We Steal Some Lives

The effect was even better than Arlo originally hoped. All the remaining hunters were shocked into unmoving stances. Arlo could have laughed like a maniac. These idiots went to all the trouble to hunt demons and didn't realize one was sitting in the middle of them. Just how much luck did Cyan have?

He watched the enraged hunters slowly get enough sense back to direct their anger toward Cyan, and then Sho killed another. A remaining hunter stabbed Cyan and then Sho killed him.

The last two turned toward Sho finally realizing there was still another demon to deal with. Idiots. Arlo jumped forward and blocked one while Sho killed the other. A blade slipped by his face leaving a small cut on his cheek.

Sho growled angrily at the last hunter and beheaded him. Then Sho reached over cupping Arlo's head with a hand and licked his cheek.

Now it was just them and Ryan's group. They were watching as if unsure what side to be part of.

Finally Ryan spoke up, "Well you guys ruined our way back into the capital."

"Is that why you were hanging around these low lives?" Sho asked.

"Something like that. Cyan was supposed to be invited to the king's ball in two weeks." Ryan nudged the head of one of the hunters with his foot.

"Can't you just sneak in, kill the false king, and take the throne?" asked Arlo.

"That was part of the sneak in part." Ryan muttered. "It will be much harder without the extra people though." He twitched a lip.

"We can just act like hunters then." Said Arlo. Then shut his mouth seeing Sho's look. He looked like that was the last place he wanted to be ... oh right the Shotians.... Or was it something else?

"That would be fantastic" said Ryan not letting Sho decline first.

"Why in the demon realm would we do that?" Sho muttered.

"To help out your new friends and best buddies." Said Ryan. Sho shot him a look like he wanted to turn him into minced meat. "Once I'm king I can also make travel and anything else you want ten times easier." Ryan added.

This made Sho contemplate it for a bit. He glanced at Arlo with an odd look. "Fine" he replied shocking Arlo, but then he also added, "Arlo only stays in safe areas though, and we aren't getting further into your plan then just hunter associates."

"Deal." Replied Ryan.

"Also" stated Sho "any sign of danger or problems and I plan to abandon you."

"Fair enough" Ryan replied.

Arlo watched the exchange with interest. Sho had agreed so chances are there was something he wanted from Ryan, but what?

Ryan started going over details of their plan and what Arlo and Sho's roles would be. Why did Ryan keep looking at Sho like that... what even was that? Whatever it was Arlo didn't like it.


"Tickets!" yelled the guard at the gate.

Arlo passed the invitation to him still hating his current outfit. He was dressed like a demon hunter and looked ugly. This was worse than some of Sho's random dress up hobbies. The whole thing was made of leather and not enough of it really. At his side was a short sword.

"Welcome to the King's ball certified demon hunter's guild: Ray of Fallen Hope." The guard opened the gate letting the cart Arlo was driving pass through.

The demon steed pulling the cart let out a snort.

"I agree" stated Arlo "You really do have a hard job, but trust me you don't want to trade."

"You know that's not even close to what he said" Blacky stated from a pouch in the leather armor stuff.

"Hush don't ruin my training at animal speak." Arlo replied. Blacky snorted and went silent again.

"Tell me the plan again" Ryan stated to Jake, apparently he was forgetful although Arlo hadn't seen that side of him even after traveling together this long.

"Follow the carriage to the palace, kill Oliver, state your right to the throne, then watch the guards become loyal to you." Jake replied.

"Ugh don't forget the details!" Ryan muttered "We cannot afford to make any missteps."

Arlo tuned out the rest of their half argument have conversation. Ryan had already made both his companions spell out the plan several times. Lucky for Arlo he and Sho were just to meet the head count of getting in. The guild had five slots on their invite.

So while these three would be risking their lives Arlo and Sho would be happily enjoying a banquet.

Arlo was very hungry and looking forward to it. Saliva filled his mouth at the thought of all the foods. His jade bead had several empty containers in it and Arlo planned to fill them all for later.

The carriage passed into a courtyard where many people of many backgrounds were gathering. A few other possible hunter, a definite avoid, some noble looking people, more noble looking people, lots of noble looking people. Were the hunters just supposed to be like an un-hired guard force?

Time for the only part of his true involvement. He gave Blacky a nudge and the wolf went and nipped the leg of the demon steed. The horse neighed and jumped around. Arlo felt a little bad about it and made a mental note to fill a container with apples.

Arlo got down and pretended to tend to the demon steed who was just fine. While he did three figures slipped off the back of the carriage and toward the side of the castle.

Once satisfied Arlo joined Sho who was now on the front seat of the carriage and they took it as if they were just in charge of dropping off people. The carriage drivers had their own separate food arrangement area in the lower part of the castle, although if they wanted they could go to the main floor.

Arlo had no interest in a bunch of old people dancing around wearing clothing that was ridiculously hard to move in. Assuming Ryan succeeded they would be in power within an hour. If they weren't Sho was likely to drag him out of here before he found out what happened.

Well he might as well have an hour of fun! Arlo dove into the food supplied and Sho covered a slight laugh.

"Well aren't you a impatient one." He murmured into Arlo's ear.

"It's delicious" Arlo replied scooping up some sort of crab like thing and taking a bite. "This is also delicious."

"Not as delicious as you I'd imagine" replied Sho but he picked up a plate anyway.

Arlo shot him a glare "Not until we are out of this place."

"I know, I know." He replied. "Check out the fried Lizardgia." He pulled up a friend lizard leg which looked less appetizing to Arlo but he took some anyway. It was surprisingly good like a slightly over fried chicken.

Were these apples? Arlo paused in front of a tray of odd fruits. Eh at least he could say he tried. He tossed a few into his bead for the steed.

He found something similar to fried shrimp and proceeded to eat almost the entire platter before Sho dragged him to a little balcony in the area.

It was quiet here and the starts looked amazing. The two moons glowed casting silky white light on Sho's hair making it sparkle.

"Beautiful" said Arlo tucking a few strands behind Sho's ear. Sho smiled back at him.

Above they could hear music from the other floor and a voice making an occasional announcement. The music laughter and melodies changed. They couldn't really hear individual conversations unless someone yelled something. The music then switched to a slow song obviously made for dancing with a partner.

Sho slightly bowed, "may I have this dance he asked?"

"Um, I can't dance" said Arlo looking at the ground. He had tried once in his past life and miserably failed. By miserably, he had slipped, wacked a violin player and then fallen into a punch bowl. Just a slightly scaring experience that made him question the desire to dance again.

"Who said you needed to know how?" Asked Sho wrapping his arms around Arlo. "I'll just have to teach you then? Or would you prefer if I just carried you around?"

Arlo felt himself blush even if no one was watching except for a certain demon. He then nodded slowly and wrapped his arms around Sho.

"I can at least give it a try." He replied looking into Sho's sparkly eyes. Darn why did he have to be so freakin beautiful under the moon light? His normal charm was already past godly but here and now, the gods didn't even stand a chance.