Black Widow Brotherhood Meeting

Roughly seven months passed already since Arthur last communicated with the Black Widow Brotherhood.

This time, however, he could not skip the meeting.

In Arthur's opinion, the less he interacted with the members of this criminal faction, the better it would be. After all, he was someone who had influence in both factions, yet a single interaction, a single trade with a known member of the Black Brotherhood would be enough for Dorian to strip any status he had, including the title of [Head Acolyte Hunter].

Still, it was a good opportunity.

This was the yearly meeting of the Black Widow Brotherhood. Not only all the members would be around, but there would be great opportunities to trade rare, or even forbidden materials. This included stolen goods, ancestral heirlooms from fallen noble families, as well as research that was born out of cruel experiments, some of them including forbidden processus.

Arthur had been stacking up resources for this moment.

[Cursed Flask - Medium-grade Magical Resource]

Each one of these flasks could fetch twenty to thirty magic crystals. After all, it would take months for an acolyte to learn the spell [Soul Seal], and each flask cost several magic crystals, as they were made of [Dragon Glass], a type of glass that could stay sturdy under high mana density conditions. Because it was troublesome to learn this forbidden spell, and even more difficult to use in combat since it cost mana and time, which could not be done in a regular battle, there was a lack of supply of cursed flask.

The Old Witch Diana Blackhope, the leader of the Black Widow Brotherhood, needed as many cursed flasks as possible, since her Maiden Ghost daughter fed on souls. Acolyte souls were a hundred times, if not a thousand times more nutritious than regular human souls. To her daughter, these flasks were elixirs.

Arthur possessed thirty two such cursed flasks, which was roughly worth a thousand magic crystals.

Of course, it's not like he didn't have anything in mind. He would not settle for anything less than a body refining elixir for each flask. If there was not enough potions, then he would accept magical resources which he could consume through his ring, ice perl excluded. He had already ate too many of them, and his body had developped a resistance against it after developping the [Ice Physique].

[Diana Blackhope - Level 12 Acolyte]

[Allan Blackfyre - Level 6 Zombie]

[Billy Gatekeeper - Level 7 Acolyte]

[Kayle Smith - Level 5 Acolyte]

[Helene Fireborn - Level 7 Acolyte]

[Maiden Ghost (Lucie Blackhope) - Level 7 Ghost]

[Bjorg Jark - Level 5 Acolyte]

Arthur recognized plenty of people from the tower. Most of them had a life besides their membership to the Black Widow Brotherhood. Allan possessed quite the influence in the Mercenary Guild. Helene Fireborn belonged to the Law Enforcement Faction too, although she had secluded herself for the past few years, in an attempt to break through to the intermediate realm. This time again, she seemed to have failed.

Billy had grown stronger too, having reached Level 7, and Bjorg, an influential member of the [United Faction], had graduated from his probationary acolyte status and even reached level 5.

Kayle Smith was said to have some talent in alchemy, and she was a rising star of the Arcane Faction. It was said that in a matter of decades, she would be able to reach the intermediate alchemy realm, which would be enough to make her an influential individual in the tower.

Arthur was not the only one growing stronger. Everyone was making progress.

Yet, monitoring their levels made Arthur realize that even though some of them possessed more talent than him, their growth rate was unbelievably slow. It wasn't just a matter of his ring artefact allowing him to level up either, as William, Evangeline and John were also growing stronger.

Unlike him and his subordinates, most acolytes were afraid of going out of the tower. By being afraid of risking their lives and not completing missions, they were often lacking resources necessary to grow stronger and wiser.

Arthur and his subordinates bathed in wealth. Even if most of their earnings went to Dorian, it's not like they gave up more than a fixed percentage of their rewards. The rest was all reinvested in food, books and trinkets that would make them stronger. By becoming stronger, they could complete missions faster, and earn even more magic crystals. This was a virtuous cycle. The stronger one became, the easier it became to get ahold of resources, and become even stronger.

It was simple, yet few had the courage to go through it. Arthur's body was covered in scars. And he was only fifteen years old. This was the price to pay for his growth rate, and he was fine with it.

The meeting was boring.

The Old Witch started a speech: "Thank you all for coming today. Today, we celebrate our organization's thirty third anniversary. Its founders are no longer alive to see what has become of this faction, yet I am proud. I am proud because today, one of our member has accomplished many things"

Arthur felt eyes staring at him.

"Indeed, all of you must have heard of our newest blood: Arthur Landragon. Not only has he infiltrated the Law Enforcement Faction, he has considerably weakened the Arcane Faction. A new age in the Ivory Tower will unfold, an age of war, blood and opportunities. This is the best terrain for us Dark Path Magus Apprentices"

*Clap* *Clap*

Everyone had fire burning in their eyes. They were waiting for this moment.

"I want you all to prepare. I don't know when the war will break out, but it will be soon. Billy's spies have uncovered the situation in the orcish frontlines. The Crimson Clan has been considerably weakened and is losing many acolytes in this foolish battle. With the two major factions losing influence and power, we can begin to become more active. I no longer forbid you from killing fellow acolytes"

Everyone's eyes became colder.

This was an opportunity.

Many had begun walking a path where killing fellow acolytes was necessary for further growth. Allan could earn magic power by absorbing the mana-flesh of acolytes. Billy would also grow stronger by absorbing blood essence. Others possessed necromancy spells requiring skeletons. Having knight-level skeletons would surely make them stronger too.

"Last but not least, take this opportunity where we are all gathered to exchange information, resources and equipment. Our next joint operation will take place in three days. I told you to find an alibi from your current lives in order to free your next month. Some of you went into 'seclusion', or 'research' officially. However, we will fight instead. The crimson clan leader has been injured, so there is no longer an advanced acolyte in the orc battlefield. We will take this opportunity to annihilate the Crimson Clan", the Old Witch finished.

Arthur was shocked, but it's not like he was unhappy with this decision. Killing fellow acolytes was a good opportunity to earn EXP. Perhaps he would finally level up.