v2 All Rotten

At least they had drinking water this time. 

Last time, when Hunter had thrown Cyan and him in the underground cellar from where Scarlet had busted them out, there was no food or water. 

This time, the cell of the Prison, where Bessie had died, was open air. Secondly, it was not a cell, it was a cage. Surrounded by bars, they were thrown into the open, with slayers in a ring around them. All of them were fully armed. 

On the good side, there were a few water bottles in a bucket and food. Dry and stale, but food. 

Shayma, however, was not with them. Frabiur had taken her aside ('for her wellbeing') but Falcon knew he had taken her as the weaker one and would try to get answers out of her. Well, Frabiur had been wrong. He would have a hard time controlling her. Falcon knew that as soon as she was on her feet, she would try to go to the library and figure out an answer that didn't exist.