Sho Steals His Fans Hearts

"Oh my gosh! It's Sho! AHHHH!"

A voice caught Sho and Arlo's attention. A human lady in her 20's was staring at Sho with wide eyes. She raised one finger and yelled "I'm your biggest fan! A true Shotian through and through!"

"Good lords, let's get out of here." Sho grabbed Arlo's wrist and started running in the other direction as the lady headed towards them.

As they started to lose her in the crowed she managed to get in one more understandable yell of "please just an autograph?!"

Sho let out a hiss and pulled Arlo into a pub, dragged him through the kitchen and up to the second floor knocking several startled employees away in the process. From there he and Arlo took to the roofs. Arlo glanced down to see a crowd gathering with tons of Shotian signs.

He started laughing, he couldn't help it the sight was just so bizarre.

"Oh shut up" growled Sho smacking him lightly.

"Why don't you just dye your hair or do something to make them hate you?" Arlo asked.

"Believe me I tried." Sho replied. "Black hair? They loved it. Snobby attitude? They claimed it was cute." Sho grumbled clearly in a bad mood. "Watch them start gathering from other cities as well. We should get going."

"Not possible, I totally have to see this." Stated Arlo with a grin.

"Do you enjoy my suffering?" Sho asked mockingly.

"Very much," Arlo replied. Sho scowled at him and Arlo started laughing again. "We are staying right here, no way would I miss this."


Arlo had expected a few people but this..... hoards of people with Shotian signs lined the streets after hearing about Sho's visit.

"They really need to get a life." Muttered Sho from their inn window. Luckily they didn't know where he was staying. Although Arlo would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted to let them in and watch it unfold.

Arlo examined a giant mural some were paining on a wall. It had Sho in a halo of light on a white horse with wings. Below one was currently adding the words 'In Sho we trust! Shotians Forever!'

Arlo felt his whole body shaking with laughter at the demon being made into a god. Sho punched him lightly in the back.

"Knock it off" he muttered. "Can we leave yet?"

Arlo couldn't stop snickering to give him an answer even Blacky in the corner who had remained neutral at first let out a low woof of amusement.

"You two are terrible" grumbled Sho.


"I got it!" said Arlo "We can just ruin their image of you somehow."

"How?" Asked Sho.

"Make you look pure demon." He replied.

Sho raised on eyebrow, "fine tell me what you got."

A half hour later, and a few store visits, Arlo completed his masterpiece. Sho currently looked like a punk rock star with black hair. "Will they even recognize you like this?" he wondered aloud.

"They always recognize me." Sho replied. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and added "well I don't look like a god, I guess."

"Now if we add Blacky as your steed it will completely ruin their image of you." Said Arlo with a happy face, "Perfect, right?"

"Depends on the results." Said Sho hesitantly.


A group of Shotian fans were swarming a plaza looking for their 'god' Sho. Since the original incident Sho had been doing his best to hide. He had changed his contact color to gold from his childhood blue and they still somehow recognized him. On a roof near the plaza was Sho, Arlo, and Blacky.

Sho looked hilarious as a punk. He was even wearing a long black cape which really brought out the demon look to him.

"You look amazing, now go change all of their minds." Said Arlo happily.

Sho rolled his eyes, "watch this backfire, I'm so blaming you. This looks hideous on me."

"Oh you look fine. Now go!" Arlo gave him a slight shove toward Blacky who was wearing his own little getup of armor. If anyone called this style that of an angel Arlo would send them to the nut house.

Blacky rose into the air like a hover craft with his tiny but usable wings. Sho stood magnificently on his back as the wolf's colored fur changed between a few reflecting his amusement.

A collective gasp and utter silence spread through the crowed as the wolf rose and then held his position in the air. A gust of wind called up Sho's cape making it flutter. It truly looked like a perfect demon in Arlo's mind. Well it could of used a few fireballs, why didn't he add some? Oh well too late now.

Arlo expected the Shotians to run away in fear and terror. But for several minutes they all just stood there in awe.

Then one of them yelled "Yeah freedom of expression!" and the crowd went nuts for it with cheers.

Arlo stared at them. They were dumb beyond reason apparently. Sho was going to murder him later for this. Ugh someone just yell demon or something.

He took a step back and the roof tile beneath his foot slid away. He yelped as he fell on his back and started sliding off the roof. Shoot he tried to grab something but this roof was steep and slick to begin with.

Why didn't this building seem to have any gutters? Arlo slipped off the end and fell toward the ground.

"Arlo!" he heard Sho's yelp as he was caught by Blacky's paws and hauled onto the wolf. The crowd below them went crazy with cheers and opinions being yelled to the sky but Sho had eyes only for him.

"Are you good?" he asked.

Arlo nodded then whispered "Sorry I don't think my plan worked."

Sho kissed the top of his head. "Doesn't matter, let's go back to the inn I need more of you in my life and less of them."


Arlo groaned as he looked out the window at the newly modified mural of Sho. Sho looked like a punk and was seated elegantly upon a giant black wolf with large wings. Around him angels sat on white wolfs with wings. A ray of light still shone down on Sho. Heck they even had mastered the color changing fur of Blacky by adding temperature sensitive paint.

He groaned and wacked his head against the wall. He would have found it funny if it went for the last part. He totally deserved it though since his plan was the one that backfired.

Below Sho's flying wolf was a little falling figure with black hair being saved by the god. He was encased with light like some type of magical ritual.

Arlo smacked his head against the wall again. He was about to do it again when Sho stopped him.

"Don't ruin your pretty face, come on we can try something else." He said gently.

A howling laughter sounded behind them.

They both turned as one "Shut up Blacky!"

The wolf had been laughing since early this morning when he first noticed the mural's changes. How they changed it overnight was unknown.

Arlo glared at the pile of fur rolling around on the ground unable to talk back because of his pure enjoyment of the matter.

Woof, ruff, woof woof, how how, ruff, howl. Blacky's legs waved in the air as he flopped from side to side ignoring both of their glares.

"Priceless!" the wolf finally managed to screech before once again falling into a fit of amusement.


Arlo with his face mostly covered with a hood stood among the hoard of Shotians.

A puff of smoke and suddenly Sho on Blacky appeared. The crowd went wild and Arlo rolled his eyes. Sho and Blacky flew up and off toward the east. Within a few minutes they had disappeared from sight. The mood of the crowd fell. Which is when Arlo spoke up.

"The Capital! They are headed to the Capital! Shotian party at the Capital!" He yelled at the top of his voice before dodging sideways so that no one would know who had called out.

A few confused faces looked around then another voice yelled, "Yes the Capital! I'm sure he's headed to visit the church we made there!" The effect snowballed until the entire group started heading toward the Capital like a swarm.

Arlo slipped into a doorway and watched the retreating backs of hundreds of believers. He returned to the inn to wait. A few hours later Sho appeared.

"Did it work?" he asked.

Arlo smirked, "Let's not go to the Capital anytime soon."

A smile crossed Sho's lips. "Why would I go there when everything I want is currently here." His eyes focused on Arlo's body.

Arlo shifted his weight a little, "Sho" he whispered but the demon was upon him in a second his body pressing him against the bed.