They had a great evening as Trevor entertained Xyreine with his wild and goofy stories about him and some other people after dinner. Trevor is good with kids despite his annoying personality.
Athenia is doing the dishes when Diana offers a hand to help while Xian went out to check the livestock. Diana is washing the dishes with Athenia when he saw Trevor and Xyreine chatting with each other.
"She likes him," Athenia asserted.
"Yeah, it seems like it."
As they continue washing the dishes, Diana suddenly stops because of something bothering her
"May I asked you something, Athenia?" she inquired. "Would you forgive Xian if he did something bad to you?"
Athenia stops what she is doing. Athenia then looks at her and smiled.
"Is that really the question you wanted me to answer?" Athenia replied.
"I just wanted to know if you are willing to forgive someone who…"
She didn't finish her sentence. She doesn't want to remember Darryl in that way.
"I understand dear. It's hard to forgive a person who hurt you deeply. A person who we thought would never raise a hand against us. But if Xian hurt me without a clear reason, I would try to ask him why and understand his side because maybe I had done something that greatly upsets him and that's why he had done it. I love him and I made an oath that I would be at his side in sickness and in health. Yes, it isn't right to hurt someone who you love but it isn't also right to not listen to their explanations," Athenia said. "No matter how many times I get hurt, I will always and forever love him because love covers it all."
Diana reflects on it.
"Diana, do you know the reason why he would do such a thing?"
She tried to understand and know his reason but she couldn't.
"I really do not know," she replied.
"Then, if you have the chance, I want you to ask him," Athenia said. "Because only you can answer that question."
She really doesn't know what to do. As she thought about it, she suddenly sneezes. She gazes at Xyreine and Trevor. The two were already looking at her but they suddenly look away.
They must be talking about me! she thought.
"Dear, are you willing to forgive him despite the flaws he showed you and damage he did to you?" Athenia asked.
"I don't know. I was really hurt and scared. I wouldn't run away with my sister and ended up with those people in the jungle if it wasn't for him," she said, recalling everything. "But if that didn't happen, we wouldn't have met."
Those were bad times for her. She and her sister nearly died because of it.
"It was a blessing for us that we met the two of you but I would rather choose that we didn't meet than you experiencing hell from those people who wanted to hurt you."
"I am very glad that I have met you and Xian. You are also a blessing to us," she said. "Maybe it happened for a reason."
She looks at Xyreine who looks so happy with Trevor. She was surprised when Xyreine hugged him. Also, she saw Trevor looks surprised because of it.
"I have no idea what they are discussing about but I think they're close now," Athenia said.
Diana smiled as she watches her sister having a good time with Trevor.
Everyone went to sleep after the party. Everyone is having a good night's sleep except for Diana. She woke up, feeling strange. She had a dream, a really weird dream. She saw Darryl being held captive. She saw him getting beaten up. She has no idea what that dream means. She woke up, heaving, for she can't handle that sight of him getting hurt. She still cares for him despite everything that happened.
She thought of what Athenia told her, "Diana, do you know the reason why he would do such a thing?"
I really don't know! she thought.
"Then, if you have the chance, I want you to ask him because only you can answer that question."
If I had done something that made you upset, I am so sorry! I must really have done something! she cried.
Although Darryl was the one who hurt her, she also takes the blame. Darryl never drinks. That made her think that something really made him upset. Darryl hates alcohol because he doesn't like its taste. It made her wonder why he was drunk. But she could never believe that he'll resort to that kind of thing because of anger. She laid back and tried to sleep again but she can't. Instead, she went out to clear her thoughts. She sits on a bench, gazing at the night sky.
As she cleared her mind, something caught her eyes. She saw a man sitting inside the hut. She investigates to know who that person might be. As she went closer, she realizes that it was Trevor. She looked at him and wondered why he is there. She didn't even bother to let him know that she was there and decided not to intrude and disrupt his private time.
She was walking away when Trevor called her, "Hey, don't leave."
Diana didn't expect that Trevor noticed her, "Um, sorry for being here. I didn't mean to intrude on your priv—"
"What? Who's there?" Trevor exclaimed as he stood up in alarm.
"Uh, me?" she replied as she revealed herself to Trevor.
"What are you doing here? Why are you here? Are you spying on me?" Trevor asked as he showed her a flirtatious smirk.
"Of course not! And you are disgusting," she remarked.
"Then what brings you here, aside from spying on me?" Trevor asked further.
"For the last time, I am not spying on you! I just went out for some fresh air then I saw you sitting here. I thought it was someone else so I tried to investigate but I later discovered that it was only just a jerk," she explained while crossing her arms with a scowl.
"How long were you there? Did you hear something else I said?" Trevor asked curiously.
"Huh? After I discovered that it was only you, I decided to leave. You suddenly called me and then here I am now, talking to you," she explained.
"No, I didn't call you," Trevor argued.
"Of course you did!" she said in disbelief.
"No, I didn't. After all, I didn't even know you were there," Trevor confessed as he smiles like he is expecting something to happen.
"Then, who were you talking to?" she inquired as she raises her eyebrow.
Trevor didn't say anything but his eyes were looking at her side.
She traces his gaze and, "EEK!" she yelped in surprise.
Trevor cackles at her as Arthur climbs on his shoulder and said, "You aren't much like your younger sister," he continued to chuckle.
"And how can you say that?" she said as she glares at him.
"Well, for starters; She didn't yelp when she first met Arthur. Second, she is much nicer compared to you. And lastly, she doesn't hit people with a stick in the nuts," Trevor retorted.
"So you're saying that I am mean?" she continued to glare at him as she crosses her arms.
"No. All I am saying is…" Trevor said as he sat down, "…try to relax. Free yourself from stress and be more like your sister. Try it! At least once."
"I don't think I can do that," she replied.
"Why not? Just try it. Nothing is at stake if you try," Trevor persuaded.
Diana sighs in defeat.
"That's more I like. Sit beside me and try to clear all of your thoughts. Just gaze on the night sky, it helps," Trevor suggested and she did so.
She sits beside him keeping a huge space between them. She then gazes at the stars above.
Trevor was telling the truth, it does help you to be calm! she thought.
"The moon's beautiful, isn't it?" Trevor uttered with such a tender voice.
"Yeah," she replied as she closed her eyes and felt the cold breeze of wind and listened to the crickets chirping.
She opened her eyes once again and asked, "How often do you do this?"
"Not always, I only do this when something's bothering me, to clear my mind," Trevor said with a calm voice.
He's speaking like a normal person now! she thought.
"Something's bothering you then?" she inquired.
"Nah, I just can't sleep. I don't know why," Trevor replied.
"Me too."
There was a brief silence between them.
"Um, Diana? How did you two end up here?" Trevor inquired as Arthur left them.
Diana hesitates to give him an answer. She really doesn't want to talk about it.
"If you don't want to talk about it, I respect that!"
Trevor seems nice tonight despite being a nuisance. He's a bit flirty but he seems a nice person.
"I was just curious how you find them," Trevor uttered with wonder.
"What do you mean by 'them'?"
"I mean, Xian and Athenia," Trevor replied. "Well, you see, this location is hidden from the map. Satellites can't see this place either. And I want to keep it that way! I'm just wondering how you find this place."
"It might just be mere luck. I really didn't know what exactly happened on how we get here. We were rescued by a mysterious woman in the forest. Xian was actually the one who took us here," she replied.
"Rescued? Rescue from what?" Trevor inquired.
Diana sighs and decided to tell him her story.