Troublesome.... 2

My eyes widened, I took hold of my hoodie and but it back on my head. I don't know why I did that honestly but now all eyes were on me. "Hey, what's wrong Naruto?" Ayame asked, apparently her father told her my name, that just made me update him on my revenge list among the others.

"Nothing I spoke" I removed my hoodie , honestly I don't know why I was so frightened, maybe the close contact with a person or the opposite gender? I don't feel on it. They gasped once I removed my hoodie and scarf, I had to eat after all and I also removed my scarf." Wow you have pretty hair" she said. A tick mark formed."Honestly it was not pretty, I think I don't dwell much about my hair honestly, I usually wash it but don't maintain it much since it was smooth.

She started caressing my hair, I just ignored her, her eyes seemed to be looking at me , my pale healthy, healthy skin, azure blue eyes with purple hue in to it and whisker marks. " Oh shit the whiskers I forgot about them!" I tried to cover them with with the scarf, but with umatched speeds she took the scarf away from me having a clue on what I wanted to do. She held it up away from my reach ." Honestly women are a troublesome." .


"Achoo!" Sneezed Shikamaru, "Maybe some one is bad mouthing me?" .


I gave up on it , I'm sure they've seen them already. I tensed my muscles, waiting for insults , then I'd shushin, chakra at my command flowed like a thick oil was permeating from my feet as well as my shins. I was ready to escape. A hand stopped me from executing my escape.

I looked whose hand was on my shoulder wanting to give out a tongue lash , it was the Hokage, he seemed Abit shocked but he hid it well." Now Naruto don't go yet, they are good people , they don't judge by appearance alone, you won't have to worry." Spoke ht Hokage.

I was as well shocked it seemed he knew I tried escaping. I slumped my shoulders. Now it was just a matter of waiting.

"Oh ! AAAAAAA!!! " A deafening came from her."that's it it I'm running" I thought . Before I knew it she was rubbing my cheeks."So cute awww!" Another situation arises, I haven't trained to handle this. ,so I was there frozen , mind blank, face being pinched be yours truly,(Ayame) . The Hokage seemed to enjoy what he was seeing.

After a few minutes of struggling and failing to keep the girl away from pinching my cheeks.

"So let me teach you how to use chopsticks." I had agreed to eat the 'food', after all I've eaten poisonous berries without knowledge and no side effects came, so I took the risks of eating all every Frito and herbs that I came Across, and not much side effects came , except a small stomach upset. I was sure I was immune to poison, after all counteractions have been made hence I'm immune to poisons .I think, I hope .

I first started with the broth. It was salty, and it was delicious, I drank it eagerly. Next I took the piece of brown and pink 'meat'as they dubbed, (Ayame helped me on using them ,I felt embarrassed, maybe maybe not) I took a bite of the it.

My eyes widened comically. It was chwey and had a flavor to it I couldn't explain, I had stars in my eyes, where was this hidden while I was out eating herbs . Honestly when they heard I don't know what meat was they thought I was joking until they saw I wasn't joking. So from that Teuchi decided to have to invite to me in which he would give me samples of types of meat. How could I refuse ,with reckless abandon I agreed. This was the first time actually not acting indifferent and showing emotions . The meat was still in my mouth I ate it not with haste but slowly as its flavours traveled to my taste buds.

It was tantalizing. The meat was pork slices. I quickly ate the rest on my bowl. Was this how Murasame felt when devouring his prey? Speak of the devil. Murasame came from it's open windows and snatched the piece of meat from my mouth.

We had a tag of war of who got it's meat as we spoke in our own language. The rest in the room were looking shocked . They were seeing a boy and a bird fighting for it's meat. Teuchi came and tried to hold it or take it, at that moment Murasame exploited the opposite and took the meat from my mouth as I defended him. I gazed at Teuchi with my placid orbs that held power and it spoke 'touch him and you suffer' he seemed to get the message as he stopped and chuckled" You are protective of him aren't you, ha ,ha" "Yes I am, he mine," Murasame seemed to agree as he was still on my shoulder devouring my meat ,my meat.

