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D -6: Important Information And Meet Irfan

Linda and Mega decided to go back first, while Putri and Andy were still waiting for Irfan's arrival.

"When did Linda get married?" Ask Andy to fill the conversation between him and Putri.

"Why haven't you got the invitation? In four days, she will be married, I thought you were going back to Indonesia because you were going to attend Linda's wedding. But seeing your explanation earlier I knew that it wasn't." Putri replied.

Andy immediately widened his eyes, he patted his forehead firmly. "Gosh, I forgot so much, maybe too much work to make me think too much."

"Your work is so busy there, isn't it? And why don't you bring your lover, Andy?" Putri asked.

"I've told you before, Putri. I have a lot of business and right now I don't want to involve too many people. Because it's too dangerous," Andy answered, and Putri is still giving suspicious looks.