The Explanation

My head spun and I was not feeling like standing. My legs gave way and with a loud tap from the staff a large mound of rock formed under me in the shape of a chair. Looking down and then up at his smiling visage I had to think. Ludology? The study of gaming? What does that have to do with anything?

"You stated about Magic being prevalent here. Is that what is taught at this.. School?" It felt so weird to say, I mean I have been In school for almost 20 years. What's more I do not feel myself. I must learn more and right now this is the only man who has any idea of what is going on. Figured I should follow the lead, but I did have some questions first.

Savrin nods his head, "Yes and no. We do teach magic in many forms. For some it comes naturally in the form of the elements. For others it is from within, auras if you will, and then there are those who can connect to the spirits. Tolga is a place that helps nurture those with magical potential. As you saw I can use Geomancy, or the more well known in your realm Terramancy. This is all to do with the ground around us. Geomancy is known for divination from configurations seen in a handful of earth thrown on the ground, or by interpreting lines or textures on the ground. It all comes from Terramancy. The magics of the Earth. Gaia." His voice becomes softer the longer he speaks about what he is. "That is just one of the elements that can be changed. There are plenty of others, but it all comes down to control. Self-control and a mind that can try to keep up. The former must deal with auras and chi, while the latter must deal with what can be seen and the unseen. It all comes down to imagination."

He tapped his staff to the ground again and another seat rose for him. "We teach what is needed for individuals, such as yourself, to survive or to do wonders. It is very rare that we pick people up from your realm, but it does happen. As for your earlier question, yes and no. Right now, your body is back on earth while your soul was transported here. Without the soul, a body cannot sustain itself."

I cannot lie, I thought this would depress me or maybe even just bring about a negative emotion. Never being able to go home again. There were quite a few back home who would miss me and that is something that I know may hurt if I think on it too hard. For now, I will focus on the positive. My life just became much more than a pencil pusher.

"Switching points, do you think I would be able to learn these forms of Magic?"

A simple answer is given, "Yes."

"You said that there were different forms that it can take. How would I find out my own?"

"That is what we work on, your first year of classes will consist of Alchemy, Magical theory, some sort of physical activity, and Introduction to the Elements. By your second year you should unlock your affinity and be able to choose your own specialized classes."

"Why couldn't you contact me like a normal person."

A sigh is released before he speaks, "just know that we had no choice. The tear in the veil around the planes is not an easy thing to do. Especially bringing something across those borders. It takes a lot to take from a dead world." His staff sitting between his legs, he still leans against it while speaking. 

I let out a slow breath remembering the first contact, "the letter said that the new term was not till the first month of the calendar year. So please explain to me at least why this Amun was trying to get me to that spot at the time."

"You do deserve some sort of explanation, just a quick one I suppose. Listen well, we do not have proper interplanar communication just yet. As for the letters, I know that I had nothing to do with them. My boss, the headmaster of the institute, sometimes messes up. If you are chosen, then it means that you have potential. You have what it takes and probably have felt useless or hopeless your whole life."

Ouch, that hurt. I do not think I have felt hopeless my whole life… Shaking my head I look over towards the forest getting all excited. All matter of thoughts ran through my head.

"That is quite common and there are many like that, you shall meet them all at the opening ceremony. We do want you, just as we want everyone that has such potential. In the ceremony you will be placed in teams. We should have been over meeting the other two by now. Ceres is probably angry with me." He stands and as he does the chair-like mounds began to crumble back into the ground forcing me up off my seat. "Are there any other questions?"

"I do not think so, none right now at least." That giddy feeling you get when you finally find someone to talk about your favorite subject or hobby. That is how I was feeling. "With no magic in my world there is very little hope for anything in the metaphysical…"

This time a smile spread across his face as he spoke. "Yes, yes, your plane has very little magic, the most that people can do is see a small spark of the aura or tell the difference in omens. Now though, at least I showed you a glimpse. So please, you get one more question. Choose well." 

"In my world Amun is the name of a god. Who is he really?" Gods and goddesses may exist here, having many doubts.

A small chuckle comes, "I enjoy those like you, those that ask questions and seem willing to adjust. Just know that those you call gods are beings with such immense power and abilities that they were seen as gods by those lesser than they. Those with such powers can create their own planes, to their specifications. Who would wish to stay in a realm that is losing its magical power?

"The larger picture is that those beings were capable of great things. Raise oceans, set the earth ablaze, and even part the heavens. Don't forget though that it takes a lot of power to create those feats and they did not gain that power upon birth. They had to work towards it just as you and I. Yes, I know that you have studied by yourself all these years to no avail. Now you will have mentors and peers to do the same. I hope to see you in my class during your second year." His voice was full of pride. "Now that was a good question…."

I was a little offput that he avoided my question while answering something else..

Yet just as he was about to finish his thought the sky starts to blacken, and a large shape emerges from the clouds. A massive body of black scales ripples in the now dimming light. A large feline like head sitting utop a demonic lizard body with black mist growing around it. The beasts head swiveled in multiple directions, and it looked annoyed. I stumbled back as it was looking all over. Then a booming voice filled the area. "Savrin?! Get out here!"

At the call of his name he flinches, "I am normally the early one. We are always sent in pairs or trios to gather up the students. They were dropping the letters off and since we had to take you abruptly, we thought that it would be prudent to bring some others to be on your team. I do not make Ceres wait all that often. I believe that should be our queue to get going."