CHAPTER 2 - Begining

"Oh my God, look at Pete! that was the king of college last year, who, who? Oh yes Benjamin!" exclaimed Ricky sambal patting Peter's shoulder and a shocked face.

Peter looks in Ricky's direction.

At the same time from the opposite table, Ben also looks at the table where Peter sits.

With a smile, Peter nodded at Ben.

The day is over, all students return home, apartment, or another place to live.

It appears the man was standing in front of the campus gate in a green hoodie jacket waiting for a taxi.

Yes, he is Peter Alexander.

A white car with a well-known brand passed in front of him and stopped in front of Peter while opening the windshield

"What are you standing on your own there? Ask Ben to Peter in a rather loud voice.

"Hurry in!" tells Ben to Peter.

"I take you home it's dark too sky, don't you have to prepare yourself and rest for tomorrow's contest activities?" continued Ben.

With a flat face Peter was confused to answer what, if refused, he knew that the taxi would not come quickly and Ricky his friend had come home first.

Finally, peter agrees with Ben's invitation.

"Hmm good if it doesn't bother you," replied Peter with a smile and a blushing face out of shame.

Peter climbed into the car and opened the back door.

"Why is the back? You think I'm your driver!" said Ben in a sarcastic tone to Peter.

"But, I'm not good upfront - we don't know yet," peter says nervously.

"Sit next to me, so we can have a good conversation!" tells Ben to Peter.

Finally, Peter sat in the front seat.

Peter nervously just shut up, and instantly Ben looked at Peter and raised his hand towards him as if he wanted to hug Peter who just wanted to attach a seat belt to him.

Peter is surprised and while looking at Ben's handsome face with firm jaws and thick eyebrows and a hollow nose, Peter can only be silenced and Peter's heart feels pulsating fast.

"Put on your seat belt, let you make it to your destination," says Ben right in front of Peter's face

"Yes thank you," replied Peter nervously as he turned his face to be so embarrassed to look at Ben.

With a small smile, Ben returns to his seat and turns on the car's engine.

On the way to deliver Peter

"Where's your new home?" Ask Ben

"Can't you invite me to know you first? Instead of you calling me a new kid," replied Peter

"I think I'll know who you are," Ben replied in a flat voice.

Peter just shut up and gave a flat, annoyed expression.

"My house is on Lavender street at No.15 Block. A" Peter tells Ben.

Ben just nodded while still driving the car.

"I'm hungry, let me have dinner first!" Exclaim Ben to peter coldly.

"What? Can't you buy it and eat it at your house? Or can't you cook in your house?" Peter's question and answer to Ben were astonishing.

"Just eat for a while, you haven't eaten yet, have you? Just have dinner with me the king of campus, who knows you'll have something to ask," said Ben with a sultry tone.

Peter just shut up and sighed deeply.

Arriving at the restaurant, Ben ordered a meal in the form of medium-well meat steak complete with french fries and a glass of red wine.

And Peter ordered a portion of pasta and mineral water.

"As long as I'm on campus no one wants to accompany me to dinner at this restaurant," Ben casually told Peter.

"Ehm Ehmm," peter chokes and immediately picks up mineral water.

"What do you mean, no one wants to accompany you to dinner here? You're handsome, rich, and also smart - the king of college anyway.," Peter asked Ben confusedly.

"Because I never invite anyone to accompany me to dinner in this place, for me it is very special if anyone can accompany me to dinner, and you are special for me," said Ben confidently.

"Don't overdo it, we've just met, your girlfriend can accompany you," Peter replied with a chuckle.

Ben just kept quiet while continuing his dinner.

After dinner and Ben pays the food bill.

"How much is my food bill?" asked Peter to Ben while removing his wallet.

"I've paid for everything - let's just say it's a compliment from me because you've accompanied me to dinner," Ben replied.

They continued their journey home,

"I've got here to take me because in front of me it's my house," Peter tells Ben.

Ben stopped.

"well if that's what you want, my house is on the same street as you, I'm number 25 Block. A" Ben said with a smile.

"What?? So you're my neighbor?? And you know I live here?" asked Peter to Ben curiously.

"Let's get into your house, it's been a night of rest for tomorrow's activities," ben said, deflecting Peter's question.

Peter enters the house and Ben continues his journey home.

Enter peter's house welcomed by his brother named Blaine with a face that is no less handsome with Ben, short blonde hair and firm jaws, and bluish green eyeballs.

"Good evening my Lil brother, looks like someone's taking you home tonight, can you introduce me to me?" Ask Blaine

"Just a college friend, and it doesn't matter to you," Peter replied as he headed to his second-floor room.

Blaine just smiled as he raised his shoulders looking in Peter's direction.

Arriving in the bedroom, Peter receives a call from Ricky.

"Pete, where have you been? I called you three times but you did not answer," Ricky said loudly on the phone.

"I'm sorry, I was with Ben having dinner at a restaurant near campus," peter replied limply.

"What? You're accompanying Ben?? Didn't I hear the wrong thing?" Ask Ricky

"Who told you to leave me alone in front of the campus gate, so as I waited for the cab, Ben came in his car and offered me to go home with him," Peter explained.

"Ah ah well then, it's important you go home safely and your stomach is full," Ricky teased.

"Alright, I'm going to take a shower and sleep to prepare for tomorrow's contest rehearsal, see you on campus tomorrow dude bye," Peter concluded.

Peter immediately took a shower and rested while installing and setting the alarm
