
It's been one year since I first went for the raid in the library. I returned home(forest) and went back to my spot which was actually a large tree which extended it's branches all sides creating some sort of a natural umbrella, usually great when dealing with sunlight and rain , the tree was hallow and I stored stuff in my bag. Where is kept was actually on top where the trunk of the tree seemed have intertwining branches strong enough to handle my weight.

For that one year I've been practising chakra control. It was hell I swear. I blasted from trees at speeds that left me dizzy, I tried the water walking and I couldn't even make a few centimeters distance before being submerged into the River's embrace.

After two months of on stop training (mostly had nothing else to do and living alone so no disturbance)I had the degree of chakra control I desired I would walk,no run vertically on trees at my normal speed as well as the waters. I decided to kick It up a notch and would go for trees with wet barks and practiced from there. It too was hard bit of time and also determination as well as will power from not killing, to massacre freaking forests . I was very proud of myself.

After that one month which adds up to three months of chakra control exercise I had good enough chakra control to create chakra strings . They were visible and sturdy looking. From the scrolls it stated they should be thin and at some point hardly visible to the naked eye, exempting the people having dojutsu.

So from that point on started playing with them, from lifting rocks and throwing them far distances to playing tricks on unsuspecting animals. Like a squirrel, I had binded it using a chakra strings. Poor animal was so shocked by the occurrence that it ran it started running away trying to get away from the string. This was also part of my training as I had to know how long it would travel. The squirrel continued running on trees jumping and maneuvering through air, but I'd just flick my finger and it would continue running Toba point of exhaustion. From my vision of view the chakra string really was long . It stretched in and surrounded the whole environment making it look like a trap designed by a huge spider. This gave me an idea as well I'd create a web out of my chakra string to bind my opponents.

Murasame came on later to see what I was doing and it seemed intrigued,from what i could pick up. It the descending the poor squirrel and snatched it , taking it who know s where later it came back , with a content look on its face.(I wonder what happened) It them perched itself on my head and continued to observe my training. Seemed it grew weight from the last time I remembered.

After having an idea of how to efficienctly use my Cs(chakra things shortened)I went to the market district where I actually had a field day stealing pouches having money. Sometimes I would be chased by chuunins but I'd use the routes crowded to get away from them. One time there were Uchiha police and I tried my stunts, I was met with a hard gaze, a wine gaze with two tommoes spinning maliciously met azure blue eyes with purple hue around it with an almost cat like slit. I immediately released my hold on my Cs, and walked away. That was a warning and it said next time the repercussions would be painful. I shuddered at that.

I already had a huge lead of money which I've been stealing and seemed to to just get bigger I rarely used them,preceding to steal.

After two months more months of training in Cs training as well as the reading of beginners to fuinjutsu training. I had an understanding of it. It seemed to have rules which were not to be trespassed.They seemed easy enough as well .One rule I read was about was about some things specific to soul devouring. *Shudders*.

After the five months passed , I had a good grasp on fuinjutsu and it's basics and I had already stole the items needed for training. I had to practice my calligraphy which was a pain in the ass but luckily I had masters the Patient skill and I would sit down while rewriting down kanji over and over again as well as the swirls and other markings which I was instructed to. Oddly it was easier than I thought really, it seems I would remember the brush strokes and I also added Abit of my style into it. It was peaceful being with scrolls all around and having practicing calligraphy. The wind blowing softly. The leaves of the trees swaying and the peaceful quietness of the forest was serene.

At times I would be lost in myself and id exhausted all my scrolls and ink. So if make a quick run to the store and either steak some or buy depending on my mood. I'd always change the clothing's to draw off suspicions about my identity but one thing I always had was the scarf covering half my face. For that it was warm, the second I think I looked cool in this and it also helped to hide my whiskers .

Later on I decided to learn the kage Bushin jutsu to save up time and also I've been wanting to try it out. It took me a bit of time learning it , honestly afew hours and I got the right amount of chakra needed to create them. At first I had made a while army of look alikes. Having unexpected this I tried running away.key word *tried. Since all clones were basically me, we all tried running which ended up in a pandemonium. Some of them proofed while others grew accustomed to this and relaxed. After Abit of time of getting used to the technique I sent it to the store. It came back with supplies.

When it poofed,I actually got it's memories, it was im a sort of fast forward motion . It felt like my own memories but not at the same time. But I still retained them .With this technique maybe I'd speed up my training. So I made alot of clones and sent most to practice chakra control wild hidden and others to practice the ninjutsu I borrowed. For those training chakra control were about a hundred estimating,and for those training in ninjutsu were about Abit larger than those of Cc(chakra control) training.

I was left with fuinjutsu, no way I'd give this to my clones, it was all for me. I felt it was right and also relaxing I stopped looking at it like work and more like a hobby or talent or even something more deep. So after that day eight months have passed and I can honestly say it was sort of good.

