Chapter 1 - First Day

A new day at the university of Paper Town and All students are having fun and looking forward to new teachings and waiting for the arrival of new students.

In the hall, new students are awaiting a welcome from the head rector and also the king and queen of the campus last year.

Meanwhile, in front of the hall, there was a man in neat clothes with a backpack hanging from his back and one hand.

He is Benjamin wood with a handsome face, brown eyeballs, brownish-black hair, and an athletic body as well as a propositional height. Standing in front of the freshman welcome hall, and came to Clevo.

"Hi Ben, what are you doing here?" asked Ben's best friend Clevo.

"Hmm is waiting. Yes waiting for a new medical student!" replied Ben coldly

Not long ago a woman who was the queen of the campus of the art faculty did like Ben.

"Morning Ben, you're waiting for me, aren't you?" exclaimed Sylvie the college queen flirtatiously.

"Yes, where have you been? We should have been in the Hall of Honor to welcome new students," ben replied coldly.

Soon they entered the spacious hall and sat in a chair that had been prepared for the king and queen of the campus that was in front and could be seen clearly by the new students.

"Are you nervous?" asked Sylvie with whispers

"It's normal," Ben replied quietly as he looked at the freshmen in front of him.

The head rector gave a speech to the new students and welcomed them.

The new students enthusiastically applauded what the head rector said in his speech.

After the head rector gave his speech, the head of the student organization gave a speech and announcement on the program that must be done by new students in the next few days.

"Good morning guys, introduce me to Chris the chairman of the university student organization paper town," exclaimed Chris

"I inform you that it has become a tradition on this campus is to find a new King and Queen for this new school year, where the final election will be held at the prom night in the next 2 weeks, I ask each department to give 1 candidate king and queen and immediately tell me so that I can register, "Chris continued in his announcement.

All new students seem surprised and confused as to who will be chosen to represent their majors.

Ben and Sylvie stare at all the freshmen in front of him, smiling sweetly which makes the students scream and fall in love with Ben and Sylvie.

While waiting for the candidate to be elected Ben gets a message from Clevo on his mobile phone, "look at the boy in front of you from the law department, very cute, unlike other boys," Clevo wrote in a private mobile phone message to Ben.

While reading and a little looking for the man in question Clevo.

"Who are you looking for Ben?" asked Sylvie with a curious face

"Ah, no I just see who deserves to replace us later," Ben replied calmly.

Sometime later Chris asked representatives of the King and Queen of each major to come forward.

"Whether your discussion time to choose a candidate for king and queen from your majors is up, please come forward for the candidates," Chris said firmly.

Come forward the candidates with shy and tense faces, while giving a little smile.

"Introduce yourself!" said Chris.

Of all the candidates who introduced themselves, it's time to major in law.

"Hi, everyone introduces my name Peter Alexander from the department of law," said Peter sheepishly.

All were amazed when Peter introduced himself, how not, handsome face, slim and slightly muscular body, bluish-green eyeballs and thin lips and height of 170cm, making an aura of good looks radiate in front of all new students, especially women.

And so is Ben, "so he's the man Clevo meant, "said Ben in his heart while looking at Peter."

When all the candidates have introduced themselves and Chris has informed the rules and challenges and activities that will be carried out by the candidate, then the selected candidates are welcome to return to the area of their majors.

"You get attention from a lot of people here - until last year's college king also noticed you," said Ricky Peter's friend whom he had just known while looking at Ben sitting down.

"Don't overdo it because of you, I'm the one chosen for this contest," peter said, touching Ricky's shoulder.

"But Ben is a very idol yes, it's only natural that all eyes are on him," said Peter in the heart.

After the orientation event in the hall, all the new students exited the hall and headed to the place they wanted to go, such as classes, cafeterias, and also sports arenas.

"Hi Pete, where are you going?" calls and asks Ricky to Peter.

"Hi Rick, I don't know where to go, maybe to the cafeteria," replied Peter with a very friendly smile.

Upon arrival at the cafeteria, Peter sits at a table with 4 chairs.

"I think we'll just sit here, Rick!" exclaimed Peter to Ricky.

"Well, it doesn't matter here anyway close to the exit," replied Ricky with his relaxed style and France crop hairstyle.

While the two of them were enjoying a meal, came Clevo with a friendly and hairstyle that somewhat stood out like the style of David Beckham before.

"Hi guys, I'm Clevo a 2nd grader majoring in medicine," Clevo said while sticking a hand to Peter and Ricky.

Astonished, Peter and Ricky respond to Clevo's acquaintance's invitation.

"Hi, I'm Peter a freshman majoring in Law," replied a friendly Peter.

"And I'm Ricky, same with Peter and we're friends," Ricky continued with a smile.

Clevo said about the King and Queen contest that will be held starting tomorrow.

Clevo was one of the organizers of the contest, he told Peter that Peter should be present at 9:00 a.m. in the hall for a briefing to be directed by the King and Queen of the campus last year.

"Oh yes, another one you're my favorite, although not from the same faculty but I'm sure you'll make my friend not blink," Clevo added with a seductive rhythm to Peter.

Peter smiles and wonders while thinking which of Clevo's friends he means while staring at Ricky next to him.

"See you tomorrow morning," Clevo said while waving away towards the table opposite the table Peter and Ricky sat down.

"Oh my God, look at Pete! that was the king of college last year, who, who? Oh yes Benjamin!" exclaimed Ricky sambal patting Peter's shoulder and a shocked face.