As wrath blinded me, I never noticed what kind of monster I've transformed into. The reflection of myself isn't something humanly possible. My whole left eyeball turned black as my iris gleamed in bloody red while my right eye which is supposed to be blue became violet. Only my left eye made a drastic change as my right eye remained the same, except for the color of my iris. Glowing markings appeared all over my body. Black flame flares on each footprint I left. A sinister stream of dark energy is stringed over my overwhelming force blazing around me. It seems like it's connected to that dark entity that emerged from me earlier.
The entity finally returned in my presence. It's the first time I take a good and clear look at it. It's like a ball, a sphere of black smoke. Towards its center, there's a marking that seems to be an emblem of something. I think of touching it because I thought it might be one of my fragments but I was wrong. This entity is bursting with immeasurable negative energy residing within. Its power is unimaginable.
"My liege!"
It spoke.
"I'm afraid I can't stay with you any longer."
"What do you mean?"
"A powerful corruption had tied me up which will harm not only you but every creation ever created. I will try to subdue it and return into the depths of your being to avoid such tragedy."
"Corruption? What corruption?"
"I'm afraid I cannot answer you, my liege! For I, like you, was manipulated for selfish desires by these men. They have stolen a valuable possession which only you should wield."
"And what is that?"
"Memories. The creature of this world stole your primordial memories, my liege."
The glowing tree didn't tell me anything. She never told me this. And I think I know why.
She's protecting these creatures.
"But please refrain from harming her, my liege."
"Who are you referring to?"
"I'm referring to the one you are calling, 'The Glowing Tree', my liege!"
"Her? The Glowing Tree? You know her?"
"Yes, but my knowledge of her is limited. All I know is she has another name."
"And what is that?"
Gaia, the Glowing Tree, I'm starting to question her existence and the reason why she keeps protecting these monsters she calls 'children'.
"My liege, with deep regret, I will now return into the void and restrain this corruption. The possibility of me failing is high and it might control me. If I appear in your presence after I return, please be wary that it's no longer me, your faithful subordinate, but the corruption itself. If that happens, there's only one way of suppressing it, avoid using your almighty powers and avoid negative emotions at all cost. For, like me, it uses negative energy as fuel."
"I will now descend from existence. Please be careful, my liege!"
The entity finally vanished.
I can no longer feel its presence. Everything returned to normal. My appearance also returned to normal. A thud followed after the overwhelming energy left my body. It was the High Priest, who fell after the thorned vines freed him and returned to the earth. He's already dead from the massive loss of blood. No one was left alive after I burst my anger towards them.
I don't want to kill but they forced me to be the villain they always wanted. How could I suppress my killing intent if they keep pushing me to the limits?
The fire already died down after burning everything that could be burn. The Hylos Village became a wasteland after being scorched and turn into nothing but ashes.
I slowly went towards the stake where Alby was executed. There was nothing left but a charred and unrecognizable body of someone who once cared for me. I went and tried to take anything that was remained from him. The path towards him was still smoldering hot but I didn't mind the burns and injuries I received just to get him off the stake.
I carefully lift him but as I exert pressure, parts of him fall off and merge with the ashes on the ground. I couldn't contain my tears from gushing out. I manage to remove him from the stake. I sat on the ground watching him with grief. I stare at him for hours, crying in regret and sorrow.
For an unknown reason, the cloak he owns was blown by the wind and landed near us. I reach it and put it near my chest as I embraced it.
Another flash of memory was recalled.
It doesn't belong to me.
It was…
…from Euro.
After reviving them and after I disappear, Euro and the girls made a run and escaped. Euro decided to return to the Hylos Village where he was born. He was accepted again by the villagers and celebrate his return. He was reunited with his parents. His return quickly spread across the nearby villages where the parents of the girls broke into tears after reuniting with them. His life returned to normal. He lived a life full of joy and he even made his dream come true. He wasn't able to travel around the globe but he did travel in many locations.
At the age of 21, his first son was born in this world and named him, 'Alby.' He had a wonderful life with his wife and son. He lived a happy life for the next 14 years not until he was convicted for blasphemy and got executed. He was sentenced to death after stating that he already saw and was saved by God itself. He also said that this different God he is referring to is the reason why he is still alive.
And that God he is referring to was me.
He never had forgotten me. He always believes that I'll return.
