v2 Feel My Grief

Whatever luck he had in store for the rest of his life, Falcon summoned it. 

The hail of bullets hit Ignis straight in the heart, causing her to stumble a little. They couldn't hurt her, he knew, but if they could buy him some time, as little as a minute, then he was ready to unleash Ignis's wrath.

Ignis gave a mighty roar and the walls around them began to cave, drawing smaller and smaller to pull them inside the cavern.

They were almost to the door, which, thankfully was still there. Falcon hoped it was unlocked. The door had been a large mahogany thing but now it had shrunk to the size of a small human. Perhaps Zue could have passed through if she had been there, but they would have to double down and try not to get beheaded. 

If it were anything like a fantasy novel, Falcon would wish for a potion to shrink them all. But this was no Alice in Wonderland.