
I could feel the motion of shushin taking place as the location changed from that which was a dark narrow street to an interior design building I had no chance Alto access my surrounding having being my shoulder held firmly I already knew escape was meaningless, why you ask , because these 'ghosts' as I dubbed have almost no presence at all, I could sense their chakra but it's was hazy almost like a fog driven by the wind.

Before I know it we walked into an office there was a wooden table plug that was what I would call I table due to its off shape, there were shelves at the corners having many scrolls, other documents . The room looked almost spherical but still not. My instincts told me something was there hidden but the eye could not perceive.

In front of me was an old man with a diamond shaped hat which had a kanji for fire on it at the top of it, and and wore a white cloak, I believe having blood red thick stripes running parallel either side. The air was cold and his presence exhaled a magnitude of pride but also respect . His gaze lingered in me , judging me searching for any deception. Whatever mask I would build of indifference, he seemed to look past it, through it. His eyes held a story of seeing war countless times, it seemed jaded infact, but it still held something else I couldn't grasp.

He then smiled and asked" Hello, boy what's your name? His voice held a power hidden from those ignorant but I was not among them in oils sense it , he may look old and weak but I know the bastard can or will kick my ass or anyone at that who underestimates him. It seemed that he doesn't know my name or he know and trying to test whether I'll be truthful or something else I haven't thought of none the less I answered

"Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto." He seemed to contemplate on my answer and now his eyes looked directly at me, the tension rose, the hairs on my neck jolted , heart pumped , red blood in my veins was soaking my muscles with adrenaline, I already wanted to get out of here, his presence now was suffocating. " I would like to know why you have been living in the streets all by yourself and not going to the orphanage. They told me that one day you just left and never came back. He looked at me puzzled, but I had a feeling he knew why, a gut feeling one that's never wrong.

" I was chased out , I don't do it at my own will. " I answered truthfully. Honestly those times I was naive when I was first out in the streets , I would be beaten by the masses, chased around like a left just for the predator go get it's own amusement. But I learned from my mistakes to not trust them or lean on them for support, it was better to be alone. Just far apart , where they would not hurt me, physically I'd heal emotionally I was a wreck it was a storm s sea of loneliness, sadness and a bit of betrayal and longing for acknowledgement was there but I'd rather be dead that tell anyone that .

He seemed to ponder on what to do nest as he rubbed his gotee. "Very well then I will give you an apartment and also you will be getting a weekly allowance to sustain your needs. Also I've been seeing your little crimes you've been commiting ." "Seems he knew!" I was bit shocked but I did prepare myself for the worst. But I was still shocked that he gave me an apartment, no one had even shown such kindness to me.

I would've been moved if I trusted them that is. The one thing I've realised is that everyone wants sometimes in return , no service in 'kindness' is free. "Don't worry young boy, I won't punish you or anything , it seemed you had to survive in your own, but please Stop that, these people are like your neighbours, don't do harm to them , but please stop stealing, it's not good to do so.

"How dare he call these leaole , my neighbors they've made me go through suffering, I want nothing to do with them I HATE THEM, BECAUSE OF THEM I'VE HAD TO HIDE, I HAD TO EAT FROM DUMPSTERS I HAD TO SLEEP IN THE STREETS, " I continued on talking ,or shouting . This really made me more pissed that I've been in ages. "I can never call these miscreants my people even if the world ends even if they beg me , I'd never look at them in such a light." I said with conviction my eyes had a fire fueled by rage and hatred .

He seemed shocked with my speech because he dropped his smoking pipe which scattered the ash within it. "I know you feel hatred for what they did to them, but you have to look past that, the road of hatred is a bad one, if you cannot stop hating them at least forgive them, if you try being friendly with them they might see you in a different light pass over a new leaf. "He said. "NEVER!" I swore in my mind. Bit outside I wore a mask of indifference. He exhaled and seemed to leave the subject at that.

"So Naruto seems that you have you have your ways with word about let's leave that subject at that. So how about this , because you are of age you will be going to the academy. In the academy you learn jutsu, like those you have been using to escape my ANBU. " He chuckled. The moment he said ANBU,my mind froze .

Weren't ANBU the protectors of the village from its shadow, the Darksiders of the village, an elite group of ninjas that took jobs no other ninjas would do. They were powerful in their own right and they hide in the shadow deeper that ordinary ninjas. I've read about them but I thought they were exaggerating. I looked at the ANBU,on my left or I thought he/she was there. I now checked my surrounding, none were behind me. I was buffled. They already vanished, I tried using my sensory abilities to find them but something was blocking it. Like some sort of barriers.

