
"Mr. Darryl Richard, we have heard about what happened. Especially the cause of the destruction of NTC's facade. We don't want to jump to conclusions although we already know what exactly happened. However—" the Bionic Council leader said. "—it would be very unjust for you if we wouldn't let you explain your side."

"Mr. Richard, tell us what happened."

Darryl is deeply upset about what happened. He just sat in front of them, listening to whatever they would say and waiting for their judgment.

"My dear council, I send my deepest apologies to you all and all my citizens for acting very irresponsibly. I have no other intentions but to protect the empire from the snares of danger. Last week, I received a robbery notification from the King of Thieves—"

The crowd begins to murmur.

"Silence!" the council exclaimed.

"Mr. Richard, you did receive a notification but why does the DPS wasn't notified about this?"

"I chose not to. It's kinda my fault. I didn't expect he could escape this time. I thought I can finally capture him and put him into prison but I thought wrong," he confessed.

"Mr. Richard, base on the report, the King of Thieves had stolen the Aegis," the council said. "However, it isn't clear to us why? Please enlighten us!"

The murmur of the crowd was heard again. Darryl hesitates to give a reply which upsets the council.

"Mr. Richard, we have learned that the Aegis wasn't just a monofunctioning device. Is this true, Mr. Richard?"

"The truth is…" he hesitated. "The truth is, everything you had said is true."

The crowd gasps and the murmuring is getting louder.

"Silence!" the council demanded. "I hope you know the consequences of your actions, Mr. Richard."

"I'm so sorry. I take full responsibility for everything. I admit that there were two more functions the Aegis have that I refused to announce," he honestly said.

He's is in a bad situation already before Caleb infiltrated the NTC. Caleb just made it even worse.

"I included three selections of usage in Aegis. One of them was the one I openly declared. The other becomes wearable armor and this is why he stole it. The last was…" he paused.

"What?" the council leader asked.

"It's hard to explain," he said.

"How is it hard to explain, Mr. Richard?" the council leader said, showing no patience.

Darryl couldn't gaze at the council leader. He looks so devastated not because of the infiltration but because of something else.

"If you could remember the reason why you appointed me as the leader of this Empire… I was just doing the best I could to make everyone safe," Darryl stated. "The last one is supposed to be an option that will regulate the current status of EnGen. It's hard to explain since it is a complicated thing."

He isn't in his normal self. He gazes at Andrew who was also there to support him. He looks so down and depressed not because of the heist but because of a special person who he lost.

"We understand what you're trying to imply, Mr. Richard. And we highly appreciated the efforts and hard work that you had dedicated to your job as a leader. We deeply understand how hard your situation is, Mr. Richard. It is hard to lose someone dear to us. This, however, is keeping you distracted from your work. We cannot let you do your job as a leader of this empire if you keep neglecting your duties and disobeying our laws because of an emotional breakdown. We need to act as professionals," the council leader exclaimed.

"Now, let me ask you, Mr. Richard. Can you assure us that you can still fulfill your duty as a leader of this empire, efficiently?"

"I'm not sure," he answered back. "I cannot promise anything knowing that Diana and her sister are still missing."

"Mr. Richard, we already told you to never let your personal life get involved or affect your duties as a leader. You swore an oath," she exclaimed.

"But I can't just sit here and relax and wait for any report." he cried out. "I know that I should be blamed for everything but I still want to ask for her forgiveness."

"Enough!" the council leader raised her voice, "We are here to discuss your irresponsibleness and the reckless action you had done this past week. We are not here to talk over a case of missing people. We are very disappointed with you, Mr. Richard. You've been like this for four consecutive weeks now."

Darryl didn't reply. The council was very upset with Darryl, knowing that he'll be incapable of doing his job as a leader. So, they have come up with a decision.

"Mr. Richard, although your purpose is good, we won't be tolerating you from breaking our law," the council leader expressed. "You have violated the Declaration Act. where you hide the true information about your invention. You also refused to let the Special Force Division of the DPS get involved or even let them know about the heist."