"What's your relationship with the bird and how did you meet it ." Asked The Sandaime.

"We met in the forest , I was still young and so was he I saw him, he saw me and we decided to be best friends." I answered

They seemed to not believe me, ," oh well I said."

Now for the noodles.i used the chopsticks and was able to have a grasp of it.It seemed to wriggle trying to escape it's untimely demise.

" Damnit! I can't stop thinking of worms." In my mind when I see the noodle , I see the worm, it's eyes magnified like those of puppies." Wait , worms have no eyes!" I thought aloud.

The rest seemed to have heard what I said and looked at me weirdly. I took a step of courage and shoved the noudles in my mouth.

It was soggy and I could feel it wiggling. I bit it and started to swallow. I took a breathe. Just doing that one action drained alot outta me. It wasn't so bad. Maybe die to the time I've left it in the bowl seemed to have made the texture soft , too soft.

So to save time I took the chopsticks ,put them on the table or counter and took a gulp of it.i had closed my eyes and swallowed the whole thing. Chewing if necessary. Once done I bashed the bowl on the counter and I had a victorious smile. If I were to be honest when I was swallowing the noudles I let as though snakes were the victim of I swallowing them.

The food dubbed as ramen is not bad bit the meat was heavenly. If made properly I could add herbs into it and make more tenderlizing . I already started unconsciously drooling , Teuchi saw this and misunderstood that I wanted more so he came up with two more bowls .

So after some time in the Ichiraku ramen the Hokage and I left for my new apartment. But before that we went to buy some clothing's and items I required.

So we ( Hokage) bought for me four pairs of black trousers , four other shirts two were black and the other two were dark blue each having the Uzumaki symbol. The suspicious thing was that he knew how it looked . None of my clothes had the symbol all being 'borrowed' property.

Seems the Hokage knows about me that I thought , maybe even more. I would keep a distance away from him, he is hiding something, something important.

So I gathered up my courage and asked" is that How the Uzumaki insignia looks like?"

He seemed surprised by the question but he confirmed it ."Do you know anything about the Uzumaki clans?" I asked another question. If he lies I'd know having read about them. Unless he brings in knowledge I don't know.

He seemed to ponder in the question before answering"I have met a few of the when I was still a teenager, they used to have red hair and we're really unique people having unique quirks.(verbal tick) The Uzumaki clan were strong and they gained the acknowledgement of different Nations so during the third great ninja war, they were annihilated, sadly there were no survivors, if they are they are hidden in different regions still surviving.

"Do you know anything more about them ?"I asked I was really curious to know what he would pull. "They were hard headed having very strong will power as well as stubbornness. They had larger than normal chakra reserves hence they could do ninjutsu and not get easily tired that's all I know." Sandaime spoke

It seems he is hiding some details from me. Now I'm even more suspicious of him. We went to the Rungai district ( don't ask why I named it that) . We took a few turns and we arrive day my apartment complex. On the outside it didn't look like much, made of wood and seemed to have ages a bit , no alot. I was small but I didn't complain , this will be my first house. We walked in and on the inside it looked cozy, wooden floor as well as the wall. There were couches and a table in the middle with scrolls and ink and brush. He gave me a tour guide of the house and it had tow bedrooms , one kitchen ,one bathroom and we'll as toilet . The bedrooms had a futon already spread.

"I can't wait to use them. Those fluffy futons ." I thought dreamily. "So Naruto," interrupted the Sandaime while I was in my day dream" I hope you have a nice day, whenever you need me just come to my office ,don't worry the rent will be free until you become a genin, anyways good bye." And with that he disappeared in a body flicker.

I got in the house and went to the kitchen, need to know whether there will be food or not.The shelves had ingredients I couldn't recognize except salt . There were sacks of rice and flour and other food stuff which I honestly didn't know how to use nor what they were in depth .

It was evening and I then decided to go to sleep, I had everything in my storage seal so nothing important to sleep, as I lasi on the futon. , Which was soft and cozy Murasame came out of nowhere and perched itself near my head rest or pillow in this case and slept as well. I closed my eyes and darkness seemed to swallow the light.