
I was able to retrieve the memory residing in the cloak. I died because I save the lives of those people I chose to protect. The art of resurrection, I'm glad that it worked but I'll restrict myself from using it in this timeline. If I die again, another fragment will be created and there's a possibility that the memory I just retrieved from the cloak will be lost again. The memory of what happened in this timeline will inevitably be forgotten if I do die again.

As I slowly regained my senses, I later realize that it was already sunset and I'm held captive, all tied up on a pole in front of a crowd.

Sunset? Then that means I've been unconscious the whole next day after that fire incident at the mountain.

Where am I?

Why am I here?

Who are these people?

A man, wearing fine white apparel, suddenly appeared in front of a temple.

"My people…"

The crowd faced the man and turn their back on me.

"I am Ynoir, the prophet of the Celestial Entity, the high priest of Hylos Village..."

Is this the village where Alby came from?

Wait, where's Alby?

I tried to look around but I couldn't see him.

"For two years of seeking, that good-for-nothing brat was finally captured."

The crowd began to roar in celebration.

What are they talking about?

Why are they celebrating?

And how did I end up here?

"Calm down, my people. We will claim justice over the loss we faced because of him. First…"

I really don't understand anything they're talking about. My mind is too busy thinking about how I end up here. Because of this kind of thought, I ignore the conversation between that priest and the villagers.

I tried to retrace all of the events before ending up here.

All I can remember was I am at the mountain with Alby, trying to save him from that fire. I lost consciousness because of the burns and injuries I acquired from the fire. But how did they find us?

The fire!

They must have seen the fire from here. I gaze at my back and there I saw a mountain where its peak is still burning. The fire must have gone out of control and spread. I was able to retrieve my memories after making contact with the cloak where Alby used it for me to lay on, and after that, I began recalling my memories of that certain timeline.

I'm not sure in what order that memory belongs. Not knowing the total number of fragments is troublesome. I couldn't even identify the time of the event where that memory took place. All I know is that fragments are created every time I die and I can't remember how many times I already died.

Thinking about the fragments at this kind of time is kinda not important. I must first know what's happening and then break free from these ropes. I tried squirming to loosen the grips of the rope but I stop midway when I heard a familiar name that the priest mentioned.

"…that worthless son of that crazy blasphemous man, Euro, is now in our custody."


Euro's here?

Questions piled up after I heard his name. If he's here, that only means, he really escaped from the master. I then recalled that he told me the night when the master went berserk that he came from a village near Hayasaka Mountain. That's why the name of the mountain sounds so familiar when I asked Alby about our location.

If Euro's here maybe he can…

But then, I recalled the priest saying something awful regarding him and his son.

Wait, he has a son?

And why do I have a bad feeling like I know who exactly it might be?

The cloak where the fragments of my memory from that timeline were his possession. If Alby owns it, does that mean…

"Bring him here!"

With that, a set of shouts and booing began to roar as a person was slowly getting dragged towards the center of the crowd. There was a sack covering his face. He's full of bruises and wounds. He's having a hard time keeping the same pace with the man dragging him. He looks like he was beaten up severely because his wounds are still fresh. As I kept my gaze, uneasiness was felt. I felt awful just from looking because I had a feeling that I might know who behind that cover is.

Upon reaching the front of the crowd, he was pushed down and the crowd began kicking him and punching him. How could they do that to a kid?

"Villagers! Villagers! Please calm down. Let us first do the ritual and then you're free to do whatever you want to him after."

Ritual? What ritual?

The priest then signaled the man who drags the boy to take off the sack. As the man took it off, the crowd roared again and began throwing rocks at the boy. The priest let it happen for a couple of minutes and then stopped them.

I have a strong hunch who it is but I couldn't confirm it with my own eyes since the crowd is blocking my view. But it didn't take long for me to confirm it when the man forced him to stand up in the presence of the high priest. Although I couldn't see his face, I know that's Alby standing in there getting harassed by the townsfolk.

Is this one of the reasons why he ran away and isolated himself at the mountain?

What exactly did he do for these people to resort to violence?

And why is he blindfolded?

Is that blood?

Please don't tell me they…

Euro, what happened when I was away?

"Put him on the stake!" the high priest ordered.

As he gave that order, Alby was dragged again towards a post just across from me. Alby was tied up with arms extended like a cross with no hope of escape. A man then started piling firewood around him.

What are you trying to do?

Lub! Dub!

I witnessed how his body trembles in pain and fear. A man then removed his blindfold and to my shock, my sight narrowed as my gaze focused only on him. I heave in pure atrocity and disbelief upon seeing his bloody face caused by severe swelling and…

Why did they do that to you?