The High Priest started to feel seethe after the villagers thought that Euro might be the Chosen One and not the High Priest. The High Priest started to make stories that manipulated the minds of the villagers, leading to his execution. His wife was also executed. Alby, 13 years old at that time, manage to escape the village with the help of his mother who sacrificed her life to let him escaped. It all happened because he talked about the story of his father's escape from slavery and his revival to his friends which was overheard by the loyal servant of the High Priest. It is considered a grievous sin believing that there is another God and claim to be the Chosen One. The High Priest abused his authority and executed Euro believing that the villagers will deem that Euro is the real Chosen One.
Alby manages to escape along with the cloak which Euro believes to be a gift from me that would protect them from any harm. He believes that it's a divine gift from me.
From that moment, Alby lived alone in the middle of nowhere at a young age. He lives in pure horror thinking of the possibility of them finding him. For two years in the mountain, he never had someone to talk to nor share food with. He always believed that no matter how long he'll survive in the wilderness, his death will be inevitable. He always believed that death will be his punishment after being the reason for his parent's death.
He lives alone in pure isolation and fear.
Not until I appeared in his life.
I keep crying seeing their memories. I couldn't believe that Euro kept hoping for my return.
"I'm so sorry, Euro. I was too late to save you and your son."
Seeing Euro's execution through the eyes of Alby seethed me with animosity. I was blazing in intense anger as I finally snapped out again and lose control over my reason. I screamed and screamed out of intense outrage. The sky began to be clouded with thick and stormy clouds. Lighting started to strike. Thunder began to clap. The raging lightning storm destroyed the very surface of the village.
I lifted the dead body of the High Priest using only my mind as I lost sanity.
I extended my arms concentrating my energy within. Lightning energy runs wild as I continue building up all power I could wield.
Lub! Dub!
Because of my decision, I freed the corruption which the dark entity warned me about. For some weird reason, it gave me knowledge of an extreme and brutal punishment I could use onto them which I gladly acknowledged.
"Art of Celestial Punishment: Endless Insanity!"
With that, a series of flowing dark energy in a form of black and red smoke emerges and connects to every corpse in my surroundings.
I immediately felt awful after casting that.
I have exhausted my remaining essence and fell to the ground. My eyes are getting heavy. It's getting harder to breathe. My eyes are slowly shutting on their own. I felt my heart slowly stop beating. Before I could close my eyes, I saw the corpses moved.
My time has come.
I can no longer feel the wind. I can no longer hear the clamor. I can no longer feel anything.
I felt my heart slowly stops beating.
My eyes finally shut as I took one final breath.
As I learned the truth about these humans, I felt deceived by Gaia, the Glowing Tree.
"Do you…"
"Do you remember now?"
Then, my sight of the village clouded.
It's fading.
I just later realize that it was all just a vision, a memory. Gaia, the Glowing Tree, shortly appeared. I never left the quiet realm after I touch her trunk. Gaia was simply showing me the past after I touch her.
I slowly removed my hand from the contact.
"Do you remem…"
"Gaia, why are you hiding the truth from me?"
I received no response after that.
"Why are you protecting these creatures?"
"Because I love them."
"Are you delusional? How could you love someone who kills others because of selfish desires?"
"And also, why are you hiding the fact that these creatures were the reason why I keep losing my memories?"
"How would you forced me to save them if they were the reason why I'm suffering such life?"
"Why would they want my memories? Why is this happening to me?"
"What am I?"
I wept in intense sorrow as I recalled the death of the people I cared for.
I then felt a gentle and warm embrace. Gaia, in a form of a woman, emerges and hugs me.
"Why are they so cruel? I'm doing my best to be their salvation they needed. I keep making a blind eye over their actions but they're just…"
"I can't continue like this," I sobbed.
"I know it hurts but there's no other way! My children are all I have, please save them! Only you can save them from destruction. If only I could help you with your task I would have done that and won't let them harm you," Gaia said.
"But if it's your will to erase them from existence, I will not stop you and I will offer my life to compensate for the damage they've done. But please, give them another chance," she added.
"How many times did I die already?" I blurted out. "I might not know the exact number but I've already given them several chances, haven't I?"
"Please, just one last chance. If they still failed, I will end my life as a payment for giving them this last chance. Just please save my children for they do not know what they've done," Gaia begged.
I don't know what to do. I don't want to go back. I want to rest.
But I still made a decision that I will greatly regret later.
"Then, tell me everything from the beginning. Tell me what's happening, why I'm here, and why I should keep doing this? Tell me why I was chosen? Tell me why you gave me this power? Tell me, who really am I?"
Gaia paused and gave me a tender smile.
"If that is what it takes to give them another chance, I will take the risk."
Risk? What is she talking about? What risk?
Gaia then turns her back and started manipulating the surroundings.
A series of events flashes in thin air.
What are these?