I looked at the old man in front of him and he looked at me with amusement on his eyes while he blew smoke from his mouth .He seemed to enjoy my panic while I was trying to search for the ANBU. He was a dangerous man.I quickly gave up on it."So you will be starting the academy at the next month when the year begins . Now come along with me and I'll show you your new apartment, ". He stood up from his seat and he seemed to walk to the door. I followed him till we reached the streets, he walked majestically, carrying an air of humility but there was also pride in it .

The villagers seemed to give him way as he passed by, they all stopped their chattering and seemed to exhalebhapeness and respect for him. That's when it hit him I thought there was something about him I missed, He was the Hokage. I looked at the building we left, it had kanji of fire on it . The building was huge red in colour and seemed old but still held it's beauty .

So this guy is the hokage, that wouldd explain why he is doing this to me. The people seemed to to not recognize me. They looked at me with eyes that held no hate , no disgust nor malice towards me. Just plain curiosity. This actually angered me somewhat but I suppressed it, no need to make a scene here. We walked around the village as he greeted the people by waving at them, next he took me to some food establishment.

It was small and it had various aromas coming from it. "GRRROWWL!!" Betrayal in it's finest, I hid my head deeper in my scarf , embarrassed, honestly the fruits in the forest can't fully sustain me,and I had to eat them at a controlled quantity before they were all depleted I was blessed/cursed with a bottomless pit for a stomach. He chuckled from that with a grandfatherly aura, honestly that would've fooled me ages ago if I still held nativity. He slid the door and we went in.

I directed me to sit and I did so, in my own volition of course. I looked around they were customers eating from a bowl. It was filled with broth and it had small yellow cubes and brown pieces on its side as well as yellow and white soft rocks judging from their appearance



.( Naruto had never eaten meat before he does know how to hunt but he was never taught or never knew about meat. He has seen it before but never thought of researching on it , he only knowst much about food only fruits and herbs and dango, he once met a certain purple haired kunoichi who once bought him some when he tried stealing them. ) .



An old man who wore a white apron as well as as s white had came to the counter. "Ah, hello Hokage-sama, what would you like to order today it's on the house, oh and whose the little fella you brought on today?" He asked , I got a tick mark from that," I'm not short ,I'm taller that my age mates!" I spoke angered by him calling me short ." Oh and fiesty ," he chuckled, " I swore I will get revenge on you as well.

"I would like two bowl of miso ramen Teuchi as well as extra pork on it. "The Hokage spoke. "And also his name is Uzumaki Naruto." The old man's eyes on whom I swore to get revenge on had his eyes lingered on me before he left to bring out meals.

"Dad ,Im done with the errands "spoke a demi one voice, Teuchi seemed happy at that."Let me introduce My daughter Ayame, I'm sure you know her Hokage-sama, Naruto this is Ayame, I'm sure you two could talk and get to know each other.

I was baffled to say the least .They seemed to either not know me, act ignorant in who I am or just didn't seem to care that I was the pariah of the village.

Ayame who was twelve judging by her height seemed to be happy seeing me. Could this be famous genjutsu(illusions art) which I read about. I unconsciously bit my inner cheek, pain was on e of the ways to break from genjutsu. I bit hard, I tasted iron, a coppery taste in it. Don't ask how I know how metals taste*shivers.

"Kon'nichiwa what's your name ?" Ayame spoke , asked. She was slender and had brown long hair, large black eyes as well as fair skin. Her eyes held innocence but also a bit of curiosity. I had a mind to not speak .and I followed that, she continued to shot random questions at me as the Hokage seemed to be happy seeing our interactions

After what held eternity for me Teuchi came back with a bowl of what he called 'ramen' I looked at the bowl I was served it was medium in size and in it had ingredients I don't know , from ring tubes to the broth and the pieces of 'meat' I believe they called it. There was also seaweed, at least that I know, the rest I was clueless about. I thought maybe they would be poison, but I ruled it out, if they wanted my death , I'd have been killed by the ghosts , um I mean the ANBU.

There was two pieces to sticks thin and looked brittle if held . I looked at my right , the Hokage seemed to be eating his 'food'. I would not call it good honestly. It had a good aroma but it looked odd, why would does it have to be soaked for it to be eaten. This is a conundrum I would have a hard time trying to break

They seemed to look at me as I had not touched the food. I quickly imitated the Hokage and took the chopsticks as it was called . I then held it like a dagger and started poking it. Bubbles came out of it. Dear Kami help me I'm scared . Eyes dilated , sweat crimes on my forehead, my hands trembled Abit from the fear of what really hides beneath the ocean held by the mystical bowl, I praying for help, I don't think food should act this way.

Ayame who had had eye on me said" You don't know how to use chopsticks don't you" she would e have laughed loudly but she muffled it with her hands.

She got to my side , and helped me when our skins met, I almost shushin away, but I held back the instictaul desire I ingrained within me. The Hokage looked at me curiously but continued with the meal.

She took off my hoodie, I widened my eyes, and...