"As the highest member of the council, I will put you in a three-month suspension," the council leader sentenced. "Mr. Rexford Symmachus will be the presiding leader of Bionic until Mr. Richard's suspension period had lifted!"

He doesn't care about the judgment at all. He doesn't care about anything anymore.

"Dismiss!" she had ended the trial.

He had left the Trial Court. He did his best to avoid any media right now. He doesn't want to talk about it. Andrew was also there assisting him to get to his car.

As Darryl entered his car, Andrew asked him through the car window, "Are you alright?"

"Thank you for being here, Andrew."

"You know I'll be here," Andrew smiled at him.

He isn't in the mood to do anything. He looks at the steering wheel and said, "I just want to be alone for a while."

"Darryl, you can always talk to me," Andrew said. "Just don't forget that you're not alone."

He sighs in relief. He doesn't know what to do. But he was glad that Andrew is there for him.

"Thank you. You're such a good friend to me," he said as he started the car.

"We're buddies! I'm just one call away. Don't forget that!" Andrew said.

Darryl then left. He was on his way home as he thinks about what happened.

"If it wasn't for the stupid demand they wanted me to do, everything would be fine, tsk!" he groaned.

"You must do this Darryl and this Darryl! Don't be stupid Darryl! Be professional Darryl! Ugh! Fuck!" he mocked in annoyance.

"I didn't even want to be a leader of this empire! I shouldn't have agreed on researching that weird stone! I have never expected that I would be able to understand its nature. I regret having this kind of brain."

As he recalled the memory about the stone, he remembered the weird sensation he felt the first time he saw it.

"Fuck that stone!" he exclaimed in anger.

"How can I finish the task if that idiot stole it! I cannot even recreate it! I'm going to kill that son of a bitch!" he groaned.

He lives six blocks away from the NTC. It was already sunset when he decided to head to City Park where he bought a hotdog from a vendor. He sat on a bench in front of a fountain which is located at the center of the park. He ate his hotdog as he thinks.

"Sigh, why did I do that?" he muttered.

"I wish I could turn back the time. I wish you're safe," he mumbled while watching the blue sky turn into a different color by the golden spectrum of the sunset.

After finishing his food, he threw his trash in the garbage bin and went home.

As he takes a shower, he remembers what happened at the NTC during the heist. The thing Rexford told him.

Can't you just accept the truth that she likes me, can you? Truth hurts and that's the truth! he recalled Rexford's words.

He then recalled the night where it all began.

Darryl was at his office, waiting for an email. He secretly hired a private investigator to investigate Rexford. He just doesn't trust the guy. He also suspects that Rexford has something to do with the King of Thieves. He thinks that maybe Rexford is helping Caleb. That is the reason why he didn't want him to get involved. He waited for the email or any messages patiently. As he got bored, he moved towards his balcony. He was on the top floor of the NTC. If you have fear of heights, it is the worst idea to step towards the glass-floored balcony.

Bionic looks so promising.

He knows that Bionic will succeed just like Stellar did. Bionic is second to Stellar in terms of technological achievements and economics. Bionic is the third most powerful empire in the world. As he gazed at the cityscape, he finally decided to head home since it was getting late.

As he went to the parking lot, he saw Diana walking towards her car. He was about to call her when Rexford suddenly showed up and went towards her. Rexford suddenly touches Diana's face and kissed her.

Darryl punches the wall just by the memory.

The thing that irritates him greatly was, Rexford knew that he was there. Rexford intentionally kissed Diana before his eyes to provoke him. He could see the grin Rexford made as he kissed Diana while glancing at him. He wanted to hit Rexford that night but didn't because he just froze in disbelief. He also remembers the talk he had with Rexford later in the morning. He confronted him with no hesitation that day.

"Rexford, we need to talk?" Darryl demanded after barging inside Rexford's office.

