
Around three weeks ago, at 5 p.m, Diana had a ton of paperwork that is needed to be done. She has to finish it today so that she can file everything on time. She was very busy on her desk when Rexford Symmachus, the second-in-command in Bionic, head of DPS, stepped out from the elevator and noticed her. They've been talking and a bit closer now because Rexford keeps visiting her almost every day.

"You look pretty busy!" Rexford said.

"Oh! Good afternoon, Mr. Symmachus! I didn't notice that you were there. I apologize!" she greeted. "How may I help you?"

Rexford chuckles and said, "no, no! I'm just here checking on you. Thanks again for the help yesterday."

"I'm just doing my job, Sir!"

Diana resumed doing her work. Minutes have passed yet Rexford was still in there, leaning on her desk, looking at her.

"Um, do you need something else, Sir?" she awkwardly asked.

Rexford chortles again and said, "are you free tonight? I was wondering if… maybe, we can go out?"

Diana stops whatever she is doing in surprise. Her heart skips a beat after hearing that.

"I just want to treat you, that's all," Rexford added.


Little did Rexford know, she has a crush on him. She admired him because he is very responsible, hardworking, a gentleman, and compassionate to others. Not to mention, he's a good-looking man too. However, she has to decline.

"I had to apologize, Sir. But I still have work to do," she declined. "I have a ton of paperwork that I must finish tonight so I could submit this tomorrow."

"Are you sure you want to decline?" Rexford asked as he joined her at her desk and takes a closer look at whatever she is doing.

He's too close! She thought.

She then also discovered how good he smells.

"This is sure a lot of paperwork!" Rexford exclaimed. "I'll help you then."

"Um, you don't have to—"

"When I want something, I get it! And the thing I want now is to take you out!"

She could no longer stop him when Rexford sits on a chair and started to help her do the paperwork. She didn't know what to do or to say. Rexford was sitting close to her. Not to mention, he looks so serious about helping her. With Rexford's help, she finished everything in under an hour.

"Now that you're free and work is almost over, you have no more reasons to refuse my request!" Rexford demanded as he stands up. "I'll wait for you at the entrance after work."

She couldn't refuse anymore since he already left. She felt nervous. She must at least show up or else he'll wait for nothing. He did help her do the job fast, at least she can thank him by accepting his offer. As she headed at the entrance of the NTC, he saw Rexford waiting as he leaned on his luxurious car.

"Um, hi!" she uttered, looking shy.

"Get in!" Rexford said as he opened the car door. "We're late on our little date."

"Date?" she exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah, is there a problem?" Rexford asked as he stares at her.

"Nothing," she replied shortly.

Rexford just showed her a smile as they drove towards an expensive restaurant.

"It looks expensive here. I wouldn't really mind if you treat me with just burgers from the street," she suggested.

"Don't worry, it's me who wanted to bring you here," Rexford explained.

Rexford then handed his car keys to a valet. As they entered the restaurant, Diana couldn't help herself but marvel at the whole place. She didn't even dream of dining in there since it's way too expensive.

"Good evening, Ma'am and Sir!" the headwaiter greeted. "Please follow me, I'll guide you to your table."

They followed the man and arrived at their reserved table. As they began to scan the menu, Diana nearly fainted at the prices of each dish.

"Um, Sir?" she whispered.

"Just call me by my name."

"Um, Mr. Symmachus—"

"Just call me Rexford, okay!" Rexford chortles with delight.

She didn't expect that. Rexford's looks are already eye candy but hearing him chuckle is divine.

"Um… Re… Rexford, I think we should go."

"Why? You don't like it here?"

"It's not like I don't like the place. It's just… the prices are two times higher than my salary," she whispered. "It's way too expensive. I don't want you to waste your money on me."

"I wouldn't really mind spending a small amount of money on someone special like you," Rexford replied with a smile. "Also, worry no more about your salary. I'll make sure to tell Darryl to increase it or maybe you can just work for me."

"You don't have to do that, Sir! I really think you shouldn't!" she rejected.

Rexford smiles at her again. Every time she sees him smile, it just melts her away.

"If you say so. But I really think you deserve a raise."

