Arcane Faction Meeting

--- Ivory Tower, Arcane Faction Floor ---

Ten years ago, the Crimson Clan and the Arcane Faction fought together.

Together, the two major clans wiped out the Black Widow Brotherhood as well as the Snake Cult, the two major criminal organizations at the time.

However, the Crimson Clan lost its heir, an intermediate rank acolyte with grade 4 talent. It was a major blow for the Crimson Magus Family, which had nurtured him until now. Like most Magus families, the Crimson Magus Household was declining due to the quality of their heirs.

As the density of mana was slowly decreasing, the amount of magical resources that could be found in the wild was decreasing. At the same time, high-grade talents were becoming increasingly rarer. Worse still, wars between kingdoms led to the fall of ancient families, and along with their fall, centuries of magical research disappeared each time, without any inheritor.

With the rise of knights and Grand Knights (beings who could rival peak rank acolytes on average, or even Magi depending on their cultivation), the legacy of Magic was slowly disappearing.

The Crimson Clan thus decided to become more conservative, and take as little risk as necessary. It would only send its disposable members to complete missions, while training their heirs in seclusion. The Crimson Clan Elder was a very strong Blood-type Elemental Acolyte, with advanced cultivation. He was personally teaching his heirs.

However, this isolation policy caused the Crimson Clan to fall behind the Arcane Faction, which overtook the market floor, and used its wealth to suppress independant acolytes. Without a faction, it was almost impossible not to get tricked by the Arcane faction into buying magical materials at high prices.

Those who had anything against this policy would eventually join the Arcane Faction. Some time ago, the Arcane Faction had gathered more than 80 acolytes.

"Mister Parlier has been confirmed dead", an elder spoke, "He had taken a subjugating mission. It was an easy mission considering his skills. Rat Men should not have posed any problem, and he was accompanied by Olaf, Paul and Emma. Each one of them possessed complementary spells, and they have demonstrated great teamwork until now"

Another elder frowned: "It's the eighth group of acolytes that disappear without any trace. There is no proof of murders, but I can't help but question the suspiciousness of their deaths. It's not like other factions are not suffering any losses. Six months ago, the old Karl who fought next to us against the criminal factions died in the plains of deaths. Two weeks ago, the United Faction's Vice-leader died to an orc shaman. Difficult missions are risky, and it is only natural for deaths to occur"

He paused for a while, before continuing: "However, orcs are strong creatures. They possess extremely powerful bodies, and the shamans are not inferior to acolytes in terms of firepower. Worse still, they might possess strange totem artefacts allowing them to display unknown magic. However, we have not sent a single acolyte to the frontlines. Encountering orcs in the plains of death is unlikely, considering how many subjugating missions were completed in this place"

A woman came with a grave expression: "I have gathered you all because there has been an investigation on the [Silver Ore Mine], [Emerald Ore Mine] and [Zepili Ore Mine]. Dorian Sylvester has kept quiet about it after hearing about natives being exploited. He expects us to buy his silence. And I doubt that he would be satisfied with a low-grade magical artefact"

The Arcane Faction Leader, Hector Viktel, broke his silence and finally spoke: "Dorian Sylvester, huh...He is as troublesome as his father"

Hector Viktel came from the Viktel Marquis Household, and he was naturally familiar with the Sylvester family name. After all, Hector had fought together with the current Sylvester Count, Frederick Sylvester, Dorian's own father.

Hector pursued the peak of magic, and his studies had allowed him to break through the advanced realm, making him one of the three advanced acolyte in the tower unrelated to Magus Rutherford. If you didn't take into account Magus Rutherford and his disciple, the Mission Elder, then Hector was one of the three strongest individual in the Ivory Tower.

Not only he was powerful as a lightning elemental acolyte, he also possessed golem manufacturing skills as well as runic knowledge. He had overtaken the Arcane Faction, and made it rise to the peak of the Ivory Tower. The amount of wealth it possessed was staggering. Any magic crystal that entered the Arcane Faction's chests would be reinvested. Over a decade, it had accumulated estates, magical artefacts, enchanted items and countless magical resource.

"Did he give you a hint about what he wants?", Hector spoke

The woman sighed: "You must have heard of the Law Enforcement Faction's newest addition"

Hector titled his head. Although he was the head of the Arcane Faction, he spent most of his time in the Arcane laboratories. His latest creation, an advanced-rank golem, had taken him a year to construct. He had been in seclusion for the entire period, and hadn't heard the latest news. He was unaware of the Law Enforcement's growth.

"I didn't", Hector shook his head

"Four beginner-rank acolytes have grown to the standards of our Arcane Faction Elites. Arthur Landragon, their leader, subjugated an orc general and more recently, an intermediate-rank [Walking Tree] while being supported by his subordinates. The [Fire Archer] William Steel, the [Vixen] Evangeline Fallister, and John Bellford, another body refinement acolyte, follows his every order. Each one of them possesses enormous talent, as their recent progress shows an abnormal growth rate. Of course, Dorian has invested a considerable amount of money into them"

Hector thought for a while: "Arthur Landragon? I crossed his path a few times indeed, while I was looking for Maiden Ghosts. He is just a boy!"

The woman nodded: "We investigated them. Arthur is indeed the youngest, yet he is the leader. He probably is the strongest too. Body refinement acolytes are known to be extremely strong in close range after all. He is only fifteen years old, yet his achievements are incredible. You can take a look at his mission records"

Hector glanced at the paper: "More than 150 patrolling missions, 15 subjugating missions and even one 2-star mission...This is impressive"

The woman, Julia Stayne, nodded: "Their growth rate is probably due to their innate talent, as well as their training. Evangeline, John and Arthur were spotted thrice in the [Knight Floor] training to near death. Evangeline possesses healing spell, so they have been training to their very limits, with little regard to injuries. William also possesses some alchemical achievements, to the point that we considered inviting him to the Arcane Faction recently. There is little hope for that, unfortunately. The group of four are always together"

Hector smiled: "So Dorian has selected four talented acolytes. Should we give them a reactive elixir?"

Julia shook her head: "Reactive elixirs are quite valuable, sir. And although they are talented, let's not forget that they are battle acolytes. Although they possess high combat prowess, their cultivation must have suffered from completing all these missions. It is very unlikely that they meditated while being on a subjugation mission"

Hector nodded: "Indeed...A few months ago, they were still nobodies. Even grade 4 talent would not reach the point where they would need a reactive elixir, not to mention a few spoiled nobles. I have decided. I don't want them in the Law Enforcement Faction anymore. I want them in the Arcane Faction. We have always been branded as weak, due to the fact we spend our days in laboratories rather than subjugation missions. These four have already made accomplishments, but they are still in an infancy stage. Julia, I ask of you to bribe them. Dorian is a coward, like his father. He would have never made the decision to ask something of us if it was before. However, this group of four acolytes must have given him confidence to stand up to us, taking advantage of our mysterious losses"

"Use all means necessary. You can spend up to 2000 magic crystals to recruit them. If you fail, then I will bribe the Mission Elder and force them away from the tower with their compulsory mission"

Few could hear it, but Hector finished his speech while laughing: "Dorian Sylvester...If you think you can blackmail me, you are dreaming. I will steal everything from you, just like I stole everything from your father"