"Sir, I am so sorry!" Rexford's assistant apologized.

Rexford's assistant tried her best to stop him from entering.

"It's okay, Ms. Yna. You can leave now," Rexford reassured. "What seems to be the trouble, Mr. Richard?"

"We need to talk!" he strongly expressed. "Now!"

"Okay, right after I settle things with these gentlemen," he replied as he refers to the three well-suited men who were discussing something with him.

"I wasn't asking!" he groaned as he glares at him.

He's mad at him, personally.

"If that's what you wish," Rexford uttered in defeat. "Um, gentlemen, may we reschedule our meeting because I believe Mr. Richard here has some urgent matter that needed to be addressed ASAP. May you all excuse us for a moment?"

He was having a short discussion with some important people in his office. As they left the office, Rexford stood up and moved towards his office bar to grab a drink.

"That was very unprofessional of you!" Rexford derided. "So, what do you want?"

"Tell me," he strongly expressed. "What are you planning to do?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Rexford replied.

"Stop acting like you don't know what I mean!"

"Uh-huh?" Rexford blurted out.

Rexford looks like he really doesn't know as he pauses in mid-air from opening the bottle of liquor.

"Is this about what happened last night?" Rexford reckoned as he puts the liquor in a glass.

Darryl glared at him.

"Isn't it clear to you?" Rexford snorted as he drinks the alcohol and then stares at him with a grin.

Darryl clenches his fist, controlling his anger.

"Why are you doing this!" he groaned.

Rexford leaned on the table as he replies, "Because, I can?"

Rexford smirks with a hint of lewd desires.

"Anyway, why are you so upset— wait, you like her? The great Darryl Richard is in love with her assistant?" Rexford snickered. "Sorry to break this up to you but you have no chance to her!"

That enrages him.

"She likes me and she only sees you as a child. How did I know? Well, she told me during our little date last night," Rexford informed.

He gritted his teeth in anger.

"And boy! I know she has no experience at all but she's good!" Rexford bit his lips with lewd desires.

He suddenly yanked Rexford by the collar, acting like he was going to punch him. Rexford didn't bother to fight back and let Darryl yanks him forward.

"Relax! We didn't do it—" Rexford calmly confess. "—yet."

He saw Rexford smirked again and it even made him even mad. He tightened his grip and he was ready to hit him.

"Why are you so mad?" Rexford inquired.

Darryl is loosening his grip.

"We're dating! What's wrong with that?"

"And you think I would believe that nonsense?" he said as he pushes Rexford away. "I know your games, Rexford!"

"You two are not even a thing. But here you are, angry and acting like a protective boyfriend!" Rexford hurled back. "You can't even make a move and you wanted me to stay away from her? This is a competition, Darryl! Although it hasn't started, yet you are already losing!"

"I had enough of your nonsense!" he gritted his teeth.

He stepped backward. He thought of leaving since it was sending him nowhere.

"She did enjoy the kiss tho," Rexford declared, provoking him.

Darryl gasped in irritation and anger. He didn't want to be violent but Rexford was pushing him.

"I expected that she'll restrain and push me away," Rexford continued. "But hey! She didn't."

He froze. He didn't want to believe it but he saw them. His fist trembled in anger just by listening to him.

"I only kissed her, but look at you! You're mad already. I wonder what will you do after knowing that I already tasted her?"

Darryl trembled in rage.

"Don't worry, I promise I'll be gentle with her in the bed!"

That triggered a burst of rage. Darryl charged towards him and harshly yanked him forward as he raised his fist.

"Stay the fuck away from her!" he warned, ready to punch him.

"Go on, hit me! I fucking dare you to hit me!" Rexford challenged. "What would Diana think of you after I tell her your little dark secret? Come on! Hit me!"

Darryl was hesitant.

"Oh, you thought I wouldn't know?" Rexford sneered. "Have you forgotten? I'm the head of the DPS! Of course, I would know!"