Rexford looks like he already decided what his order will be. Diana, on the other hand, is still scanning the menu, looking for the cheapest dish she could ever find. But the word 'cheap' doesn't exist in this place. The cheapest dish on the menu was just a salad that worth 20,000 starcash.

"What is this salad made of? Gold?" she whimpered.

Her salary is just 30,000 starcash per month without deduction from taxes. It is enough to buy all the necessity she and her sister needs for the whole month. She couldn't believe that her salary is equivalent to a garden salad in this fancy restaurant which was just a mix of lettuce, tomato, purple onion, cucumber, carrot, and other leafy vegetables. And what shocked her the most, Is the dressing is priced separately. She didn't even continue to look at the price of the dressing since the salad itself was already fricking expensive. With that amount of money, she and her sister can live for a month with all the necessities they needed and still have spare money to buy a housekeeping droid. That is what a five-star restaurant offers these days. As she got traumatized by the prices, Rexford was just staring at her all this time.

"Diana, stop worrying about the prices," Rexford reassured. "Just relax. I wanted you to enjoy the night. I want you to enjoy our little date."

She felt her heart skips a beat. She never thought Rexford, the hottest man in Bionic, would be her first date. She really thought it would be a friendly treat but it was actually a date. Well, that is what she thinks now.

"You're cute!" Rexford complimented.

She blushed and was turning red. Rexford decided that he would just order for her as the waiter was about to take their order.

"Two premium steak and a bottle of your finest red wine," Rexford ordered. "Make it well done."

Diana then scanned the menu again and discovered the price of what they were going to eat.

"Is that all, Sir?" the waiter asked.

She nearly collapsed after discovering the bloody price.

Rexford gazed at Diana and asked, "Do you want to add more?"

Diana who was going to collapse looked at Rexford and replied, "um, no. I think… it's… enough."

She couldn't believe that Rexford spends almost 200,000 starcash for their dinner. The premium Rib Eye Steak costs nearly 60,000 starcash. Not to mention, Rexford also ordered the most expensive wine in the restaurant, it cost nearly 80,000 starcash. She has no idea if her system can handle ridiculously expensive food. Rexford seemed to notice that she isn't comfortable and was about to faint.

"Is it too much?" Record asked as Diana nodded in agreement.

"Maybe I should have considered your request," Rexford sighed. "Do you wanna order burgers from the street just like you previously asked?"

"But we already ordered?"

"That's not a problem," Rexford replied. "I already paid the bill."

This man is on another level! she thought.

"We can leave anytime," Rexford continued.

"No… no!" she opposed. "I am not letting you spend more money! We should stay!"

"As you wish."

After a couple of minutes, the food was served and they began to eat.

"I can't believe that I would just eat a steak with a price that could feed me for a year," she mumbled.

"Diana," Rexford called.


"Your three-year contract is about to end, right? What's your plan after it expires?"

That made her forget about the whooping 60,000 starcash steaks.

"My plan?" she sighed. "I want to take a rest for a while then go back to my homeland and probably find another job in there."

"You know, you could always work for me if you want to."

"Thank you very much for your kind offer, Sir, but I want to go back to Galactic right after my contract expires. Xyreine would be very happy seeing her cousins again."

"Oh, I see. Well, I am happy for you and I respect your decision," Rexford said. "Now that you mentioned it, didn't you receive a job invitation from Brilliance TelCom, is that right?"

"Yeah, they want to hire me in their company. They said that they are pretty impressed by my skills and the good performance I show at work. And they said that they are willing to give me a spot in the company as an administrative manager."

"Whoa! That's amazing!" Rexford exclaimed in astonishment. "I am sure you'll do great."

"Don't be amazed. It's uncle Seref Matthews' company that's why I immediately got a high position," she said.

"Oh, right! I completely forgot that you are related to Albert Matthews, ruler of Galactic. Seref is his son, right? How does it feel having a big-time uncle and grandfather?" Rexford asked.

"There's nothing special about it because I'm not blood-related to them. Only Xyreine, Sir."

"Oh, I remember now," he uttered in realization. "But still, the Matthews and you share the same attitude and personality. It's hard to tell that you aren't related by blood."

Diana's mood suddenly altered.

