Vice versa Part 2 - Right person, wrong time

After a few miles, that car entered an abandoned farm area which was approximately 5, 000 hectares. Oriana asked the taxi driver to drop her a few meters before the entrance of the farm and she decided to walk from there. She sneaked into the farm through an opening that was made on the fence before she arrived. The area after the fence started to get darker and ultimately it became pitch black, so Oriana turned on her phone's flashlight. Throughout her way in that farm, she had a lot of thoughts in her mind which were, "What if that person was not Eleo?", "If that person is Eleo, how should I help him?", "How do I go back home after this?", and others. Eventually, she panicked and froze up, Oriana stood at the same place for a few minutes blankly. She felt like she had lost all her energy, leaned her back on a tree nearby before sliding down and sitting there.

A skiff of snow had begun to fall and the surrounding temperature dropped gradually. A cold breeze brushed her pale face, at that moment she went back to her own state of mind. A memory of Eleo being dragged came to her mind and Oriana sensed that Eleo wasn't wearing his overcoat or any gloves at that time. Oriana realized that she wasted too much of the time overthinking and needed to find Eleo before anything unpredictable happened to him. She swept off dirt on her back and determinedly continued searching for Eleo. About thirty minutes after walking around that area, Oriana found an old farmhouse with lights on. At first, she hid behind some bushes and then carefully moved near one of the windows at the house.

Suddenly, a loud sound was heard from inside and the crying voice of a girl.

Oriana heard a girl shouting, "Stop it, if you continuously hit him, he might die!"

Oriana was really scared and did not dare to look inside. She sat there to calm herself and slowly peeked through the window. She managed to see three people in the house; one girl crying while covering her face with her hands at the corner of the room; one bulky man; and someone laying on the ground. Oriana was only able to see that man's back view and the man was standing in front of the person laying on the ground. She cautiously moved to another window to clearly see their faces. Again she peeked at the window, this time that man was repeatedly kicking the abdomen and face of the person laying on the floor. When he stopped, he sat on a chair beside him and lit up a cigar. Oriana couldn't believe her own eyes, it was Eleo who was on the floor and he coughed some blood after that man kicked him constantly. He was severely wounded where he could barely move. Apart from being frightened with Eleo's condition, Oriana was taken back when that girl who was crying was none other than Eleo's own friend, Estella. Estella repetitively apologizing to Eleo and this made that man even more furious.

He yelled at her, "Stop it!" and kicked Eleo again.

While kicking, he shouted "Come on, you want me to kill you? Faster tell me your parents' international contact number!"

Oriana decided to call her mother and alert her about the matter. She stepped towards the bushes and called while hiding there.

She was trembling when speaking, "Hello... Mom..." and stopped.

Mrs. Summer was anxious hearing her daughter's shaky and frightened voice, but she remained calm and said, "Darling, please take a deep breath and tell mom what happened to you."

Oriana took some courage and spoke softly, "Mom, I'm at an abandoned farm area, a few miles away from the restaurant I went to earlier. I also saw a signboard written something like 'Son's Farm.' Mom… please save us..."

Those pleading voices of her daughter made Mrs. Summer lost her strength and she rested on the sofa.

She noticed that Oriana told her, "Please save us." She toned seriously and asked, "What do you mean by us, darling? Who else with you?"

"It's... Eleo, Mom. One guy hurt him... asking for his parents' international contact number. I'm hiding nearby the farmhouse."

"What! Darling, send me your exact location. I will call the cops," said Mrs. Summer who was flustered upon hearing Eleo might be kidnapped.

"I can't Mom. The phone signals here are very low," replied Oriana.

"Okay, stay safely there. I will call the cops and head there at this instant," said Mrs. Summer and rushed to the police station with Mr. Summer. At the police station, Mr. and Mrs. Summer filed a complaint regarding the kidnap case and when the police officer asked for the name of the place they might be kept, Mrs. Summer told the name of the farm. It turned out that Oriana only read a part of the signboard and there were two farms with the name of Robinson's farm and Thompson's farm. Then, Mrs. Summer remembered Oriana mentioning the abandoned farm, and Thompson's farm was the only abandoned farm in that particular area.

Meanwhile, Oriana went back to the side window after she put her phone in silent mode. She was taken aback when she saw that guy enraged and broke the wooden chair beside him. He struggled to pull one of the chair's legs as a tool to beat Eleo. Panicked Oriana dashed into the room through the entrance, her phone fell near the window when she stood up to enter the house. She went towards Eleo and hugged him. The swing of the wooden plank hit right on Oriana's shoulder. But fortunately, she was wearing a parka coat and that thick coat protected her from the impact. That man was really shocked to see someone enter the house and walked in front of her to take a closer look of her face.

His face was full of fear after encountering Oriana's presence at the scene. He was completely blank and leaned on the wall after dropping that wooden plank. Oriana wasn't sure what happened to that guy so she took that plank and dragged unconscious Eleo to the corner of the room. Without hesitation, Oriana took off her coat and wrapped it around Eleo even though she was feeling cold. Eleo felt warmer after a while and slowly tried to open his eyelids. He saw Oriana bandaging his wounded legs and hands with some clothes. He was still in shock and even his lips were quivering in fear.

In Eleo's mind, "There were two women in front of me; one wounded me, another one treating those wounds. Silly me for expecting too much from people and getting hurt again." Physically and emotionally exhausted Eleo just closed his eyes and rested.

While Oriana bandaging Eleo, Estella tried to alert that man and asked him to do something. However, he knew that there was nothing he could do at the moment Oriana showed up. Despite that, Estella tried to escape on her own but the police and Oriana's parents arrived at that place just on time.