We Steal a Dance

First thing Arlo managed to do? Trip over Sho's foot. It was a beautiful display of his lack of dance skills. Arlo felt Sho's hands wrap around him tighter supporting him. Ah he was so bad at dancing but since he was bad Sho was holding him hmmmm….. he'd write that down as a win.

Arlo wasn't sure if he should be embarrassed about it or if he should purposely try to be more clumsy so Sho would hold him even tighter?

It was dark and no one else was out here. The balcony was large and Sho had already dragged him over to one corner where the darkness would hide them even if someone walked out.

Arlo's legs started to feel a bit like jelly as he attempted to still properly dance. He stumbled again and Sho took it as a chance to kiss him. After that every time Arlo tripped he got kissed somewhere. Stumbling was great, come at me roots! Arlo thought.

Within minutes Arlo was covered in kisses. Which was also when Sho upped the power of the kisses slowly enjoying himself for a few seconds each time.

"Sho!" Arlo hissed "Don't leave any marks or it will be impossible to get back out of here unnoticed."

A grin spread across his face as he undid the front of the leather outfit Arlo was wearing.

"Not a problem I'll just adjust the area used." He replied. He pushed Arlo against the wall then he slipped his mouth onto Arlo's abdomen and continued his progress. Arlo's legs gave out on him and he slid down the wall. At this point their 'dancing' broke down completely to the floor. Calling it break dancing would have been a stretch though.

Sho was gently chewing on Arlo like a snack. He let his teeth gently pull bits of Arlo into his mouth and when he released it again it was lightly red in color. Who needed a buffet?

Sho's hands moved lower and started undoing the rest of the outfit.

"Sho!" hissed Arlo "We have work to do, put your guard up."

Of course that was when the demon took a certain part of him inside his mouth and Arlo lost all of his rational thinking skills.

At one point Sho turned Arlo onto his back and slid himself inside of him. Arlo who had been trying to stay quiet because of their location, lost the ability to do so.

He felt Sho lick the side of his face in affection. "I love you." He stated firmly.

"I love you too." Arlo managed to mumble back with a gasp as Sho went back inside of him. He felt himself come and then Sho came inside of him. The both layed on the floor gasping for awhile.

Arlo leaned his head up and kissed Sho again and Sho embraced him.

"I can now check balcony floor off our places to do it." Said Sho with a smirk.

"You're keeping a list!" Arlo hissed back.

"Of course, I plan to make you mine everywhere." Sho replied. "and I mean everywhere." He took his tongue and started massaging Arlo's front with it. Arlo replied in demon kind by licking Sho's forehead. This demon filled world was teaching him some rather weird habits.

A lone figure appeared on the balcony and Arlo hurried to reattach his clothing while Sho sent him a look of hatred.

A loud ringing filled the area, alarm bells? Hmm that wasn't originally part of the plan was it? Arlo was about to head inside when Sho pushed him back against the wall and held a finger to his lips.

The watched through a corner of a curtain as inside the food hall the people were being rounded up and examined. Hmm seemed Ryan's plan didn't quite go as planned.

After a quick look around the figure on the balcony returned inside. Lucky for them he didn't check the dark corners.

"Well what's the plan now?" asked Arlo.

Sho paused and sighed "Here I was really looking forward to something only the king could grant to."

"Huh? What did you want? Wait did you and Ryan agreed to something? Don't tell me you wanted the treasury or something." Arlo muttered.

"Nope, something way better." Sho kissed him again. "If possible I'd still like to see him take over. Only for it of course."

Arlo was curious what did this demon who rarely seemed to want anything, well except for Arlo anyway, want?

After the people were herded up the stairs to the main ball room, Sho walked into the main room with Arlo and started to sneak around the castle. Arlo paused for just a half second to grab another fried crab leg.

"What they are delicious" he muttered seeing Sho's look.

They took a few back halls that they over heard Ryan originally talking about. They had all memorized a map of the servant routes. Then they reached an over look for the main hall. Which could be described as slightly organized chaos. Or maybe organized guards and chaotic guests would be better.

A guy sat on the throne wearing a superior look. Below him tied up and kneeling were Ryan, Jake , and Alice.

"So they failed" muttered Sho, "Must we do everything for them?"

As if to prove his point wrong the king on the throne suddenly fell off gasping for air.

"Oh poison" said Sho, "Not a bad choice."

"How are you so calm about this?" muttered Arlo crouched beside him.

Several people surrounded the fallen king watching him die. Arlo almost felt bad for him, only because he didn't know him. As soon as he died the place lost its previous order. Arlo could of laughed. Since Ryan was next in line for the throne by this world's logic, all the guards were now to serve him even though he killed his predecessor.

The palace slowly calmed down and came to some sort of order. A guard hesitated a little bit but finally cut the ties of Ryan and his friends. He then bowed to them. Arlo felt like this was the plot of some second rate anime. Some popcorn would have been nice.

Eventually the guests were all sent away except for Arlo and Sho who were now in the main hall area. It was way too big for just five people and a few guards. Side note, thought Arlo, why are these guards so fast to change allegiances, like seriously, trust issues.

"Well I have to thank you both for your help in all this." Replied Ryan, "So as I previously mentioned each of you can have one thing you want and I've already had a maid set up a room for you both for the night. Think on it and tell me what you want tomorrow." He then left with his friends and a guard led them out.

Shouldn't they spend the night in a dungeon, where were the revenge seekers?

Their palace room looked better than a five star hotel. The sheets were so fluffy. Arlo bounced on the bed a little like a child. Blacky had curled himself up in front of a fireplace.

"Must be my lucky day" said Sho.

"Hmm why's that?" asked Arlo wondering if he'd mention what he wanted from Ryan.

Sho pushed him down on the bed and kneeled over him. "Obviously another stop on my world tour with Arlo." Arlo's eyes widened.

"Palace of the king with an overly fluffy bed? Check!" Sho smiled and began licking Arlo for the second time that night.


The next morning came and Arlo still felt exhausted from the previous night's exploration. Sho's mind seemed to be on the thing he wanted from Ryan though as he dragged Arlo back down to the main hall area.

"Did you decide?" Asked Ryan. Sho nodded.

"I want you to gift us both the title only you can give out to demons." He replied.

Title! Thought Arlo. He remembered that empty area of his system. He had thought it would eventually fill itself but now he had just assumed it was some glitch that only applied to humans.

A smile curved up the side of Ryan's face. "You do know it will only last while I am king right?"

"I know, I'll just have to make sure you stay in power then." Sho replied.

"What about you Arlo?"

"I also want the title" Arlo replied, in part because he had planned to just copy Sho.

"both of you getting it was part of Sho's request." Ryan said, "You can ask for something else."

Arlo didn't have anything else he wanted. "Um breakfast?" he asked.

Both Ryan and Sho stared at him.

"Of all the things you could ask for?" Ryan asked.

"What, I already have everything I want." muttered Arlo "and food is delicious."