"I don't know what you are talking about!"

"Stop denying it! I know that you know what exactly I mean. But in that case, let me enlighten you a bit," Rexford then moved closer and whispered in his ears, "it involves Diana's adoptive parents!"

Darryl gasped in shock and terror. He never knew Rexford would discover his secret.

"But don't worry, your secret is safe with me! As long as you don't stand in my way," Rexford threatened.

Darryl wanted to hit him. He really wanted to hit him but he can't. He loosened his grip.

"Huh! You can't win against me," Rexford ridiculed as he shoved his grip away. "And the best part of it, she likes me and you cannot do anything about it!"

Rexford fixed his suit and headed out before saying, "Before anything else, I should advise you to call your investigator and tell him to stop or else bad things will happen to him!"


He took a towel and dried himself. He looks into the mirror and talks to himself.

"What are you up to, Rexford? "

As he wears his clothes, he keeps checking his phone, hoping that he'd receive news about her. Diana had gone missing for four weeks now along with her sister.

"Should I go and ask for his help?"

He's so desperate to see Diana again. He even considers asking Caleb's help since the DPS is still looking for clues about their disappearance.

"A BIG NO, DARRYL!" he exclaimed in disapproval.

"You will never ask for his help! He's the one who made your situation even worse!" he strongly expressed.

He then gazes at the picture frame displayed on the nightstand cabinet. It was a picture of him and Diana. They look so happy in that picture. He couldn't believe he did something terrible to the person he loves.

"I am so sorry!" he mumbled as tears flow down. "I am so sorry I hurt you! I have no excuse."

Besides Andrew, Diana is the only person who is there for him when he needs support and care. Darryl no longer has a family or any close relative. That is why he got attached to Diana. She showed him care and attention when nobody else does. Diana was the only happiness he has and he just lost her. Darryl is lost in pain and regret.

"I am not hoping that you'll ever forgive me but I hope you'll come back safe," he cried.

He was drunk that night and all he can remember is he raised his hand against her. He no longer remembers what happened after that.

Diana and her sister, Xyreine, went missing for four weeks now and he doesn't have any clue where exactly she is or what happened to them. According to the report, a man breaks into their home. There were no stolen objects or any signs of robbery. The Quanteria siblings might have escaped. Reports also said that they might have fled away from the empire. The only problem is, nobody knows where they go. He is certain that Diana grievously hates him and he cannot blame her for that. He has never forgotten about calling her since the day she went missing. But then, it's a lot harder to contact her since the communication towers are down because Caleb destroyed the power grid. The Emergency Backup Power was still inoperable. Normal generators are the only thing that is being used to power the empire but it isn't enough to distribute and maintain a stable power connection. Citizens were instructed to minimize the use of power. Without a stable power, defenses are unusable, communication is down, and threat levels are getting high. Bionic is in a power crisis.

"This is all my fault?" he blamed himself. "I'm the cause of all this."

The next day, he decided to stroll around the city, trying to distract himself. The streets are busy. Drones are hovering all around. Droids and human workers teamed up to repair the NTC's facade and the road in front of it. He felt bad just seeing it. He just then remembered that Caleb had stolen the Aegis which would be a great help to secure the empire.

He felt hungry and looked for a restaurant. He uses his watch to find the nearest diner and then he found one, the Dine-In Restaurant. It's his first time dining there since it is a newly opened restaurant. As he enters, he saw only a few customers inside enjoying their meal with their family, friends, and partners. When a waiter noticed him, the waiter immediately runs and enters the office of his manager. The waiters, waitresses, and the manager of the establishment panic. They were startled by his presence because their establishment isn't a five-star restaurant that usually gets high-valued customers such as an imperial leader and they weren't expecting that they would get one. They merely just started the business but they eventually got an important customer during their first week on the market. Darryl is their very first ever high-valued customer. The manager immediately made an emergency meeting and discusses the high-valued customer issue. Some of the employees stated that his presence might not do any effect on the business because of the news about him. The Bionic Council ordered the general media to delay their reports about the incident and Darryl knows why they did that. The Council wants to filter the news and just report what they want the people only know. Darryl took advantage of the delay and stroll out before the news about him spread. However, leaks are inevitable. The manager of the establishment insisted that business is business and told them to show great performance so that they can earn his recommendation which will boost their sales. As they finished their short meeting, a waiter went to Darryl to give the menu.

