Forever Cannot Be Stolen

Sho seemed to decide to gently talk Arlo through parts of it.

"I'm just starting with the friendship claim," he murmured once Arlo's previous claim vanished. He had already been licking Arlo's front and back while waiting on the claim to disappear. Once it did his head moved between his legs.

Arlo couldn't stop trembling with nerves.

"Just relax" said Sho for the hundredth time, "You do know it will just hurt more if you don't."

Arlo wanted to bury his entire body in a pillow and just not, but at the same time a very small part of him wanted to know more. That part kept him from saying stop. He wanted to get to know every part of Sho even more than he already did...but….. gulp, gulp, gulp.

Sho finished the friendship claim and for good measure also let Arlo finish. Arlo felt more relaxed from that alone but as soon as Sho reached over to touch his entryway he stiffened up all over again.

"My gosh" muttered Sho "Your freaking adorable when you're nervous, hurry up and relax I can't take much more of this."

Needless to say that did not help Arlo to relax. Sho had him on his side at first but then moved him to his stomach to see if he could relax better like that. Arlo felt slightly more secure or something but relaxing was still hard.

Sho's fingers gently circled his entrance. Sho had gone and bought an official lube instead of condiments this time. He pulled it from the side table where its ridiculously large label screamed 'PEACH' to any potential users. He then proceeded to use basically the entire bottle on Arlo.

'Huh' thought Arlo, Sho's fingers going in and out didn't hurt, in fact it felt kind of good. True to what Sho had said earlier he was spending lots of time at each step. One finger in and out for a few minutes, then two fingers for a few minutes, some gentle stretching of very low amounts.

Arlo quivered shocking himself with his own slight enjoyment. Three fingers and more gentle widening and collapsing. In and out, more pressure then less again. Arlo was starting to want more of it, what nonsense is this? He'd never truly been with a guy before. Was it weird that this felt way more right than all his past relationships? The thought terrified him just a little.

"Okay, remember to 'relax'" Sho emphasized the last word as he tore off his own pants. Arlo stiffened as he felt a certain something at the edge of him.


Sho's hands held his hips in place as he slid into Arlo. Arlo gripped the side of the bed hard waiting for the burst of pain.

It didn't come, instead it hurt a little but it wasn't bad. In fact it felt good in a weird pain-ish way. More? Arlo wanted it more.

"Are you still good?" Asked Sho quietly.

Arlo quickly nodded his head, "Kee... keep going." He managed to whisper.

Sho started to slide himself in and out in long smooth thrusts. He started slowly and they gradually increased in speed.

Arlo felt himself whimper and Sho paused for a moment, "still good?" he asked.

"More" Arlo managed to yelp out. That earned him an amused chuckle from Sho as he immediately continued his invasion.

A few seconds later a system message appeared.

[You've been offered a forever claim do you accept? Note: This claim can be canceled at any time.]

Arlo accepted it and a follow up message appeared.

[You've been claimed by Sho Whitewolf, Status: Forever, this claim can be canceled.]

Sho started to remove himself from Arlo, but Arlo reached a hand behind him and grabbed his shirt.

"What's up beautiful? We should probably call it a day here, we don't want to overdo your first time." Sho said.

"Don't stop" muttered Arlo, then embarrassed a bit he turned his head back into his pillow.

"Are you sure? I may not be able to hold back from going all out." Sho added.

Hearing an affirmative "Mmm" from Arlo he stopped holding back and immediately returned to the inside of Arlo.

Who needs sleep? They spent the whole night with their bodies interlocked.


Sun beams invaded the room from the window and Arlo winced. His whole rear hurt, but in a good way. He never thought that thought would cross his mind before. Sho kissed him all over and left several more marks as he went to fetch some breakfast.

Arlo didn't even try to truly move for a few hours. Instead he let Sho feed him in bed and watched him return from the shower looking amazing.

He should probably shower, but that would require moving….. hmm dilemma.

"How you feeling?" Asked Sho.

"Good, but also still don't want to move." Arlo replied. After another two hours, goodness it was noon, Arlo finally managed to drag himself to the shower to clean off some of the evidence of the night.

"You look amazing." Said Sho as Arlo emerged from the bathroom. He had spent the better part of a few minutes looking in the mirror at his new claim marker. Separate from the standard claim rankings, he was now a very much taken demon in terms of marriage.

Oh goodness marriage, I'm married without a wedding, wait does this mean we eloped? Random thoughts treaded through his mind.

"So want to do it again tonight?" Asked Sho. He laughed as Arlo's eyes grew wide.

"Maybe." Arlo replied. He wasn't sure his rear could take another round just yet.

Arlo grabbed Sho and dragged him into the bed with him. "Why don't we just snuggle for a bit." He commented wrapping his arms around him.

Sho turned and embraced him back. "I'd like nothing better than to hold you all day forever." He replied.

Arlo wasn't sure how long they stayed like that, like a vampire sleeping during the day and getting up to activities at night.


The sky was dark when Arlo next opened his eyes. His rear was a little sore but he totally could do stuff again if he wanted...….. did he want to..... maybe yes?

He yawned then a loud crash caught his attention. A large red and yellow light was shinning in the window. Was the town having a party? Next to him Sho got up and went to the window. He frowned, which peaked Arlo's curiosity. He joined him by the window.

Goodness, not quite a party. Well unless the town being on fire counted as a party. Flames leapt between a few houses growing larger by the second. Did these humans have firefighters? Did the demons? It was a few buildings away from their inn, but it wouldn't hurt to move for a bit.

Sho nudged Blacky with a foot, "rise and shine fluff ball." He then turned to throw all their belongings into his bead for storage.

The three of them walked out to examine the chaos. In just that amount of time it had grown again. If this kept up the entire town might burn down by dawn. The guards for the town seemed to also be the makeshift firefighters. They were scrambling around with buckets and a few humans with water talents were helping out.

It felt a bit like a superhero of water from a very old school cartoon and a less imaginative creator. It was kind of pretty in a devastating way. The fire was dying down a little when another explosion to the left side of it grew the flames again.

Arlo glanced over in time to see a figure running away from the flames with a hood over his head. A few seconds later some guards appeared and gave chase.

His hood fell for a half second before he pulled it back up and Arlo was stunned. Ryan? The little human pipsqueak that kind of looked a little like him. What was he doing?

He started to move toward him but Sho's hand stopped him. He had also recognized him.

"Don't get involved or you might get locked up." Sho stated.

Guards surrounded him and it seemed inevitable that he would be captured. Ryan tossed something at the ground and suddenly smoke covered the whole area. The guards coughed and backed up keeping their circle around him, but when the smoke cleared he was gone without a trace.

"Hmm" said Sho, "Seems he picked up a new trick or two."

"Shouldn't we go find him they could need our help?" said Arlo.

Sho looked at him and smiled "I'm sure they can handle themselves, I'm more interested in checking out every part of you again."

Arlo didn't have words to reply with even though he knew it was coming given Sho's track record.

"If they come find us, or we see them not in an explosion we can talk" said Sho "Until then they are their own problem and you are mine."