"Did I make you uncomfortable?"

"Oh, sorry if I made you think like that. It's just I'm worried about Darryl."

"What about him?"

"I'm just worried about him. I think he still needs me!" she sighed.

"He is completely capable of doing things on his own. Why are you worried?"

"It's not like that. I have known him for almost three years now and I pretty much know how he would react if he learns that I won't be extending my stay here."

"He's a bit possessive. Yeah, I know!"

"Also he acts like a—"

"—a teenager?" Rexford finished.

"No, he acts more like a child. A child that needs a lot of attention."

"So, he's more like a baby?"


"If you're afraid of how he will react about this, don't. If he really is your friend, he would be willing to let you go."

"Maybe you're right."

After they had dinner, Diana suddenly realizes something embarrassing after the valet brought Rexford's car back.

"Um, Sir," she said. "This is kinda embarrassing but I kinda left my car. Can you please send me back to the NTC?"

"Okay," Rexford replied.

As they arrived back at the NTC, Diana gave her thanks before exiting the car.

"Thank you for treating me tonight, Sir!" she said. "I had a wonderful time."

"You mean our little date?"

He said it! He just said it! she thought as she blushes.

"You really look cute when you blush!"

She blushed even more. Her face was turning red.

"I think you should go home now, Sir. It's okay to leave me here!"

Rexford nodded as she paced towards her car. Before she could enter her car, Rexford stepped out of his car and called her out.

"Hey, wait!"

"What?" she asked.

Rexford moved towards her.

"Is there something wrong?" she added.

"Nothing, I just can't resist cute things at all!"

Rexford gently touches her face. Without hesitation, he kissed her. She couldn't react at that time. She freezes. She doesn't know what to do. That shocked her. Diana didn't expect that he'll kiss her. Rexford then stares at her dumbfounded face and gave her a smirk. Rexford is much more handsome up close. Her face turns even redder after that.


"You should go home now. Your sister is waiting for you," Rexford uttered. "Goodnight."

Rexford returned to his car and then glanced at her before he left. She entered her car, still shocked. The next day, Rexford comes again to her desk early in the morning. She immediately looks away after remembering what happened last night.

"Hey, Diana? Is Mr. Richard here?" Rexford asked. "Um, Diana?"

"Yeah?" she nervously replied.

As she glances at him, she suddenly forgot the kiss.

He really looks good in his suit! she marveled.

"Hey, Diana? Is Mr. Richard here?" Rexford inquired.

He is the most ideal man she could ever dream of.

"Um, Diana?" Rexford called again

His future wife would be so lucky! she thought.

She was daydreaming. Rexford looks at her and smiled realizing what she is doing.

He is so handsome, especially when he wears that smile! she admired.

Rexford moves his head closer to her to faced Diana. It didn't seem that she was aware of it. Rexford was about to give her another kiss when Diana woke up from dreamland. She immediately looks away. Rexford seems amused.

"I thought you were a damsel in distress and needed a true loves kiss to wake you up," Rexford said.

"Um, sorry!"

Rexford chuckles in amusement.

"What can I do for you, Sir!" she immediately changes the topic.

"Is Mr. Richard in his office?" Rexford asked.

"I haven't seen him today, Sir," she said. "I'll just notify Ms. Yna when he arrives, Sir."

"Since he's still not here, can you get the Imperial Wall diagnostics at his office for me, please? It was supposed to be sent to me last night but… we were kinda busy last night," Rexford said with a smile as he refers to their date.

Diana couldn't remain her gaze on him because of embarrassment.

"It is probably on his table. I kinda need it, you know, for security!" Rexford requested.

"Of course!" she said as she blushes.

She enters Darryl's office and looks for those papers. She looks everywhere but she couldn't find it. When she was at his table, she accidentally turned on Darryl's computer and saw an unread email. She was about to put it in sleep mode when the computer made a glitch and the email was opened. She then saw an image of Rexford on the monitor. That caught her attention and read it a little.

Is Darryl investigating Rexford? Did he do something? she thought.

As she keeps reading the investigation, she was shocked by what she had discovered. She quickly turned it off and went back to her desk where she saw Rexford waiting for her.

