Books Don't Lie

And...they were back at another hotel.

Falcon was sure if he looked at another one, he would puke. The last few days had been faint memories of creaky staircases, dark hallways, and heinous culinary experiences. After being pressurized by Cyan (who, in his hate for inns, had threatened to tell Aurelia how Falcon felt about her if he didn't pick a better hotel), Falcon found a moderately comfortable accommodation close to Lapis Valley, but far enough to not be detected.

Cyan had immediately ordered a LOT of food, and Falcon wasn't complaining. Stuffing themselves, and poring over the book they had taken from Aurelia's cottage following Scarlet's instructions, the two lapsed into silence.

Falcon couldn't concentrate. The words swam in front of his eyes and he kept picturing Aurelia, locked somewhere...all alone. He missed her quirky comebacks, her trilling laugh, and her mess of brown curls. He knew if she was here, he would be a hundred times more motivated.