A New Beginning

I didn't believe it. From the moment the letter was opened, my life was about to change. Now normally I am skeptical about these sorts of things, but whoever it was knew way too much about me.


Dear Mr. Retnuh Yeneel,


We are so glad that we have found you after all this time. There is no need to be alarmed, you do not owe anything, nor are we looking for any handouts. We know that you have been having a hard time finding a job and it is in your best interest to hear we wish for you to join The Tolga team. We are a group of individuals much like yourself, down on their luck, no other attachments, and it feels as though your family is looking down on you. That is why we exist. To help each other in these times of need. Come down to E 94th and we will make it worth your while. 


Amun Trishria




First, I have not been having trouble finding a job. It's just that they are not hiring now. It is no trouble really. Second, I do have attachments, they may be video games and books, but they are still mine. My friends are still good to me no matter what it seems like. What confuses me the most is not the fact they chose to use Guildmaster as their title, but their name itself. Amun, one of the eight gods of the Ogdoad. It must be a joke or an alias, no one names their child aft- strike that. 

I can't say that I was not interested. My curiosity gets to me most of the time and this is one of those times. Next, I toss on a nice silk over shirt, silver tie, dress pants, and a sports jacket before heading out the door. I do not remember there being anything up on E 94th, yet I could be wrong. So, I set up my GPS and started off. 

Living in a big city is something of a drag when trying to get anywhere. What should take 15 minutes can take double or triple that. This time I took my time. I did not have a care in the world about those around me. Just filled up the car and I really really needed something good to start.

Where are my manners, before we begin, I wish to introduce myself? My name is Retnuh Yeneel. A mutt with more Greek and Native American blood in him than others. I live just outside a large city and boy do I regret that choice. I grew up in the middle of no where within a small town less than 1000 people strong. So the city life just is not for me.

So many people have been moving here that it takes time just to get across the street. Family is here so I am content. A single 28-year-old white boy in the middle of the city, who could have seen that coming. 

Did I mention that I hate driving? Especially when there are three people who are already trying to move over into your lane without a blinker and hardly any room to stay safe? Sure, I almost biffed it a few times, but thank the gods for the open highway they have been working on for 20 years.

Driving down I passed by hospitals, warehouses, office buildings, and even went out into the grasslands. I thought for sure that the address had to be wrong since the area around 94th is all rural and full of houses. 

The houses started coming into view and a sudden gust of wind blasted the side of my car forcing me to veer off the road. Not the normal gusts either, it felt as though a dust devil had just picked the car up and tossed it to the side. One thing I know is to try and not freak out in any accident. It'll only make matters worse.

I held to the wheel tight. Normally veering off would not be as bad as you would think. Going off into a ditch would be much better straight on than sideways, at least the flips are a ten out of ten.

All the loose items flew everywhere. My drawing pad and books flew from my backpack. Pencils and pens hit the front windshield bouncing back with enough force to rip into the passenger seat.

With everything flying and my airbags not gone off, yet it was a matter of time. The impact of the roof against ground was jarring and something came up after, mid flip, and hit me square upside the head. All went dark. 

Therefore, you try to have hope, hope that does not lead to your untimely demise. Hope that does not let you self-analyze, and pick nitpick every little thing that could happen. Hope enough not to see some letter for what it was. Cursed stalker bait.

I'm dead…. I really messed up.. now.. My thoughts raced as I tried to recall what happened. Getting up I prepare to see my car smashed, flipped, on fire, anything. What I saw, I did not expect, my car was gone, the road was gone. Reaching up to scratch my head I winced. Not because it hurt, but because of how long my hair was. It did not feel like my own lovable and curly hair. It felt straight and just odd.

"Where?" Sitting up as I began looking around only to see that I am on the edge of a cliff overlooking a forest. I still had on my dirt wracked clothing, but I was nowhere near the city. "This can't be…" a grim smile spread across my face at the prospect. Okay sue me for enjoying manga and video games where the main character gets sent to another world. Yes, I enjoy that sort of thing. 

A slight cough is heard behind, "ahem!"

Still a little freaked out, I slowly turned around to see standing there a human in long brown robes holding onto a staff that seemed to be his only support.

"You are Retnuh, yes?" His voice was hoars as if he had been yelling for hours on end. "Well let me help you get your bearings. This is a separate dimension than yours, you can think of this as another plane of existence, but by no means is it another world. It is still considered Terra, Gaia, Žemyna, whatever you wish to call her." 

Hearing the Latin term for Earth was an interesting take, but no this was exactly that. All around the world people have had thoughts about this, wishing that they would be reborn or to start anew. I now had that chance.

"I was watching the exchange between them before what happened, so I am assuming that you never reached the appropriate coordinates? You would have gotten another letter to explain what would happen and even give you something to grasp hold of. For now, you should have a copy on you, so please read it at your convenience and not mine." The older man stared straight at me with those uncaring eyes I got so used to. Like those bosses of yours that hold key to their own title and nothing below them mattered.