"I am so sorry, Sir, but it seems that I couldn't find it," she nervously apologized.

"It's okay. I'll just ask my assistant if maybe she already has it," Rexford said as he notices her being scared. "Are you alright? Is something wrong?"

"I'm alright, Sir!" she replied.

"I better go back now since you have a ton of work to do! See ya!"

After Rexford left, she was still shocked by what she had read.

"I hope that wasn't true about Rexford?" she mumbled in disbelief.

In the evening, she was still bothered by the email. She was about to go home when she saw Darryl, enter his office, holding a beer bottle. He looks drunk. She couldn't believe it herself.

Darryl doesn't drink! What seems to be the problem? she wondered.

She instantly followed him and as she entered, she saw him leaning on the wall. She was worried about him because Darryl never drinks.

"Sir, let me—"

Darryl suddenly swayed her hand away. She was shocked. She looks at Darryl, perplexed. He was glaring at her.

"Don't touch me!" Darryl groaned. "Don't you ever touch me!"

He looks mad, mad at her. But she doesn't know why. She had never seen him like this.

"You're just drunk, Sir!" she said without any clue what was happening to him. "Tell me, what's wrong?"

"Wrong? You're asking me what's wrong?" Darryl groaned in anger. "Let me guess? This is one of your fucking games again, eh?"

Darryl is really mad but she doesn't know what's the cause of his sudden outrage.

"I really thought we have a thing. I thought I've known you but you were just using me!" Darryl yelled as he throws the beer bottle to the wall.

Some of the liquor splashed into Darryl's computer. A holographic monitor suddenly showed up but it quickly disappeared since the beer had damaged it. It was an advanced computer but it wasn't waterproof.

"I thought you were different! I thought you're the one but you're just using me!" Darryl cried out. "Everyone is just using me. I had enough of that! I thought you were different from them but you just— UGH!" Darryl grunted in anger as he punches the wall.

She doesn't know nor understands what he is saying. She wants to understand why he is so mad but she has no idea why.

He's drunk! He's just drunk! she keeps reminding herself.

"Darryl, tell me, what's wrong?" she asked, worried about him. "I'm here to listen. Just tell me, please!"

She moves closer to him but Darryl pushes her sharply and crashes onto a small glass table. The table shattered into broken pieces. She bleeds. She was hurt. Darryl was just looking at her. He didn't even help her or ask for forgiveness.

"Don't you fucking touch me, you fucking whore!" Darryl outraged.

"Darryl!" she cried.


She was scared. She felt horrible. She didn't expect that Darryl would even do that to her. She was crying all the way to the parking lot. After she goes out of the building, she runs towards her car and quickly starts the engine. Before she could accelerate away, a man breaks the window of her car and grabs her by the neck.

"Who are you? Get off of me!"

Diana tried to free herself from his grip. He covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief which has chemicals sprayed on it to suffocate her. He is too strong for her. Diana tried reaching a metal flashlight she has in her car and quickly thrashes his head. The man lost his grip. Diana immediately stepped on the gas pedal not knowing she had lost the necklace given by Darryl. She no longer cares about it as long as she escapes. She drives away as fast as she can back to her house. She drives and drives until she reaches her house. She immediately looks for Xyreine and told her to pack her things.

"Sister, you're bleeding? What happened?" Xyreine asked.

"Xyreine, just do what I just told you," she said as she puts a bandage on her bleeding arm.

Good thing it wasn't a deep cut.

"Xyreine, we gotta go now," Diana said while grabbing Xyreine's hands.

She was about to grab the doorknob when it suddenly trembles. There is someone on the other side who wants to break in.

"Don't make any noise. Go at the back door and wait for me in the car," she whispered but the door suddenly burst open.

It was another man wearing a black leather coat, a mask, and black gloves. Xyreine refuses to leave her sister but Diana forces her. She tried to stop the man by beating him with the first thing she grabbed. The man didn't show any reaction after being beaten by an iron rod. The man grabs her by the neck and strangles her. She fights back by punching him on his arm but it seems that the man doesn't feel anything. The man drags her through the wall and slams her hard enough to make her yelp in pain. He punches her repeatedly in her belly and frees her from his grip making her fall on the floor enduring the pain.

