WebNovelDear LOVE85.55%

D -6: Unexpected!

"Be careful, madam. It's a shame if all this bread falls," He said in his characteristic deep voice.

"Ah... sorry. I didn't mean to..." Putri couldn't continue her words, and she seemed to recognize the face of the man standing in front of her.

"You?" unconsciously, Putri have pointed in front of her.

The man in front of Putri grinned widely with a sinister look.

"This man... isn't he the one who was chased by Irfan when we were dating. But... why is he here." Putri though was afraid, and she stepped back immediately.

"Ma'am..? are you alright?" Asked the big man, and walked closer to Putri. 

"Looks like you're really tired because you have to accompany your friends all day. And I think you still have gone anywhere else, right? But I'm confused, why are you alone?"

"You..! What do you want? It's a crowded place. I can scream." Threatening Putri was still nervous, and she put the cake she bought on the side of the table.