Hygiene's of a pirate

Inside the meeting room that is located inside the royal palace, King Riku was seated at the center of the table along with Kyros, Scarlett, and his advisers.

It was currently loud inside due to Scarlett and the advisers arguing with each other.

"Why do you trust that pirate, Princess Scarlett?" The adviser asked.

Scarlett rolled her eyes and explained, "You all know the power of my little sister right?"

All of the advisers nodded in unison as they all know the special devil fruit Viola the youngest princess has.

"Then you should also know that she can read people's minds, she wouldn't be stupid enough to follow a sinister person, I trust my sister's judgment and that is why I support the idea of allying with Kenshin."

The advisers all fell silent because they found Scarlett's reason acceptable.

"But what will we do about the world government?" One of the advisers asked clearly scared of the world government and what it would do to them once they found out that Dressorsa allied with an infamous pirate.

King Riku who was silent the entire argument spoke, "We don't have to worry about the world government, and like what Kyros said earlier we can just fabricate a story and tell them that we are defenseless against Kenshin and chose to submit to him rather than sacrificing the Dressrosa's citizens."

He then glanced at his advisers and said with a serious tone, "I trust all of you but just to be safe I want Viola to read your minds to make sure that no one is planning on betraying Dressrosa by telling the world government of our plan."

The advisers had a surprised look on their faces but they still agreed nonetheless and thought that it was reasonable for King Riku to be cautious.

Standing up, King Riku then said, "The meeting is over, I will talk with Kenshin tomorrow morning and have a more detailed discussion with him regarding our alliance."

Scarlett, Kyros, and the advisers all left in unison leaving behind King Riku who sat back down on his chair.

Sighing in relief, King Riku relaxed his body as he fell asleep on the chair what happened tonight was too much for him to handle.



"Why are you killing us, your majesty?!"

"Help! Run! King Riku is on a rampage!"

As King Riku fell asleep, what happened last night kept on repeating as he continued hearing the voices of his citizens who were in despair.


King Riku shouted as he grabbed his hand trying to stop it from slashing a child.

"Father! Father!"

Scarlett who was trying to wake up her father was surprised to see him sweating as his arm was stretched outwards.

Panting heavily, King Riku glanced at his side and saw his eldest daughter staring at him with a worried look on her face.

"I'm okay, I just had a bad dream," He said as he stood up trying to calm down.

Scarlett sighed in relief and had a good idea what her father was currently experiencing, she couldn't do anything but trust her father that he can overcome this post traumatic stress on his own.

"Father, Kenshin is already here and waiting outside."

King Riku took a deep breath trying to calm himself down and replied, "I'll go wash up first, you entertain Kenshin for a while."

With that said King Riku stood up and went to the washroom while Scarlett invited Kenshin along with his crew inside the room.

As the crew sat on their respective seat, Scarlett sat beside her little sister and asked, "So how was your first night sleeping in a pirate's ship?"

Viola turned her attention towards Scarlett and replied, "It was good, we have different rooms and are all well-taken care of."

"There are no spider webs or empty bottles inside your room?" Scarlett asked curiously.


Izo who was couldn't help laugh hearing Scarlett's question and said to her, "We aren't that type of pirates,"

Scarlett lowered her head in embarrassment as she apologized, "I'm sorry, I automatically thought that you have dirty rooms just because you were pirates."

Hiyori who was listening to their conversation smiled and said, "You don't need to apologize, the first time I entered a pirate ship I also thought the same and it was. Pops who was the captain of the ship immediately asked his crew to clean his room and that was where I stayed while he slept on another room."

Izo hid his face when he remembered the little Hiyori who just arrived on the ship which caught everyone off guard especially Whitebeard who immediately ordered them to clean the ship and his room.

"I knew it!" Scarlett said when she heard Hiyori's story, she then looked at her and asked.

"May I ask why you became a pirate? such a beautiful lady like you shouldn't be around smelly men all the time."

Kenshin closed his eyes as he chose not to hear their conversation, while Hiyori was chuckling as she replied.

"They aren't smelly, Kenshin here is especially strict on the crew's hygiene and would immediately scold anyone who he caught having a bad smell."

"Wow, I never thought that you would be a clean freak Kenshin," Scarlett said as he stared at Kenshin in amazement.

Shaking his head, Kenshin replied, "You shouldn't generalize every pirate you meet Princess Scarlett, not all pirates are smelly and have bottles scattered everywhere on their ship."

Jinbe who was quiet the whole time already wanted to leave the room because he would always be scolded by Kenshin for not taking a bath every day, he couldn't be blamed because he was a Fishman and bathing was never a thing for him.

While all of them were talking about pirates and hygienes, King Riku already finished washing up and entered the room.

A/N: Do join our discord and drop your suggestions/ideas!!
