hood of his hoodie kept bouncing around.

"I've almost reached stage 3" stated the wolf sounding hyper.

"Here" said Sho leaving for a second and returning with a collar and leash. "Blacky come out, sorry but demon pets have to be leashed in this town."

Blacky grumbled about something then matched his size to the collar. Beside Arlo he continued to flutter for a few seconds before falling, over and over again. Credit to the wolf for being determined to level that skill up. He'd been going for 48 straight hours, why wasn't he exhausted yet?

Putting the wolf's insane stamina to the back of his mind he examined the stalls around him. It was a good thing they didn't really need anything, finding something specific would be hard.

They stopped at a little café with an outdoor patio for a snack and Arlo devoured a delicious chocolate cake. Sho on the other hand munched on a ridiculously large cookie with milk.

"There is the portal we need." Said Sho finally finding it after they walked around a bit longer. Arlo was mesmerized by the demon nearby doing magic tricks, granted magic was real here so was it even the same thing?

Sho examined the portal for a second, the top of it read 'Dalcy' "Great, let's make one more stop before we head out." He went up a smaller road that opened to a wide plaza. In the middle was another auction for demon servant slaves. Arlo winced remembering his own time in such a place.

A sign above it read 'Auction starts at 1pm' he glanced at the sun dial near the plaza, it was 12. At least time was the same for the most part minus the 25 hours in a day.

Sho entered a place called 'Calvin's second contact cupboard.' And when he returned he handed Arlo ten contact cases with the word blue on them as well as fifteen more purple ones and five silvers and five gold ones. He then handed Arlo a few others, one pink, one red, one black, one of pretty much every color available except green.

"Isn't this overkill?" asked Arlo.

"You need overkill" replied Sho. He noticed Arlo staring at the auction.

"Come on beautiful, let's get out of here." He said gently.

"Look" said Arlo watching a specific cage being dragged into a storage warehouse. In it were 3 humans.

[Alice Winton Level 34 Priest]

[Jake Smith Level 42 Swordsman]

[Ryan O'Pal Level 36 Wizard]

The human names for classes. What were three humans doing in a demon auction?

As if to answer his question a loud voice rang out on the speaker "Today's special is three human hunters who tried to be heroes, fulfill your pleasures by making them bow to your every command or if you get bored of them simply enjoy a snack! Magic cuffs included so no need to worry about them fighting back!"

For once Arlo was glad he was of the demon class and not a human in the demon realm.

"No Arlo, we couldn't afford them, even if you wanted to return them to the human country." Said Sho seeing Arlo's face.

"I can't just watch them become a snack...." Mumbled Arlo.

"If a human is stupid enough to wander over that's their fault." Sho's voice held no mercy.

"The portal is just right over there all we'd have to do is unseal the cage." Said Arlo back.

"You really are just a magnet of trouble aren't you." Sho replied, then added "Fine, but you are only undoing the gate nothing more, they are on their own after that. If you get caught I'm going to devour you for 5 straight days."

Arlo smiled "I'll be right back then." He replied. He activated his stealth after checking all the auction workers were below his level and headed for the cage room while Sho hung out near the door as if inspecting the incoming merchandise.

In the far back corner the humans were quiet but the one in the middle with blond hair continued to rub the cuffs against the bar as if hoping to wear them out. The girl who also had blond hair was crying silently, and the last guy had black hair and was observing his surroundings.

His gaze fell on Arlo, "Who are you" he asked narrowing his eyes.

Arlo undid his stealth and the other two occupants fell back against the wall at his appearance. A pity the one was higher level than he was. Might have otherwise been fun to pretend to be a ghost.

"I am no one" Arlo replied as he focused on the lock of the cage.

"We aren't for sale or dinner!" hissed the one who had seen Arlo.

"Not yet you aren't" Arlo replied, "If you want to keep it that way I suggest you shut your mouth. Humans shouldn't come wandering into the demon realm."

"We didn't wander in" hissed the guy, "You stupid kind dragged us here and my dad will be furious and send all the army after us. Do you have any idea who you demons have stolen."

"Don't know, don't care" replied Arlo smirking with success as the gate swung open. "Turn around so I can get your cuffs already."

The large blond guy blocked Arlo from the other two. "Get lost we will not be your dinner."

Arlo glared at him for a second "Look I don't eat humans, I actually grew up with humans, so I guess I have a soft spot for your kind. Now either let me undo your cuffs and tell you a place to run to, or stay here and get sold I don't really care that much."

"No way I'd trust a…." the blond guy was cut off by the black haired guy.

"Let him, his eyes may have contacts in but he's not lying." Said the small guy.

Arlo gave him a curious look. Seems he had either extremely good vision or some kind of skill. He quickly undid the cuffs which were easier than he thought they'd be. Then he reached up and touched the gold chain around his neck.

"Duplicate, Duplicate, Duplicate" he muttered creating 3 new gold redefining necklaces. He quickly programmed each to read demon type names that matched his and Sho's. Then he added in the levels 22, 24, and 29.

He passed them to the humans "put those on." The two blonds hesitated looking at the black haired guy who simply stuck his on, then they followed his lead putting theirs on.

Arlo took a marker from his bag then looked at the girl trying to decide what to do about the human world's lack of females.

"What's up" said the black haired guy, Ryan.

Arlo glanced at him, "demons have claim markers if you want to escape you'll have to look like us, problem is that we don't really have females. Pull up your shirt."

"Enough! What kind of treatment are you…." Blond boy Jake was cut off by a wave from Ryan and he pulled his shirt up leaving Jake to gasp at him.

Arlo ignored Jake, he didn't have time to deal with this. He and Sho had plans if they wanted to cause delays or problems he'd just leave them the supplies to figure it out themselves.

Oh right contacts, he checked his Jade bead inventory as he fashioned a claim marker on Ryan doing the simple servant claim style. He had several sets of most ones. Sho had gotten very overkill over it. He handed the black haired guy a pair of purple ones and then gave the blond two each a pair of silver ones. Their hair still looked too human though.

"Wait here a moment" muttered Arlo slipping his stealth on and looking for a bottle of bleach in the store rooms. Ah perfect he found a bottle and returned to where they were.

"We should just leave now the gates open and….." Jake was cut off by Arlo's return. He glared at him as he undid he stealth and promptly dumped half the bottle on Jake's head before going over to the girl and doing her hair gently.

Jake yelped and tried to wipe off the bleach.

"I suggest you make your hair white," Arlo replied simply while finishing with the girl's hair. She already had silver contacts in and looked like a mini Sho. She could totally pass for Sho's little brother.

"I'm really sorry about this" he said quietly as he cut the girl's hair to boy length. She didn't complain and just held still. Jake on the other hand had lots of words to say.

"Would you shut up" Arlo growled, "It's like you want to be caught."

Jake threw his contact container saying "As if I'd wear demon colors."

Arlo caught them and growled back, "These are expensive if you don't mind."

"Just wear them" said Ryan. Arlo glanced at him and was slightly shocked, his brown eyes had turned to purple and made him really look like Arlo's little brother.

"Hey you're not supposed to be back here!" yelled a voice and Arlo turned to see an employee staring at them.