
Bella POV

If I was feeling ill earlier, I now felt absolutely queasy. What was this man doing here? I thought I had escaped from the monastery for good. 

Quinn read my thoughts and gave me an apologetic grin, "You might as well have a lit a huge fire and danced all around it. Killing wraiths and using magic so powerful that it sent shock waves across Irismus. Didn't take too long to figure it out, but I decided you did need a good night's sleep."

I felt my whole life go away like water tumbling down a sink. Here I was, imagining being taken back to the windowless monastery. I wanted to cry right now.

Quinn looked at me as thoughts ran through my head. 

"I'm not taking you back Bella, not to the monastery at all." he said calmly.

"Why?" I asked in surprise. It seemed rather strange to see this change in Quinn.