"Good day, Sir! Welcome to Dine In! I am Francis, your waiter for today. And here is your menu," Francis nervously said.

Darryl felt Francis' nervousness and smiled at him. Before the waiter arrived at his table, he was busy thinking about Diana. It is also the reason why he didn't notice the sudden disappearance of the employees of the restaurant when they were called by the manager to have an emergency meeting.

"Thank you!" he said.

"I'll be back shortly to get your order, Sir!" Francis told him.

As Francis left him, he gazes at Francis walking back to the manager. Francis looks like he's about to pass out when the manager talks to him.

This must be his first day on the job! he thought in amusement.

A few minutes later, he's done choosing.

"Um, Francis!" he called out while raising his hand.

The attention of the other customers was caught by the familiar voice. They gaze at him and gapes right after knowing who it was. They recognize his voice because they always hear him talking on the big screen like every single day. Francis returned to him while wearing a big smile to take his order.

"I would like a double-cheeseburger and cookies and cream sundae," he said.

"How about your drinks, Sir?" Francis asked.

"Just water please," he replied.

"One double-cheeseburger and cookies and cream sundae. Is that all, Sir?" Francis asked for clarification.

"Yes!" he clarified.

"Your order will be served in under ten minutes!" Francis informed.

"Thank you, Francis!" he said.

"You're welcome, Sir!" Francis replied with a blush.

As he waited for his meal, he stares at the other customers having fun. He also caught a group of women staring at him. He smiles and waves at them and then he heard their shrieks. Some also greeted him, said their hellos, and waves their hands and some took pictures along with him. After receiving their attention, he then gazes outside of the window and watches the cars pass by. The restaurant he dined in is struggling with maintaining its power supply. Despite the loss of power, Bionic continues to do its normal activities.

Little did he know, a little boy, about three years of age, was looking at him while holding a box of cookies and asks, "Are you okay, mister?"

He was surprised and lost track of his thoughts.

He looked at him and then replied, "Yeah, I'm okay."

The boy seems to be unconvinced.

"Are you sure?" the boy asked.

Darryl smiles and caresses his hair.

"Here's a cookie," the little boy said as he gives him his last cookie in the box.

"My mommy gives me a cookie when I feel sad. She said that it will make me feel better," the boy impeccably said.

"Thank you, little kid," he said as he accepts the cookie.

He was amused by his innocence.

"I better go back now. My mommy might be worried if I stay here long. Bye, mister!"

Darryl waved goodbye as the little boy run towards his mother. He stares at the cookie and smiled.

"The boy said you're magical," he said as he eats the cookie. "I really hope it's true!"

A minute later, his meal is ready.

"One double-cheeseburger and cookies and cream sundae. Enjoy your meal, Sir!" Francis said.

After he finished consuming his meal, he left without forgetting to give his compliments to the chef and a tip for Francis. Plus, he also did the favor of the manager to give written feedback and comment about the Dine-In restaurant.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Richard! This means a lot for us!" the manager thanked.

"It's a pleasure!"

He continued walking around the city as he thought of a way of finding Diana and asking for forgiveness. He went to City Park again and sat on a bench as he watches the sky. He isn't hoping to be forgiven but he only hopes that they're safe. He would rather choose to be hated by her than know they're in peril.

It's already afternoon. He's been spending his whole time in the park, hoping. He saw people enjoying their time at the park as the sky slowly changes in color.

He gazes at the sun setting down behind a mountain and mumbles, "I hope you are safe."