Return to Camp

(Bella POV)

Three days later, we returned to the campsite, as I was well enough to fly an Erol. Flanagan was barely speaking to me. He wasn't even looking at me, leave aside even having a one word conversation. 

We reached the camp and I was filled with dread. I was very sure that I would get into deep trouble now that I was back. 

Yet a few of the soldiers smiled at me and waved as we passed. I was wondering what was happening. 

"Getting popular!" observed Quinn. 

I looked at him and wondered what had happened here. A few girls passed us and made a horrible face at us as well. One girl spat on the ground as she looked at me menacingly. 

Quinn whistled, "Looks like they don't know whether to love you for killing the wraiths or hate you for not telling anyone about Anna. Brace yourself."