How can they do that to you?

They're monsters!

How could these people torture you like an animal and even gouge out both of your eyes?

I weep in deep sorrow as I saw how horrible they've treated him. The vision of his future self I saw that night is slowly becoming a reality.

"Followers of the Great Celestial Entity, at this moment, and with His will, we will banish this great evil residing within this sinful brat. With His grace, I, the Chosen One, the great prophet sent by the Great Celestial Entity, the one that will bring salvation, Ynoir, have proven that you Alby, son of Euro, is guilty of committing a Celestial sin!"

"With the power bestowed upon me, I now sentence you to death…"

"…by fire, same as your parents!"

Even Euro?

They kill Euro?

The crowd cheered as a man started to light a torch while the others pour gas on the firewood.

"Do you have any last words?"

I saw Alby forcing himself to move his lips and speak.

"My... father... isn't... a... liar! The... God... he told... us... about... is...the... real...God," he forcefully uttered. "And... he... is... closer... than... you... think!"

The crowd started ridiculing and mocking him.

"May the Great Celestial Entity forgive you!" the high priest said.


Please stop!

I violently tried to free myself from the ropes as the man with a torch approaches Alby. My skin started to tear as I rubbed the rope against the pole where I was tied. I started to bleed but I didn't mind it and continued. I don't care even if I lose all my skin and blood! I must save him!

Our memories started to flash into the lenses of my eyes. He gave me a comforting life for a short period. Alby showed me the great part of life that I have never experienced. He might have deceived me but he doesn't deserve to die like this!

Please, stop!

I tried and tried but I couldn't break myself free. As the man finally arrived in front of Alby, the crowd goes wild and cheers uproar.


I screamed at the top of my lungs. I don't care if I break my throat from screaming! JUST PLEASE, HEAR ME!



My desperate cry managed to catch their attention.


"Don't worry! You'll be next!" the High Priest retorted as he gave me a smirk.

With that, the blazing torch was thrown into the pile of woods. Everything slowed down. The cheers and yells of the crowd suddenly became a ringing sound deafening my ears. My sight dwindled as I followed the trajectory of the torch.

Despair drowned my heart and soul upon seeing the fire burst after the torch touches the soaked pile. I heard Alby's earsplitting scream of death that deafens my hearing. Seeing the sight of his demise left me impassive.

I froze in great shock and trauma.

"The talisman is shining!" the High Priest rejoiced as a golden object shine brightly from an altar.

The crowd cheered and was rejoicing. Because of that, they started throwing different objects at Alby— rocks, sticks, etc. A machete was also thrown which hit and dismembered his left arm. I heard laughs and giggles from the crowd like they were celebrating and having fun.

How could they laugh at something like that?

How could they find this funny?

They aren't humans!

Lub! Dub!

They are the incarnation of a greater monster eviler than the devil itself.

Lub! Dub!

The Glowing Tree once told me, "They sometimes make bad decisions but that doesn't mean they're all bad beings. No matter how evil they are, there is still hope because, in every evil, there is always kindness residing within. Please don't hate them because they just don't know what they're doing! Please save them because I love them!"

Lub! Dub!

What bullshit is that?

Lub! Dub!


Lub! Dub!

They tortured Alby and gave him a horrifying death.

Lub! Dub!

Which part of that shows kindness?

Lub! Dub!

Hate them?

Lub! Dub!

Of course, I don't hate them. Hate is an understatement. No word could convey how I loathe these monsters.

Lub! Dub!

Love them?

Lub! Dub!

Are you living in a fantasy world where every day is all sunshine and rainbows?

Lub! Dub!

These varmints don't deserve life.

Lub! Dub!

A horrendous feeling suddenly emerges from my heart. My rage and resentment are beyond my control and comparison. They have woken something within me that should have remained asleep. An entity that is fueled by negative emotions arises in a form of dark smoke. It encircled me like it was celebrating his revival. I didn't pay attention to it since I'm drowning in rage.

A voice whispered onto my ears, "Just only say the word and their souls will be obliterated."

How could I do that?

I'm nothing like that.

How could I do something outrageous like that?

I'm not a monster.

I'm not a…

I'm not…




I'll no…

I'll no longer…

I'll no longer be your…


You want me to be the villain? Then I'll give you a villain!

Without noticing, the rope that held me immobile suddenly dispersed in thin air. My mind is all clouded by resentment. I slowly stood up as these monsters remained their focus on Alby's burning body. I gaze at each one of them, with the symbol of death in my eyes.