I first tried Kawarimi. Exchanging locations with objects,at first it was odd having to now get used to staying stable and knowing all sides of my direction.I practiced it with clones on trees mid air while falling and also on water as well as under water. Even while running. Honestly it was fun. It would help while scaring the shit out my opponents just exchanging locations with them. I worked out the problem with the last of releasing smoke hence becoming more versatile in combat as well as speed. I had no need to use hand seals at all. While practicing it day And night with ninjutsu, in the hands of a child who easily get bored , it actually helps in making it less boring.This shows my mastery in it, just a thought and Abit of moulding of chakra and I'd been long gone.ive been using mostly small items like fallen leaves, insects and rodents. It's always fun seeing them panicking and looking at their frightened looks.

Murasame loves this moments as he would descend upon them like the god of death and snatch them away taking them to their doom. I'd laugh and pity them at times.

So the nest ninjutsu I told my clones to practice was the shushin. Thank goodness it was t me who was out there.All.of them if not all were flying,bashing into trees and others just laying comatose after making trenches . I shuddered, was this really a basic Shinobi skill. It seems having very potent chakra and having not knowing the amount s needed to mould and release at a time we're very crucial . The memories would come threatening to bash my head and make it grotesque were becoming frequent, really really the norm for me. Did to my quick healing the migraines would disappear as quick as they came.

Two more months had passed making it ten months which I've underwent. I really needed a break from all the festivities I've been doing as well as a new place to relax, most of them still had the craters and trenches from failed shushin experiments.

I had mastered shushin and I'd would only need one hand sign a ram seal. I'd send my clones far away deeper into the forest where they'd use the body flicker (art of teleportation) in various scenarios . Sooner I'll need them during my raids, and escaping opponents whom are too powerful.

Honestly after a bit of training when I joined in we'd disappear in torrent of leaves and wind, it looked dope and a but mysterious. The leaves would be few and they'd blow with the wind, Kawarimi was my personal favorite. It needed less concerntration and it also easy to use, having ingrained to training to my bones and flesh.

A bit of weeks passed by and honestly fuinjutsu was the best thing . The book might look small but it had a lot of compact knowledge in it. I even made a storage seal on my wrists and palm out of my own blood it being s better medium than ink, it was almost insvisble except when channeling chakra through my arm and a Formular of seals would be visible they stretch from my fingertips to my elbow. It was pretty huge the spacing. I'd store alot of things and I haven't reached it's limit yet. It seems when going throught eh booklet id flow chakra through it to see whether anything hidden would be in hidden. But one incident while I still had blood on my fingertips, I held the book and almost like a mirage an new set of parts hidden would be revealed. New I'm proved techniques. It seemed they were reserved for the Uzumaki clans men.

I even got the storage seal from that section. I'd always hide my possessions which I highly in it. I'd even start hiding kunai and shurikens in it , hide and surprise my opponents before their untimely demise.

On the 12th month It seemed I was being hunted down, someone was following me, tracking me. I'd always evade them by shushin , and hide, but they'd find my sensor abilities came a long way after I'd practiced it while using it to detect and track down small animals in far ranges, I don't know show to put it in maths but it was a long range, almost a quarter of Konaha.

Sometimes I'd find them lingering on my base , I'd sense their chakra . I had already changed based alot going deeper in to the forests but I'd feel their eyes in the night. *Shudders.

Before the month ended I was able to discover they actually we're tracking my chakra just like I would do to them, but for them it seemed Abit duller, they mask their chakra presence, but I'd still sense them. I was able to suppress my chakra so that I'd be hard to locate by use of clones, they sense my chakra presence and I'd try suppressing it even more.

It was successful but still these bastards were able to keep track of me no problem. After a few days of playing hide n' seek with them, I made a blunder and they were able to corner me, they were Shinobi that much I could tell, they wore porcelain animal masks which looked menacing. Grey flack jackets whick looked like light smoke, metallic arm guards and gloves as well as black pants reaching their shins where they were tied by white bandages and black open toed boots. They seemed to have katanas and tantos on their backs. They didn't dress like any other Konaha Shinobi I've seen.

They stood talk like a mighty trees they held an air which seemed to bring fear and respect to anyone close near by and they were silent . They seemed not to make a voice even when they trapped me , they were three of them all wearing porcelain animal masks. One had that resembling an inu another a bear and also a neko.Inwanted to escape but my instincts screamed of me to be weary of them lest be courting death.

What was I to do in such a situation, I decided to surrender, I held my arms high and that seemed to reduce the tension from the air.Seems I've been caught. I still didn't know who these mysterious ninjas were. They seemed to come closer and they stopped almost right in front of me."Sandaime-sama had requested to see you now at the Hokage tower." Their voices were smooth and deep, I couldn't identify the gender either make of female. When they said requested I don't think i had a say in the matter .They took ahold of my shoulder and I felt the motion of body flicker in action. It seems I'd see the fire shadow of the leaf, strongest ninja in Konaha as well as most powerful. I swallowed my saliva unconsciously.

"Seems my actions have been notified to the leader of the village!' I thought I, just hope I survive the whole situation.