The man pulls a gun out of his coat and said, "I was told not to kill you but you're pissing me off, bitch!"

He slowly aims his gun at Diana and slowly pulls the trigger but Xyreine came back and thrashes his hand using a baseball bat. He grunts in pain as Diana kicked the gun away. Diana quickly took the bat and hit him hard enough that left him unconscious. Diana drops the bat and runs over to her sister. Both of them left the empire and drive away. They exited the empire through Chine City's Imperial Gate. They easily got out of the empire since Watchtower 3 had lost its power again. Among the four watchtowers, Watchtower 3 only has this kind of problem. Knowing that the Chine City's Imperial Gate has no power, only made their escape easier. As Diana halted in the mouth of the Imperial Gate, an officer on duty came to check them.

"Good evening, Ma'am!" the officer greeted. "I apologize for the inconvenience."

"It's alright," she replied, holding her tears.

"Is everything alright, Ma'am?" the officer asked.

"Yeah, it's just… I'm just excited. My sister here wants to have a vacation at Craper," she lied as she gestured to her sleeping sister.

"Oh, well, have a safe trip!" the officer exclaimed.

The officer then signaled some other people to open the gate and let them pass. They've been driving for miles, far away from Bionic. Their destination is Craper to seek help from a friend of hers. Along the way, tears streamed down from her eyes. She doesn't know what to do. She wants to call somebody, anybody, but she didn't. She wants to find first a place where they are safe before calling someone. She taught of calling Rexford because maybe he can help her. She also thought that reporting this incident to the police wouldn't be such a good idea. She didn't do it because she knows that the DPS wouldn't believe her since Darryl is a respected person in Bionic and also has full control over that department. It would be dangerous for them to stay at the precinct. Even if she does it, there is a huge probability that the police would not believe her statement about Darryl. He has a good reputation in terms of security and he is against violence, not to mention, he is the leader of Bionic. Even if they believe her, the Bionic Council will protect him. No matter how civilized and advanced Bionic is, there are still nasty things happening deep in the system. Now, all she knows is, they have to go somewhere safe.

Two paths connect to Craper: One which is the farthest because it will go around the forest and Drues Mountain and the second one, which is the shortest, goes through the forest. Diana chooses the shortest route because their gas is running out. The fastest road to Craper isn't as safe as anyone could imagine. It is completely nothing to see. You'll cross a bridge then pass through a jungle area that is rumored to be home to scavengers. They will cross a bridge that connects the forest to the urban area since there is a cliff that separates the forest and the empire. Only some use the road because of the danger lurking in the deep woods. Travelers usually use the longest route out of fear. There are rumors about a murderous group called 'scavengers' that lurks in the forest, waiting for anybody foolish enough to go through the jungle. No one knows their origin and who they are. People only know that once you encounter them, death is certain. However, there is no evidence that the forest is home to scavengers. There is no reported incidence of an ambush in the said area. All of those people who use the road, all came back with no scratches. Because of the scanty rumors, the road is barely used. Bionic's Public Works and Highway (BPWH) maintain the good condition of every road and bridge, once a month, within the border of the empire, this includes the rumored forest. The BPWH droids didn't detect any presence of scavenger activities in the forest.

It is nearly midnight, the forest was quiet and calm. It seemed peaceful not until the car broke down in the middle of the jungle. They are halfway through the forest.

"No, no, no, no, no! Come on, come on— SHIT!!! OF ALL THE TIME! WHY NOW?" Diana nervously said.

Xyreine woke up from the sudden halt.

"Sister, are we there yet?" she asked while rubbing her eyes.

"We're out of fuel. I guess we're walking."

They all took their stuff and left the car. It was dark since the trees are blocking the moon. They can barely see anything and they just followed the road. It was quiet, way too quiet. As they kept going, Xyreine stumbled on the ground.

"Xyreine, are you alright?" she worriedly asked.

"I'm tired," Xyreine mumbled as she panted.

"Come, let me carry you."

They continue as she carried Xyreine. She was tired too and hurt but she must endure it. She kept going when her eyes perceived the edge of the forest.

Finally! she thought.

However, she stumbles on a root of a tree, and they both fall.