One of the villagers suddenly noticed my escaped and was startled upon seeing my presence. The crowd started to scream and stagger upon seeing the sight of me.

"De… demon!!!"


Oy, I think you're mistaken. Haven't you see yourselves in the mirror? You people are the real demons of this world.

And the crowd began to stampede. Many were run over to death.

They're rotten to the core.

As the panic continues, the High Priest suddenly called me out.

"You, Demon! Surrender and be purified! We will not let you escape and spread evilness. We the followers of the Great Celestial Entity will purify you!"

Several men in armor suddenly appear in front of me as the crowd continues to scatter in panic.

"We, the incarnation of the Holy Light, we don't tolerate and let any kind of evil walk on the surface of this world. In the name of the Great Celestial Entity, BEGONE DEVIL!"

As the soldiers started their assault, I remained frozen still and continue gazing at Alby's charred body. As my focus deepens, spears and swords stabbed and pierced my body. Blood gushes out from the injury.

"Ha! Ha! No evil could withstand the power of Light. The Great Celestial Entity is always at our side and no devil could resist His power!"


Despite the multiple stabs in my body, I didn't show any signs of pain. I didn't feel anything. The soldiers began to feel anxious and stab me again and again until my whole body is unrecognizable.

"What the fuck are you?"

"Why aren't you dying?"

A soldier decided to slice my head off out of impulse. He was shocked when his sword suddenly got blocked by my bare hand. He shivers in fear as I crushed his sword with my own hands and glare at him that instantly killed him.

"You're all Holy and sacred, right? You have the protection of that Great Celestial bullshit, right!"

"Blas​phe​mous! How dare you mock our Creator! He will serve a divine punishment to anybody who…"

Blood gushes after his arm was sliced off. He screamed in deep agony as I continued dismembering his limbs, one by one, without lifting any of my fingers.

"How could…" a soldier uttered.

They began to slowly make a run for it.

The Dark Entity appeared in front of me like it was waiting for a command. I watch the soldiers run as fast as they could away from me.

"Make their death as painful as possible!"

With that order of mine, the entity rush towards them and started killing them slowly and painfully.

I began approaching the High Priest which is suffering from severe pain. Thorned vines wrap his agonizing body and lifted him on my level. I stare at his pathetic face and showed him what fear really is.

"I'm… so… sorry… Please… spare… me…. I will…worship you…just…please spare…my…life!"

How pathetic!

I removed my gaze at him and watch the whole village. You can almost see the whole village from this height.

"All I want is to live a comfortable and quiet life. I didn't ask for anything luxurious. I just want a happy life and answers. I didn't ask for anything more than that… but why is it always like this?"

"I did my best to follow her orders but why do I keep suffering such horrible life?"

"I… I… will grant… you that… life you… want… Just…please… spare me!"

I don't know how low this pathetic man could go.

"People die because I refuse to fight back. My friends died because I didn't do anything about it. I was scared."

"But then, someone lights the path for me. They showed me the great part of life. They taught me how to fight back…"

I returned my gaze at the High Priest and grab him by the head.

"…but you wicked people took them away from me!"

I saw fear in his eyes the moment I let that out.

"The Glowing Tree might forgive you… but I never will!"

A burst of fire encircled the whole village, trapping everyone inside.

"You killed them by fire, right?"


"How about I'll do the same?"


"And of course, since you are someone great and special, I'll leave you for last."

The moon was clouded by dark smog. Houses began to crumble. I slowly gave each one of them an agonizing death by fire, no exceptions. As I watch their slow death, a reflection appeared in front of me. I saw a large mirror from a distance, inside a burning house. For some reason, I saw the clear reflection of myself that left me shocked.



"MY CHILD—!!!"

"Ugh! HELP—"

I heard a desperate cry for help.

I look from where it came from and saw a woman and her baby who got trapped inside their burning house.

The vision…

Suddenly, a tall structure is starting to crumble. The torching flame is burning up the last solid foundation of the structure.

…it's all coming into a reality.

Houses began to explode. Fire engulfs everything it touches.

"Mama! Papa!"


"It burns!"


At this moment, I finally understand what that fiendish being said to me from that vision.

"You're blaming me for this? Look around! Do you think I'm the one who's responsible for this? If you still refuse to accept who you are, I tell you this. More lives will be at risk."

I now understand what that being said to me. I finally know the nature of that being and what that being is to me because…

That being that I was so afraid of…

That being that I blamed for suffering such fate…

That being was…
