Once Upon A Time

The young boy stares at his reflection in the mirror. A scrawny face stares back at him, a mop of dark hair falling into his eyes and pale lips. The eyes are narrowed with suspicion as if the boy has grown to mistrust every person he has come upon.

He is unsure how he's feeling. His first proper assignment, where there is no room to fuck up. He has gone over the plan so many times that he could recite it in his sleep.

There's just one problem.

'Come out, you idiot. What is taking you so long?' The boy hears Siber's irritated shout and hurriedly opens the lock. Why the hell does his partner have to be Siber, of all the people?

Siber is by far the most intimidating trainee. His name is a mixture of Siberian and Sabre-toothed tiger, and he also acts like one. Siber hisses at him angrily and shoves him aside before he bangs the door shut. Sometimes Falcon wonders if Siber is jealous of him, or if he is just plain mean.