"Ugh!" she grunts.

"Are you alright, sister?" Xyreine said.

"Yeah, let's get out of here quick. I can already see the edge!" she said.

As Diana stood up, Xyreine heard a rustle in the bushes. Xyreine saw a figure. It looks like a man. The man is armed with a bow and was aiming at Diana. As the man releases his grip from the arrow, Xyreine quickly pushes her away. Diana falls to the ground as she witnessed Xyreine being hit by an arrow in her stomach.

"Xyreine!" she cried out.

She quickly runs towards Xyreine. There was a lot of blood coming out. She didn't pull out the arrow because it would make the bleeding even worse. She didn't know what to do. She was trembling. She was scared.

"Xyreine! Look at me! Look at me! Don't be afraid! You'll be okay!" she cried.

"Siste…" Xyreine weakly mumbled.

Xyreine is losing blood. She needs to bring her to the hospital. She carried Xyreine in her arms and tried to find help but they were already been surrounded. They were surrounded by a group of weird men. They look dangerous. You can totally see the fear in her eyes. She hugged Xyreine, accepting the fact that they may not make it out alive in the forest. She regretted not choosing the second route.

"I'm so sorry!" she cried.

A muscular man grabbed her hair and threw her away from Xyreine. Some men then joined in. They even slapped her in the face and kicked her in the guts. They were laughing in amusement. They looked vicious. Someone yanked her again and dragged her. The man threw her again on the ground and laughed with lewd desires. They were unbuckling their belts and were about to rip her clothes when a canister was thrown on the ground. A mysterious individual suddenly appeared and covers her with its cloak. A blinding light suddenly burst out from the canister. The mysterious person quickly uncovers them and said, "Get out of here!"

A mysterious woman saved them. She quickly obeyed the woman. She carefully carried Xyreine and escaped. She didn't even look back. She keeps running away from the forest until she finally made it out. She laid down Xyreine under a tree as she holds her head near her chest. Tears gushed down from her eyes. She was slowly being succumbed to fear, the fear of losing her only sister.

"Xyreine, you'll be okay, I promise!" she cried.

She embraced Xyreine as she weeps. The mysterious woman catches up to them. The woman then quickly takes something from her cloak. The woman then handed Diana a bottle of liquid.

"Take this and let her drink it."

She looks at the bottle.

"It will let her recover."

Diana was desperate to save her sister. Without any hesitation, she took the bottle.

"First, we must pull out the arrow—"

The woman was about to pull the arrow when Diana stops her.

"You'll kill her!" she exclaimed.

"The regeneration potion won't work if that arrow wasn't removed," the woman explained.

Regeneration potion? she taught.

"That potion has the power to heal anybody with severe wounds but since it is half empty, it will only stop the bleeding. Trust me! This is the only way to save your sister."

Diana was desperate that's why she trusted the woman. Diana let Xyreine drinks the potion. The woman then carefully pulled out the arrow as Xyreine still grunted in pain. That broke Diana's heart. She couldn't bear to watch Xyreine suffer. A moment later, the bleeding stops but the wound is still there. Diana couldn't believe what she had witnessed. It's like magic. The woman rips her cloak and used it as a bandage.

"Your sister will be okay. Just let her rest so that she can recover. Just stay here. I'll call for help."

Diana grabs the woman's hand.

"Please don't leave us," she cried with a trembly voice.

"You are now safe! Worry no more."

Diana felt relief after what she said and then let her hand go.

"Thank you! We owe you our lives!" she cried out.

The woman smiles at her. After the woman left, she felt dizzy and passed out. Diana woke up at noon in a comfy bed. She is hungry and thirsty and also her body hurts. She has a lot of bruises.

"Ugh!" she grunted out of pain.

She rises up and then gasps out of realization about the whereabouts of her little sister.


As she looks around the room, she saw her sister, Xyreine, laying in another bed. She looks fine and well now. She then sits down beside the bed of her sister.

"I'm so sorry, Xyreine," she sobbed as she caresses her hair. "This is all my fault. I nearly get you killed."

She wiped her tears as she kissed her forehead out of guilt.

"I promise I'll never let anybody hurt you again!" she swore.

