WebNovelDear LOVE12.72%

About Mega

Flashback. One year ago.

It was difficult for her to be able to move her body as if there were tons of rocks on top of her. But she kept trying to move her finger a little, and it worked. Not only did her body feel extremely heavy, she realized that her eyelids were heavy to open. She was terrified of the silence she felt, and the unpleasant smell wanted to make her get up and run.

Slowly she moved her eyeballs, even though her eyes were still closed. She should try to open her eyes and see what happened and where is she now?

With considerable effort, she managed to open her eyes. Staring at a white roof, still thinking hard about what was going on with her.

She realized that there was a breathing apparatus attached between her nose and mouth.

An IV was also attached, and the tube was connected to the back of her right hand. It turned out that that made her uncomfortable, not just one IV tube, she saw that there were two IV tubes beside her bed.

She tried to remember the last thing she could remember.

Yes, she remembered the incident in the school toilet. After her fight with Putri, and she was unconscious. Mega realized that someone was holding her left hand tightly.

But she couldn't see the figure. The figure was sleeping, holding her hand tightly. Mega still couldn't move her head which was enough to make her dizzy.

Mega decided to move her fingers, after trying many times, the figure finally realized.

Wira raised her head and was still feeling sleepy. Wira woke up and still didn't realize that it was Mega who woke her up.

Mega put her fingers back together and managed to get Wira's attention.

Wira immediately looked at Mega, who had opened her eyes. "Mega, you're awake!" Say Wira loudly.

Not only Wira was surprised. The old woman, who was sitting on the sofa in the room, suddenly woke up. With slow steps, she straight to Mega's bed.

Mega still couldn't move her mouth to speak, but she could see her grandmother's face full of anxiety.

"Mega, darling, my grandson, you are awake," Grandma said, smiling and holding back her tears.

Wira gently holds Mega's cheek and a happy smile is shown by him. "I'll call the doctor first, okay?" Wira said hastily and left the room.

Not long after, the doctor entered the room. He checked the condition of Mega, who was already conscious. But her recovery did not make Mega have to leave the hospital. Mega still spends the following days in the hospital.

That afternoon Mega was finally able to straighten her body. The doctor who treated her said that this was good progress. Moreover, after three days of being conscious, Mega was able to move smoothly.

Her grandmother continues to take care of her, and she is always by her side tirelessly.

"Mega? Do you want to eat this orange? Let me help peel it," Grandma said as she took the oranges that Mega hadn't finished in her breakfast?

Mega just nodded slowly then she held her forehead, which was covered by a bandage. She still felt the pain,

"Ouch..!" She said softly,

Grandma immediately looked at Mega, who was grimacing, even putting down the orange she was holding.

"Slow down, my dear. The doctor hasn't allowed the bandage to be removed yet," Grandma warned.

"Grandma, this wound seems deep. Will I become disabled?" asked Mega curiously.

"I heard from the doctor that in two days, we can remove the bandage. And everything will back to normal, you not become disable, Mega," Grandma said sweetly, as she lowered Mega's hand that was holding her forehead.

"Grandma, how long have I been here?" Mega asked and looking back at her grandmother's face.

Grandmother took hold of her orange again and began to slice the orange and give small pieces to her dear granddaughter.

"I remember once that Grandma was at the Flower Shop. I was preparing some fertilizer that had arrived. You still remember that you ordered it." Grandma smiled, then sat with her back to Mega.

Grandmother took the comb that was on the table and began to comb Mega's hair slowly.

"That afternoon, Wira came with his face was pale and scared me. He didn't say much when he came to the shop. He said I had to come with him to the hospital because he said you were there." Grandma's words stopped, then Mega heard her take a slow and long breath.

"I'm so afraid of losing my dearest granddaughter. When I arrived at the hospital, you are in the operating room. It's been quite a while." Grandma said, then braided Mega's hair.

"How long, Grandma?" Megan asked curiously.

"After the operation, your condition is quite critical because your wound is quite deep, and there is a crack in the head. Two weeks you are in a coma after the operation." Grandma has finished her braid. She is rising from her seat and looking at Mega still with a smile.

"Two weeks? I was unconscious," Mega said to make sure again.

"Yes, dear. But the most important thing is now that you are awake and better, right." Grandma gripped Mega's hand very tightly.

"You know, Wira didn't go to school for three days to accompany you to the hospital. And every day he comes, bringing all the things you need." Grandma explained, but Mega was just silent, only listening to her grandmother's explanation.

"Wira? Only Wira came?" Mega asked. She was curious if none of her friends came to visit to see her in the hospital.

