Roy & Renata

"My second brother Roy. He got married because my fathers arranged his marriage," Putri said to continue her word.

"At first, I thought that Roy would do the same thing as Surya did. But it turns out that Roy accepted what my father chose. " Putri said, putting her ice cream into a paper cup.

"Wow, I thought, there is no such thing as an arranged marriage. It turns out that there is still one use this way." Andy smiled widely.

"That's why I'm lazy to dating someone. Why be in a serious relationship, if in reality, we won't be able to be together later?"

Andi heard Putri's words, immediately choked on his drink. Don't know why Putri's words match his feelings at this moment.

And Andi just replied by confirming Putri's statement, "That's right, it's better to be just friends, right? Like our relationship now." Andi smirked, making Putri look weird to see.

"Roy will be back from his honeymoon this week, right?" Andi opened the conversation again. Putri just nodded slowly,

Yes, I heard he's coming back. Ahh... I don't like Renata. If there is a choice of the best sister-in-law. I will choose Leyna." Putri said with a serious face.


Andi escorted Putri back to the house, arriving at the gate of the house. Putri offered her friend to come in and visit her house. But he could not fulfill his friend's offer. And he had to hurry home immediately because it was getting dark.

Putri entered the house.

Workers in the Soedarmo Family still seem busy. Putri saw Ano and Lastri talking while tidying up various gardening tools.

Bimo, their family's driver, seemed relaxed, occasionally tidying and wiping the car with the duster he was holding.

There was a new sight that Putri realized before she entered the house.

There was a black car parked in the yard, and she recognized Roy's car.

"Has Roy gone home with Renata?" Putri thought curiously.

"Lastri?" Putri shouted.

Lastri was having a light chat, immediately approached reluctantly. "Yes, Miss Putri? There's anything you need my help with?" Asked Lastri.

"Is Roy home yet?" Asked Putri.

"Mr. Roy? Yes, he's just arrived an hour ago." Said Lastri nodded quickly.

"Is Mommy and Daddy are home?" Putri asked, even though he already knew that Bimo was already home, indicating that his parents must have come home from work.

"Yes, they've also already home," Answered Mrs. Lastri.

Putri immediately entered the house, and it was true. She heard the voices of many people talking in the family room.

She entered the family room carefully. A man with a sturdy and tall body, a square face with the glasses he wears makes Putri know her second brother.

Roy was sitting relaxed and talking to his father.

"I've only been gone for a while, and you're already getting fat, Putri." Roy sneered.

Putri immediately let go of her arms, saw Roy's face with a grin.

"But you must miss your sister, right?" Putri replied.

"Anyway, why are you back from your honeymoon, Roy?" asked Putri. She saw Roy's reaction was a little surprised.

"Uhmm... There's a change of plans. So ... I have to go back soon." Roy answered curtly.

"Putri?" A deep yet gentle voice came from behind Roy.

It was Renata who was greeting Putri with a small smile.

"How are you, Renata?" replied Putri, who left Roy and approached Renata.

Putri gave a short hug and kissed Renata's cheek. She smelled of perfume that has become the hallmark of her sister-in-law.

"I'm fine," Renata replied.

"Let's join with us, Putri. We are talking casually," said Mariana.

"I have to change clothes first, Mom. After that, I will come back again," said Putri politely and left the family room.

By late afternoon they were still chatting casually.

Renata even distributed some gifts to Putri, Wira, and also Rian.

Renata asked many questions for the boys. Like when she asked Wira what university he would take.

Rian did not escape from Renata's question at that time. Maybe that's what Renata did. So she could look familiar with Soedarmo's family members.

Raja and Rafa just arrived during dinner time.

The twins' conversation was more towards adult men's chatter, making Putri have to cover her ears because her twin brother was sitting right next to her.

"You boys, isn't there anything else to talk about? How can they ask about Roy's honeymoon? Ouch... disgusting..." Putri thought, annoyed.

Meanwhile, Renata still looks awkward with Raja and Rafa. She still couldn't tell which was Raja and which was Rafa.

Putri didn't like Renata, could only give a small smile that she forced too much.

Dinner arrived with a different dish than usual. Because there are many choices of main dishes served.

All the members gathered and were still chatting casually at the dining table.

"Renata, how are your working conditions? I heard your father is going to take some land on some big islands." Bambang asked while enjoying dinner.

Renata wiped the corners of her lips before she started answering Bambang's question.

"That's true. And all processes are going well. The agreement has been made. Construction will start soon until next year," replied Renata.

"Wow... a very good prospect, you must be busy too, right?" Mariana said in response to her husband's words.

Putri could only be silent while listening to their conversation.

"And another good news, my father would love if Roy and I could help manage the construction," Renata glanced at Roy. She held her husband's right hand.

Roy also confirmed his wife's words, "Yes,"

"But we're still talking about this, aren't we? Moving to the island of Borneo is a decision that must be discussed first," said Roy with a flat reaction.

He let go of Renata's hand slowly.

Putri saw Renata's disapproving reaction when her brother let go of her hand.

"It's only natural because you are still newlyweds. There are many adjustments that you two have to make," said Bambang, who didn't seem aware, with Renata's facial expression changing.

"So true,"

Renata just smiled back at her mother-in-law.

"Bambang is right. You should enjoy your honeymoon more. I'm surprised that you and Roy came home early."

Mariana tried to intervene.

"And... Roy... you should often take Renata on vacation. I feel like I can't wait to get a grandchild from you two," Bambang said excitedly.

Roy's expression turned into embarrassment, while Renata smiled happily,

"Don't worry because Roy and I don't intend to delay having a child," Renata said happily. She held her husband's hand again.

"Didn't Surya and Leyna also almost have a child. If only..." Putri said uttered the statement.

And making his father's expression turn silent, even because of listening to Putri's words, Bambang subconsciously removed the spoon from his hand.

The spoon hit the side of the dinner plate. Although the sound of the spoon colliding wasn't that loud, the atmosphere was able to make the atmosphere of dinner quiet at that time.