A moment later, she smelled something freshly baked. It smelled like bread. She looked around to where could this scent is coming from. There was freshly baked bread, sliced fruits, and warm milk on the table. It was like someone had prepared it for them. She then grabs it and placed it near her sister. When she checked her sister's wound on her belly, she noticed that the bandage which the mysterious woman had used was already gone and got replaced by a real and clean bandage. She felt relief. She then remembered that they are in an unknown room. She stepped out of the room and headed outside and found out that they were in a farmhouse.

"You shouldn't have left the bed. You still need to rest," an old lady said. "Don't force yourself."

She was indeed hurt and wounded but it doesn't matter now, as long as they're safe. As she observed the old lady, she seemed nice and somebody that can be trusted. The old lady was wearing the usual gardening clothes and a farmer's hat while holding a trowel.

"Thank you for taking care of my sister, ma'am!" she said. "And I am so sorry for the trouble we've caused. We promise to leave as soon as possible."

"No, no, no! It's alright. You two can stay if you want," the old lady replied.

"Thank you, ma'am. We actually do need somewhere to stay, after what happened to us," she recalled.

"I'm glad you two are fine," the old lady said. "I'm Athenia, Athenia Spedleway."

"I'm Diana Quanteria," she introduced.

"I had a question, what happened to you two?" the old lady asked.

She felt dejected just recalling what happened. A tear streamed down from her face. She then wiped it but she can't still control her emotion.

"I'm so sorry for asking, dear. If you don't want to talk about it, it's okay!" she comforted as she hugged her. "I will not force you to tell me."

Diana was scared. She was greatly terrified of what might have happened to them if that mysterious woman didn't show up and saved them from death. She sobbed as she blamed herself for everything.

"This is my fault. I deserve this but, Xyreine, she has nothing to do with it," she cried.

"Don't blame yourself, dear!" Athena amended. "Nobody wants that to happen!"

"I didn't expect that he'll hurt me. I couldn't believe that he would do that to me!" she sobbed. "Because of what he did, we nearly end up getting killed in the forest!"

"There, there, no need to be afraid. You and your sister are safe now," Athenia sympathized. "I want you to rest and heal first and then, when you're ready, we talk. Is that alright?"

Diana nodded in agreement as Athenia embraced her for comfort.

"I'm scared, Athenia!" she cried out of fear. "What if he finds me? What if he'll kill us? What if he'll hurt you too?"

"I'm scared!" she added as tears streamed down from her eyes again. "I don't want Xyreine to be hurt, again."

"There, there, you poor sweet thing. You're safe now. Nothing will hurt you here," Athenia assured as she hugged her tight.

"I don't know what to do," she said.

Athenia stayed at her side and waited for her to calm down. She closed her eyes as she felt relief. A moment later, a man spoke.

"Are you alright?" the man asked. "Does something still hurt?"

Diana faced the man. He looked decent and had a great build for an old man.

"I'm Xian, Athenia's husband," Xian introduced.

"I'm Diana."

"What happened to you two? Who did this to you?" Xian strongly inquired.

"Xian, she still needs to rest. We'll talk with her after she recovers," Athenia said.

Diana doesn't want to talk about it now. She still needs to process everything.

"Xian, they kinda need a place to stay. I was wondering if they can stay with us for a while if that's okay with you?" Athenia implored.

"There's no need for you to ask, they can stay," Xian replied. "For now, let them rest and recover."

It was very traumatic even for her but she is more worried about Xyreine. It took 2 weeks for Xyreine to open her eyes again.

"I couldn't imagine the nightmare you had experienced. You must be scared," Trevor mumbled.

Diana weeps just by remembering it. Trevor pities her. Trevor moves closer and gave her his handkerchief from his pocket.

"I'm so sorry for seeing me cry!" she let out, showing a bitter smile while wiping her tears.

"It's alright. I won't judge," Trevor sympathized. "We all have our ups and downs."

She was trembling when Trevor faces her again. He then gently embraces her as he softly caresses her hair. She felt relief and safe under his arms.

"There, there, you're safe here," Trevor soothingly said. "Starting this day…"

"I promise that no one will ever hurt you or your sister again," Trevor swore. "Not under my watch!"