"Someone else came, but while you were still in a coma. Wira's relatives came, including Wira's mother." Grandma answered in a gentle tone.

"Wira's Brother? Uhmm.., is she come to here?" Mega asked doubtfully.

"You mean, Putri?" Grandma asked back.

"The reason I can be here is because of Wira's sister. She's so mean to me." This time Mega's voice sounded annoyed and emotional, but her grandmother didn't look surprised. Instead, she smiled even more at her granddaughter.

"Yes, I know, dear. Wira has told me everything. Wira and his mother even apologized to me for what had happened. Wira's mother said that she would provide the best treatment for you."

Mega looked at her grandmother and was confused. "Grandma? are you not angry with them?" asked Mega in annoyance.

"Of course, I'm angry. You're Grandma's only granddaughter. But the most important thing in all of this is your health, Mega," Grandma smiled again and touched Mega's cheek with a warm touch.

"Wira's mother is also willing to provide compensation for this incident." Grandmother then raised Mega's face, which had been looking down in annoyance.

"And you will accept?" asked Mega in annoyance.

Grandma didn't answer, but her face immediately looked sad. Grandma got up from her seat and turned to the cupboard behind her. Take some blankets and fold them neatly, then put them in the cupboard.

"I just want you to be happy, nothing more," Grandma said that Mega was sure that her grandmother turned her face because she didn't want her granddaughter to see her cry.

Sorry to bother you." Wira entered the room and saw Mega staring at him with tears still streaming down her cheeks.

"Wira, you've come? It is such a coincidence. I want to go out first. Please take care of Mega for a while, can you?" Said grandma, who also wiped her tears and left the room.

"You?! What are you doing here, Wira?" Mega said while turning her face towards the bedroom window.

Wira didn't care about Mega's refusal, still walked towards Mega's bed and sat beside the bed.

"I want to see you," Wira said calmly.

Mega ventured to look at Wira's face. Wira was smiling and handed a flower arrangement. "This for you, Mega," said Wira with a smile.

"Why are you still nice to me? You know this scar will make my face ugly," Mega said that she still had not received the flower arrangement in front of her. Wira put the flower arrangement right beside her.

"When it comes to this, you don't have to worry. I've already discussed everything with my mother." Wira said while holding Mega's forehead, which was covered with a bandage.

"The important thing is that you're feeling better, and you don't have to worry about anything. If there's anything else you want, please say so."

Mega looks at Wira with a meaningful look. And she knows that she loves the person in front of her. Mega didn't expect Wira to be so attentive and always by her side.

Mega hugged Wira tightly, and tears welled up in her eyes. Not caring about the wound on her forehead that touched Wira's shoulder.

Wira replied with a tight hug. A hug to protect the person he always loved.

It turned out that the pain didn't just go away. Mega rarely got a good night's sleep. Even the nightmares kept coming every night during her stay in the hospital. Grandma and Wira are very worried about her mental condition.

Mega is getting hysterical when she can already see the scar on her forehead.

Even though she is now at home, Mega still cannot accept her condition at that time. Wira has repeatedly offered to do plastic surgery so that the scar will disappear, but Mega holds her pride too high. Her relationship with Wira was not getting any better.

Mega refused any help from Wira and Soedarmo Family. Even Mega still doesn't dare to go back to school.


With the help of Grandma and Wira, Mega does homeschooling. Once again, Mega accepts the help of Wira and his family, then where is the person who caused this problem?

At first, Mega never hated Putri, but slowly Putri sowed the seeds of hatred. Mega looked out the window, looking at her private teacher who had left the yard.

"Mega, honey?" Grandma's footsteps were heard and entering Mega's room, but Mega didn't budge and was still staring at the window.

This time it was not her teacher that she saw, but the reflection of her face in the window. She saw the long scar on her forehead.

Is this her fate now? Will she just accept all the suffering she has felt so far? Or can she fight back?

Fight back and show that she is a strong person and push her fears away.

"Honey..?" Grandma called again and started to worry because Mega still didn't budge.

"Grandma?" she said slowly. "I have decided, I will do it. And I want to go back to school." Mega said quietly, but enough to surprise her grandmother.

Mega put down the cell phone she was holding in her hand and turned to look at her grandmother with a smile.

But Grandma felt not a smile of happiness. For some reason, Grandma felt a smile filled with hatred and falsehood.

>>Notification Message From Mega:

I accepted your offer, and after that, I wanted to go back to school.

Wira holds his cell phone in class when he is just starting to study.

He smiled happily reading the incoming message. He looked back at the blackboard in front of him. He remembered the message he just received, wishing him a good start.