My Hidden Human Identity Is Stolen

The hunters stared at him like that should be the least of his worries. Sho took that moment to make his appearance. But these were two level 60 hunters. Sho was level 62 and Arlo was a tied up level 53. Tied up, he wasn't much help. Seriously though why was this rope so tough?

Arlo hated watching Sho lose a battle. He blocked one human's punch only to be hit by the other. Sho was no push over to being with, but he clearly wanted to destroy them. They might even end up taking each other out at this rate. Sho gave one human a large black eye and a possible concussion while taking a kick to the knee.

"Go I'll be fine!" Arlo finally couldn't take watching the fight any longer. Sho gave him a look that clearly said I'll be back then was forced to disappear into the darkness.

"Should we go after him?" asked the second hunter.

"No let's take this one back first." His eyes turned to Arlo "Green is bad far as I'm concerned. The boss can decide the rest."

They hauled Arlo back toward the town. Arlo debated using his shadow dagger on their ankles, but then thought better of it. His level was still too low to take on these guys. Cursed level system on this planet. Even if one had the skills, it was basically impossible to win unless your opponent was only two levels above yours. Granted monsters were different, they usually didn't strategize unless they were of a high level.

Just how strategic would these guys be? If he was free and Sho was around….. yeah they could take these idiots. Step one get free, step two find Sho, step three destroy. Easy enough right? Arlo started running through various scenarios in his mind while fidgeting with the net's slightly broken area.

He slipped his shadow dagger into his hand behind his back and started sawing at the net. He had to get out before they got back to their boss. He could briefly sense Sho following them but only because he knew him well. The humans didn't seem to pick up on it.

Finally the rope broke, Arlo could get free. He started on one more just so it would be easier to get free though. Getting caught half in a net would still be considered caught for all escape purposes. The other part broke and Arlo let go with his hands falling backward out of the net. He was about to start back toward Sho when another three hunters appeared.

One of the ones near him forced him down pinning him against the ground. "Well aren't you the little escapee." He muttered. Arlo immediately hid his dagger again. This was not going according to plan. Two humans they could take, five though, not so much. Shoot!

They trapped him again this time tying parts of the rope that had come undone back together. They came to an abandon building and went into a tunnel at the end leading downward. Creepy this was totally a boss hang out the place wasn't even in the town, although he could see the lights of the city not far from the entrance.

The dark tunnel slowly started to light up with torch light and they entered a large cavern. Three of the hunters broke off and went over to a corner and started chatting. The other two dragged Arlo over to a throne against the wall with.... Arlo stared for a solid second. Cyan? He was even still level 45. Why was a demon the boss for a group of demon hunters?

As if that wasn't enough of a shock though another group of three entered the building. "We have returned boss." Stated one coming forward and kneeling. Ryan? Arlo was at a loss for words. What exactly was going on?

Ryan glanced at him and returned his eyes to the ground. Only Arlo on the ground managed to see his eyes widen slightly.

"Well what is this?" said Cyan with interest. He rose from his throne and walked over to Arlo.

Arlo glared at him "What are you doing? Why you here instead of with your pile of fans."

"Oh just some light hobbies I have." Cyan replied nonchalantly.

"Sir is he a demon or not?" asked one of the rude hunters who had dragged him here.

Cyan looked at him for a second, "his eyes are green, not a demon color, however I might keep this guy around for a bit. Take him to my study wont you?"

Arlo was dragged back to an office room and told to wait their patiently. As if! As soon as they left he slipped out from the rope and tried the door. Locked, hmm could he break it? He punched the door with all his power and it bent outward.

He glared at the metal door currently masquerading as fake wood. Hmm underground meant no windows. This could be problematic, he had to get out of here before Sho did something stupid. Unlike Arlo his eyes would be a dead giveaway.

He sighed and spent the next five minutes picking the lock. It clicked open and swung outward. Arlo left the study. How to handle whatever this weird situation was.

Kill Cyan? Hmm he didn't really like him and he no longer needed him either. What about the guards? He couldn't take them all on.

Option two sneak out and just leave? A viable option. But he also wanted to know why Ryan was here. If he was they Jake and Alice might also be, but then just why? Shoot maybe they wanted him dead. Option two it is.

He started down the hall then heard footsteps and slid sideways into another room which was thankfully empty. Cyan was with another hunter talking he entered the room Arlo had just left. An annoyed grumbled came from Cyan

"Where did that idiot put him? I thought I clearly said office?"

"Sir I will check and have him brought to you." Stated the other and he hurried back down the hall.

Arlo waited a few moments to make sure Cyan was staying inside his office before hurrying down the hall. The idiot hadn't even noticed his door. That probably wouldn't last long though. Hmm this place felt like a maze. At least it wasn't very large, probably.

Arlo used his ears to navigate and avoid those he could. Then he arrived at the main hall area. Seven hunters, the three of Ryan's group, and Cyan, the force was small but powerful. Arlo slipped into a crate half full of potatoes to hide when Cyan made his reappearance.

"Where!" he growled. Cyan stalked up to the hunter who had originally dragged Arlo to his office.

This was of course when Sho made his appearance by stabbing a hunter in the back killing him. His eyes turned to Cyan as another hunter who had been sitting jumped to his feet. He was level 53 and Sho beheaded him within seconds.

The remaining five headed for Sho and Arlo wanted to slap him. The idiot, couldn't he wait outside just a bit longer?

How to fix this? Arlo's head started running potential options as Sho was dragged in front of Cyan. Who had taken a seat on his throne just a few feet from Arlo's potato create.

"Well if it isn't the demon Whitewolf" stated Cyan. "Come to claim an early grave?"

He stood up and walked over removing Sho's gold contacts so that his silver eyes were easily seen. Cyan then turned to the crowd, "Who wants the honor of removing a demon from the human realm?"

All the hunters except for Ryan's group leapt forward trying to curry favor with Cyan. Arlo felt rage in his heart start to boil. A demon hating demon? Doesn't matter even with your guards you aren't leaving here alive.

Arlo leapt out like a jack in the box causing Cyan to flinch. He pressed a knife to his throat.

"If you want your precious boss to live, I suggest you let that specific demon go." He stated firmly. The hunters paused looking back and forth to each other. Sho took the chance to stab another of them who fell to the ground dead.

Four and Cyan, well and Ryan's group but they hadn't made a move so Arlo was currently classifying them as bystanders.

"Stupid demons how dare you touch our beloved Cyan!" yelled one of the remaining hunters.

An idea formed in Arlo's head and he smirked. "Beloved you say" he said. He took his knife and sliced through the golden chain around Cyan's neck. Immediately the word human changed to demon.

"When did humans start to worship demons?" Arlo asked innocently.