Vice versa Part 1 - Right time, wrong person

On Eleo's 16th birthday, he decided to hold a party at a restaurant since the semester break was starting soon and he wanted to celebrate his birthday as well. His birthday was already over but he couldn't celebrate as he and his friends were busy preparing for the final examinations since their subjects were pretty heavy in that semester. Eleo even told about his birthday celebration plan to his friends and they agreed with him as a reward for him for studying hard for his exams. At first, he planned to celebrate it with his small group of friends but eventually, other classmates knew about his plan and started to ask about it. After the end of the last paper, Eleo posted in his class group chat the venue for the party and created a list to get the headcounts.

Mrs. Horus asked Eleo's aunt to rent Eleo's desired restaurant for one night for approximately twenty to thirty people. They decided the number of people after Eleo sent them the list of his classmates who might turn up at the party. Mrs. Horus also strictly prohibited any alcoholic drinks and other illegal things at the restaurant. Eleo noticed that Oriana's name wasn't on the list but her other friends joined the party. He was curious and messaged her regarding that matter. Oriana stated she wasn't sure about it as she hasn't asked her parents yet, since both of them were quite busy. They planned for a vacation so they were busy finishing up some of the clients' projects before they leave. Eleo told her that it's okay if she changes her mind at the last minute to attend the party.

Meanwhile, when Eleo was busy preparing for the party, Estella seemed to be out focused and gloomy. Even when he questioned about her state Estella said that she was fine. A day before the party, Oriana managed to ask Mr. and Mrs. Summer's permission to attend the party. Mrs. Summer said Oriana should be there to keep an eye on Eleo and inform them if anything happened there. Oriana nodded but didn't take her mother's reminder seriously. She planned to go there to watch Eleo enjoying himself with his friends.

The next day, Oriana arrived at the restaurant. When she entered the restaurant, it was already quite packed. It turned out that the owner mistakenly allowed two clients to rent the restaurant at the same time. Eleo negotiated to use the ground floor while the other person used the first floor since Eleo invited more people compared to them and the ground floor seemed more spacious to accommodate twenty to thirty people. After an hour, Eleo's classmates started to arrive and all the food and drinks were also served completely. They had a lot of fun and Eleo with his friends also prepared games for others. Oriana just sat at the corner of the table while drinking a glass of juice. Some invited her to join the games but she gently declined their offers. She also noticed Estella wasn't playing with them but was sitting at a table near Eleo's table. She seemed to be nervous and kept looking for someone.

When all of them were eagerly playing the games, suddenly the light turned dimmer and a group of people started to sing birthday songs. Eleo's friends with a birthday cake walked towards him while singing birthday songs. They wished him and then he blew the candles. Eleo cut the cake and distributed it to all his classmates by himself. He also thanked them for coming to his party. He smiled sweetly at Oriana and gave her one piece of cake before leaving to his own table. Oriana watched him walk towards his table to grab his glass and he went to sit beside Estella. They began to chit chat but Oriana still noticed something odd about Estella. After a while, some of the classmates started to leave and they shook hands with Eleo who was still sitting with Estella. Even though there were only a few guests in the restaurant, Eleo wanted to talk to them before they left. Suddenly Estella grabbed Eleo's hand and told him to finish up his drinks before leaving. Eleo smiled at her and drank the leftover juice in the glass. Eleo walked towards the door exit and started to feel drowsy. Estella who followed him, gribbed his waist and dragged him outside the restaurant.

At that time, Oriana caught up with her classmates and when she glanced at the door, she saw Eleo leaving the restaurant. She hurriedly went outside to look but saw someone looking like Eleo being dragged by two persons into a car. Since it was a late night, Oriana couldn't see the faces of those inside the car. At that point, Oriana felt something was wrong and quickly took a taxi to follow the car. She didn't alert her parents regarding the issue since she wasn't sure whether Eleo was inside the car and she didn't know where exactly they were bringing him either. While following that car, she made her first phone call to Eleo but he didn't pick up. On her second call, his phone was switched off. While in the car, Eleo still felt draggy but managed to open his eyes a little to watch what happened to him after he passed out at the restaurant. He was laying his head on someone's shoulder and the clothes worn by that person seemed familiar. He also felt that he had no energy and both his hands were tied together. His eyelids felt heavy and fell asleep again.