Chapter 3 - Ricky and Clevo

The next day Peter arrived at the college at exactly 9 am and went straight to the hall and Met Ricky,

"Hi, Ricky, what time have you arrived?" Ask Peter

"Just now, and I saw you, then I approached you," Ricky replied.

It wasn't long before Clevo and Ben came together

Clevo enthusiastically greets Peter

"Morning cute kid, seems very ready for practice today," said Clevo in a seductive tone

Ben hits Clevo in the head with the book he's holding,

"Aw, why did you hit me?" asked Clevo with a sore face

"Don't mock a new kid!" Exclaim Ben firmly

Then Peter and Ben walked into the hall.

Ricky and Clevo remain outside the Hall.

"You didn't go into the hall with Ben?" Ask Ricky to Clevo

"No, I'm better off outside than I'm sleepy on the inside," Clevo replied with a chuckle.

"Then, will you accompany me to the computer lab, there is something I want to do," Ricky invited to Clevo

"Hmm May I be with you," Clevo said with a smile

While heading to the computer lab on the 3rd floor of the campus, while walking Ricky slipped.

Clevo then swiftly captures Ricky's body firmly, and the two face off staring at each other.

"Are you okay Ricky?" asked Clevo nervously and restored his body position

"Yes, it's okay I just slipped, thank you for helping me, said Ricky while justifying his shirt.

The two smiled at each other.

They both headed to the computer lab for fun.

Arriving at the computer lab they witnessed an incident where a senior student was fighting with a junior student.

Clevo soon broke them up, but Clevo fell victim to a blow from one of the senior students and knocked Clevo down.

"Clevo! Are you okay?" Shout Ricky as he runs towards Clevo

A lecturer came in because he heard a commotion in the computer lab.

And the student who fought broke up.

With blood on the side of the lip from the blow of one of the students so that makes his face a little bruised.

"Let me help you get up, we better get to the health room," Ricky said, raising Clevo's hand.

Arriving at the health room, Ricky immediately cleared the blood around Clevo's lips.

Whimpering in pain, Clevo looks at Ricky who is cleaning the blood around his lips.

With a soft and attentive touch, Clevo doesn't feel as sore as before.

"Thank you for your help, I don't think this wound hurts anymore," Clevo said while looking at Ricky with a smile.

"Next time, if you can't fight, don't come to fight, luckily your face is not badly injured," Ricky continued to Clevo.

The two of them stared at each other and misbehaved.

"You look cute, if I notice you," Clevo told Ricky.

"yack," responds Ricky while sticking out his tongue as if to vomit.

And they both laughed.

As they exited the health room, they walked the long campus corridor and many other students were also talking.

Ricky asks Clevo about Ben.

"Does Ben already have a girlfriend?" Ask Ricky

"Why are you asking that?" Ask Clevo again

"Do you like Ben?" Clevo continued

"No, I just asked because last night Peter told me they had dinner together at a restaurant near campus," Ricky said, keeping his mouth shut instantly.

"What? Ben took Peter to dinner together?" Answer Clevo With a face of wonder and curiosity.

"Ben is a very quiet type of guy who rarely invites anyone to eat with him, and he takes peter - I'll find out!" Clevo continued while holding his chin.

"But you don't tell ben or peter that you know this from me - I could be reprimanded by Peter," Ricky said, pleading with Clevo.

Clevo smiled as he raised his eyebrows and They continued walking along the aisle.

Then Clevo asked Ricky.

"What about you, do you already have a girlfriend?" Ask Clevo while embracing Ricky.

"Ah, hmmm not yet, who wants to be with me like this," replied Ricky shyly and mentioned his shortcomings.

"A person's shortcomings will be an advantage if the strength is treated well by the right person," Clevo said confidently.

Ricky then with awe looked at Clevo and immediately stopped.

"Yack," sticking out your tongue like you want to throw up, "why are you suddenly so good at shaking?" Continued Ricky.

Stealing a little smile, Ricky walks back with Clevo.

"May I ask for your mobile number!" Exclaim Clevo by giving them his mobile phone.

"Yes of course," Ricky immediately took Clevo's mobile phone.

Clevo and Ricky arrive at the hall where the candidates for king and queen of the campus gather.

The vast hall, full of students, Ricky while searching for where peter is.

Soon Sylvie approached Clevo.

"Hi Clevo," greeted Sylvie the queen of college last year

"Has Ben ever been this concerned and caring for someone?" Ask Sylvie curiously while looking at Ben who is talking to Peter.

"Benjamin, it's a good man - it's only natural that if he pays attention to his junior, especially when it's about the King and Queen's contest to succeed him, he certainly wouldn't if his successor failed," Clevo replied cleverly while crossing his arms.

"Hmmm, but why only to the representative students of law?" Sylvie continued to be curious.

Clevo and Ricky stare at each other as Sylvie talks like that while watching Ben from a distance.

The bell also rings indicating the break time,

All students take a break including all the candidates for king and queen of the campus 2022/2023.

They're a lot of people heading to the cafeteria, corridors, and squares.

But not with Peter, he stayed inside the hall and moved to the corner of the hall to pick up the food he was carrying in his bag.

Opening the food he brought in potato wedges with parsley and roasted chicken favorite peter.

"What lunch do you bring today?" Ask Ricky to come to Peter.

"As always, this is all," replied peter as he showed his lunch.

"Where have you been when I've been training and guiding here? I don't see you," Peter asked Clevo while eating his potato wedges.

"I'm sorry, Clevo took me to the computer lab, but once there, a student was arguing and fighting then Clevo tried to break up but instead hit the student, so I immediately took him to the health room," Ricky replied explaining the incident in detail.

"I thought you went flirting with women on this campus," Peter said mockingly.

Ricky just chuckles while picking up one potato wedges belonging to peter.